Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nook Color

This is my very first post using my nook Color! I am emailing this in
because I haven't quite figured out how to type my message because the
little keyboard does not pop up in the post box....weird. Anyway, I
am loving my nook and I am very happy I chose this ereader rather than
a kindle. I just love that I can check out books for free on here and
have web axcess...especially since I am sitting in Caitlin's doorway
waiting for her to fall asleep. She slept well last night but she did
not have a nap. We have thought about giving up her naps but she goes
down for them very easily and when she does not nap, she is a bit high
maintanence (sorry about spelling...I do not have spell check). So I
just don't know what to do and I keep going back and forth about them.
Tomorrow I will be taking her to daycare where she usually is too
excited to nap so we will see if without another nap, she falls asleep

Back to the is heavier than most ereaders I think,but since
this is my first one, it doesn't make any difference to me. The
screen is very pretty and I have already read 2 1/2 books for free on
it! The screen can get very bright and for the most part I keep it
dimmed because I haven't needed it to be super bright yet. The real
test will be when I have it in bright sun...which(considering where I
live) will be a while.

Alright, I must go. Caitlin is asleep and I must get ready for
bed...which is precisely the time that Colton will decide to wake up.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Food Finds

Caitlin is a grazer. She pretty much snacks all day long, stopping for the occasional breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Her snacks tend to wind up in containers of all sorts. Many of them are part of her kitchen "toys." Some have even made their way into her vehicles. It took us at least two weeks to find her milk cup (full of milk) in the trunk of her push car.....yuck!

The other day she had to go potty. So I left Colton surrounded by toys on the living room floor while I helped her in the bathroom. I came out to check on Colton and found him gnawing on a granola bar! Caitlin had wedged it down into her wooden teapot and Colton managed to maneuver it out and into his mouth! Thank goodness he didn't choke! But he was so MAD that I took it away. I felt bad, but a granola bar is above his skill least for now anyway.

Well then tonight I put him in the exersaucer while I was cooking in the kitchen and noticed he was quieter than usual. I came out to find him eating one of Caitlin's peanut butter sandwich crackers! She had two hidden on top of it and Colton was going to town on one! Again I took it away and he was really mad about that. I guess now we'll no if he has a peanut allergy. Oh my. So in the spirit of his adventurous eating, I gave him his first sweet potato puffs.....and he loved them! I have to help him get it into his mouth, but he sure does enjoy them once their in!

And to avoid any mishaps, I will be triple checking all containers and surfaces before putting Colton never no what that Caitlin Marie will stuff into a container of any kind.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Way back in November, I had a filling that needed to be replaced.....and that is where all my pain began. The new filling was uneven and caused quite a bit of jaw pain. After having it fixed, all the pain went away, except a new born sensitivity to hot and cold. When that became too much, it was decided I need a root canal a few days before Christmas. The first visit left me with a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth that lasted for weeks. The pain wasn't so bad. At the end of January, I had the second installment on my root canal. No bad taste, a little more pain afterwards, but really no problem. The third time (and I thought the last) went much faster, however within a few days my jaw was killing me! I finally gave in and went back to the dentist. He took out the temporary and put in cotton....yes, cotton. This provided much relief and I went back this Tuesday to get the temporary put back in. Well, last night my tooth erupted in an overflow of pain! Since I'm nursing I can only take Tylenol or Advil. The pain was so bad I had to piggyback them every two hours. The pain finally calmed down enough for me to sleep. So back to the dentist I went this morning....for the SIXTH time! He took out the temporary and put in more cotton to relieve the pressure. He finally gave me an antibiotic that I can take while nursing to help clear up any infection that may be lingering. Now (if my pain stays away) I go back in on Tuesday to get my temporary put BACK in and then Friday (hopefully) my root canal will be finished! This whole situation has been a complete nightmare!.....okay, a HUGE nightmare! I really hope I stay pain free for the next several days to make it to Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My brain is a scrambled mess right now. I can't think or even blog straight. I feel like there are a few hundred bees in my head....and it's not the caffeine. There are so many what if's about my employment future, I feel like I'm about to snap. I really just need to calm down and let things unfold for the next few months. But it's just so hard knowing that what you've been wanting for years is just at your fingertips, and yet still so far away. Aaaahhhhh!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Colton 6 Months

Colton's first snow day was also the day he turned 6 months old! He has his checkup next week, but the last time I weighed him he weighed 19 1/2 pounds! Last night was pretty rough for him...and me too. He is teething and the poor little guy is just uncomfortable. Normally, babies tend to get their top or bottom teeth in first, but Colton's eye teeth are coming in first! These were the most painful for Caitlin. Because of his teeth, his naps and nights have been all over the place. So he was up early this morning for about an hour and then fell back asleep for another hour. He didn't really take his normal morning nap and was really wanting to go to sleep around 11am. However, we had company over and I brought him out to play. It turns out that was a good plan. I put him down at noon and he's still napping! Caitlin is napping too! Oh, but it sounds like she's awake now....and the boy too! I must go investigate!