Aren't my nephews soooooo cute!!!! I sometimes wish adults could trick or treat. It use to be so much fun!

Here's Hunter walking in his first Halloween parade!!! He's too adorable (especially with those dimples) to be an intimidating pirate. He is in Kindergarten this year and will be 5 in only four days! They grow up too fast!

Here's Brady in one of his costumes. If you look closely you can see is super cute teeth!

Here he is again but in his Lion costume this time. See that little pumpkin? It looks familiar, huh. Well that's the pumpkin Uncle Dennis said he needed to have when we went to the farmer's market.
I'm sure one lucky aunt to have such adorable nephews!
They are adorable!!!
Could he be any cuter?! Those are way too sweet. How old is he now? Time flies :)
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