Ever since we have moved to our new house, our cats seem to have forgotten how to use the cat litter box properly. Basically, they face the wrong direction and their pee ends up going outside the box rather than inside where it belongs. Therefore, I have been having to clean up grotesque cat urine that gets under the bottom of the litter box and all around. Well the mess today was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was like the cat had a bladder the size of a five year old! So, we made an emergency trip to the pet store an hour ago to purchase a new and bigger litter box. The one we got is like the Cadillac of litter boxes....not the supreme model (that would be the electric Litter Mate) but it has quite a few bells and whistles. Here is my Step-Up to Writing paragraph to demonstrate what I mean:
My new cat litter box is awesome for several reasons. First, it has a high back to prevent pee from leaking out the back. Second, it has a lip that surrounds the entire inside rim to prevent leakage as well. Next, it is much bigger and roomier which my cats will appreciate. Finally, it has a flap in the doorway just in case my cats face the wrong way again when they pee. As you can see, my new cat litter box is awesome.
Happy Tuesday!
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