Everyday to and from work, I pass fields and fields of cows. And every morning they always crack me up. Most of the time it is a singular cow walking along the fence line headed back out to the fields for a long day of grazing and sunshine that really makes me laugh. No one is herding them....they are just creatures of routine. How they know it's time to be milked or time to head back to the field is beyond me. Yes, I know they probably feel full (of milk) and know they get fed when they go, but... darn it, I can barely remember what day of the week it is. Also, they are just too cute! The cows that make me laugh out loud (all alone in my car) appear to be Jerseys and not Holsteins (the black and white ones). Yes, there are hundreds of cows around in a variety of fields, but it is these specific cows that I just find hilarious. Maybe it's because they are close enough where I can look them in the eyes and see their big brown eyes and how content they are. Or, maybe it's because I'm reminded of my cow Emily who looked so much like them. Whatever the reason, these cows just strike a cord with me. It is one of the things I look forward to on my way to work. More over, I'm not the only one cracking up at these cows.....just ask Nancy. My friend Jen also had a fascination with some animals a little way down the road.....it was goats though.....not at all as cute as my cows.....Sorry Jen. :)
Thanks for reading!
Ironically you mention this "No one is herding them....they are just creatures of routine. How do[SIC] they know it's time to be milked or time to head back to the field is beyond me." Just after you wrote "Everyday to and from work, I pass fields and fields of cows. And every morning they always crack me up"
Guess we're all creatures of routine...
It's true... I look forward to seeing those cows when I drive by every morning, too.... I especially love the one that is always trotting along trying to pass.
Just like some kids in my class.... can't stand to have anyone in front of them in line!
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