Monday, October 8, 2007

Blah Monday

It was a blah Monday. The day just kinda drifted by without much recollection of what happened. Although, I made really bad coffee this morning. I committed the cardinal sin of buying cheap decaf coffee. It was horribly bitter and I had to use so much creamer, I just might have well drunk the creamer instead....But even though I had coffee that bit back, my day wasn't thrown off by it. I'm still CELDT testing and I have so much left to do still. I feel really bad giving it to kids who I know they won't do very well or don't even understand the directions. And because it is measuring their English language, we can't translate anything. So, I give them candy at the end of the testing day for putting them through academic torture. Oh, one key note for the day.........the second grade teacher's snake escaped in the classroom. No one's found it I'll be keeping my door shut till it's located......I so hope they find it soon. I'll have the hebejeebies till then.

Hasta Pasta!


Nancy Bergenske said...

I am sorry you had a blah day... my day was pretty great at the workshop... and don't worry about the snake.... it won't travel that far down the cold hall to get to your room!! :)

Alli said...

It has been way too long!
I got your blog page from Jen!!
Email me..Let's catch up!