Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Caitlin was a trooper today! Dennis picked out her Black Friday outfit above (very appropriate I thought) and we were out of the house by 7:30am! We went to the mall, Costco, K-Mart, and Target. We didn't get much because we didn't want to take the time (especially with Caitlin in-tow) to wait in line. If my mom is up for it, we may go out tomorrow. During the whole day, Caitlin only took ONE nap. She fell asleep in her carseat while we were all strolling through K-Mart around 10ish. She slept for about 45 minutes and that was it. Apparently, she decided she didn't need a nap.....or it could have been all the excitement from the day that kept her awake. Whatever it was, she was crazy! She wouldn't even put her head on my shoulder to even attempt to calm down....and that was the second nap attempt at 4pm! She kept talking, and talking, and TALKING! I finally gave up when she got wiggly. Thankfully, she went down for bed just fine...whew! And I thought for sure she'd have several meltdowns during the evening because of her lack of sleep.....and I was completely wrong. She was wired! She played a LOT! By herself and with us. We chased and chased her and made her laugh so hard she started'd thing that would tucker her out at least a little bit! The only time she was calm was when she decided she wanted to play with my hair for 15 minutes. She was actually pretty gentle the whole time and it was really calming for me :)

It will be interesting how tomorrow will go. I'm totally okay with a no or little nap day as long as she's's a delicate balance that sleep thing!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for so many things in my life...especially Dennis and Caitlin. This morning I woke up to a present. Dennis and Caitlin made a Thanksgiving sign for me! It's so adorable! I remember last year....Caitlin was just a few weeks old....just a little slug! Now she's mobile......and incredibly vocal! It's amazing how time flies!

And Dennis decided he was going to take pictures of me.....first thing this morning! Here is the most decent one:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Some Light

Later this evening I started to feel like I was getting better. The sudifed I took this morning helped a LOT along with the two naps I snuck in while Caitlin was napping. I realized that sudifed is the key to being able to breath through my nose, so I'm taking it tonight instead of NyQuil....I'm hoping for a better night's sleep that doesn't wake me up with cotton mouth from having to breath through my mouth all night!

Caitlin's back to herself (including her appetite). Although, I think she misses playing with the kids at daycare. I still wasn't very playful today and I think she was getting tired of playing by herself so much. Tomorrow I think we will try and venture into the outside world. I haven't been out of the house since Thursday night and I think we could both use some fresh air. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed I don't wake up with a fever again.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Still Down

I'm still in Miserable Land and it sucks. No signs of a light at the end of the tunnel yet either.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

You know that feeling....

....when you get a sunburn and your skin hurts really bad if you touch it or even breathe on it? Well, that's the way I've felt all day with my fever. Caitlin is thankfully doing better, but I don't think I've made any improvement from yesterday. I think I may actually be worse. Alright, I think the NyQuil is calling my name.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where have the days gone?

Most of them have been spent with Caitlin having a fever that started on Sunday and then being fever free all day Wednesday and Thursday, but then Caitlin and I woke up this morning feeling absolutely miserable! We both had fevers over 101 and I had to call in a sub (which I heard was rough day for her). We spent most of the morning just laying on the floor....every muscle and hair on my body hurt. Thankfully the advil I took earlier started to kick in and reduced my fever and aches a bit. Then around 2pm it all came back and fast too! And this time, it took a lot longer for it to work. Caitlin's day was rough too. Most of it was spent laying on my chest, fussing out of discomfort, napping, and then playing for a few minutes before having another meltdown. I'm hoping tomorrow we'll feel a little better.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Staying Home

Caitlin came down with a fever around noon today and she still has a slight one tonight even with Tylenol. The poor thing was so lethargic and just laid on our laps when she got up from her nap....SO not like her! After the first dose of Tylenol kicked in she seemed to be feeling better and was playing a bit on her own. She doesn't have any other symptoms and I'm hoping it's just a fluke fever. So I'm staying home with her tomorrow. Maybe I can actually work on some craft projects I've been putting off for the last several months!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


With parent/teacher conference week and my "reformed" schedule at work, I feel my regular self is M.I.A. I'm in a funky place at work which is giving me writer's block. But with the help (and ears) of my awesome friends and wonderful husband, I will pull myself out of my ever deepening hole. Caitlin is doing great and becoming ever increasingly interested in playing with her toys which just melts our hearts. I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful family.

Monday, November 9, 2009

No Nap

Well, Caitlin decided she didn't want to take a nap all! I mean she's had days where she hasn't napped well, but I can't remember when the last time was where she didn't nap AT ALL!!! She's been pretty clingy all day yesterday and today, but she's eating EVERYTHING and not running a fever, so she's not sick. Tonight will be interesting. I hope she sleeps well. Anyway, Caitlin has something to add:

/V b g ggcfgnm`

Okay, I had to cut her short....all sorts of funky things were happening on my computer!

Friday, November 6, 2009

1 Year Shots

Oh, how awful those blasted shots are! This was the first time Caitlin screamed after getting all FOUR of them! Poor baby! Then she cried all the way home :( Thankfully, when we got home she was a bit better, but tiny things would send her into tears again. By the end of the night she was playing with all of her new birthday toys. I really hope she has a good night sleep.

The rest of the doctors appointment went really well. Caitlin was super hyper before the doctor came in which was really funny. She now weighs 17lbs 11oz (5th percentile) and is 27 inches long (9th percentile).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Caitlin Marie!

I can't believe it's here already! Our baby girl has officially become a toddler! To celebrate, we had a low key evening with baked acorn squash from my dad's garden and rotisserie chicken. Then Caitlin opened her presents.....and when I say she opened them, I really do mean that. She tore into them and handed me all the pieces of paper, big and small. Dennis had gotten her a music card from us and she kept opening and closing it and dancing to the music....completely adorable!!!! Then we got her in her birthday suit and took pictures of us at 7:20....her birthday time. After that, Dennis gave her a bubble bath and she got to play with her new bath toys. Now, she's in bed while we are enjoying her birthday dessert....a chocolate caramel apple from Costco....yum-O!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

So on Halloween day, we celebrated Caitlin's 1st birthday at my dad's house. There were a few more people than initially anticipated....34 ended showing up......and it was awesome! I was a bit worried how Caitlin would do surrounded by that many people she didn't know, but she seemed to have a pretty darn good time. She tore into her presents and was covered in frosting by the end of the day. It was great having so much family around to celebrate. I just wish I had a picture of everyone piled in the living room watching Caitlin tear open her presents. It was an amazing sight and a heart warming memory. Thank you all!

I made both Caitlin's cake and the cupcakes. The flavors were a halloween funfetti and chcocolate, both with homemade buttercream.

Taking her first taste of the cake and deciding if she likes it or not....

And I think she did like it....she needed a big swig of milk to wash it all down!

The aftermath!

Caitlin wonders what's taking so long to get to the presents as a million flashes of light go off.

Mommy, just let ME do it!

Ooo, I really like this bag!

Dancing? Or is it an 8 second ride?

All ready to go trick or treating with Maddie, Brady, and Caitlin!

I CAN fly if I try really, really hard!