Sunday, November 25, 2007


Yes, I forgot to blog yesterday....but after all the excitement of Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and waking up several hours before I normally do, I was exhausted. However tired we both were, Dennis and I still had to go grocery shopping and use several coupons that were only good for that day. So we braved the crowds of people again and went to WinCo, Michaels, and Joann Fabrics. The lines weren't that bad, but because we were pretty tired it took us (me especially) way longer to decide what I wanted to purchase at each of the stores. When we got home we did slow down. I was desperately craving the twinkle lights and festive colors of I decide it was time to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. Instead of taking a nap which I really wanted to do, I made a second Thanksgiving dinner. We had bought all the stuff we needed before we left and since we didn't bring home leftovers, it was a logical choice for dinner. It turned out really well except about 10 minutes before everything was supposed to be done, I remembered I forgot to make the stuffing (bad, bad, wife) I made it and covered everything with a double layer of heavy duty foil. Thankfully, everything was still piping hot by the time the stuffing came out of the oven. Dinner was very yummy and my wonderful husband did all the dishes. At this point I should have just stayed on the couch and relaxed a bit, but oh no I have to be super crazy and wrap ALL the presents we bought. It took a little less than 2 hours, that's all. And let's just put it this way, I slept very VERY well. So well in fact that I didn't get up until 11am!

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