Thursday, January 10, 2008

Woo Hoo

GATE Academy has come and gone! It really was a fabulous day though. I had my two wonderful parent helpers AND it didn't rain!!!!! We were 10 minutes late because of a late student, but we were able to find seats no problem. The students seemed to really like their classes and driving them up there wasn't nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Next year I told the kids we may stop for ice cream on the way home (if there's time of course). We couldn't do it this time because it wasn't on the permission form....bummer.

Today was also the day my baby brother got out of the Army!!!! He should be back home from Colorado within the next week or so.

My head is killing me...well, not literally, but it really hurts. When I got home I only had a slight headache. I thought, well I'm hungry so I'll eat some cherries before dinner and it'll be all good. Not so true. I took advil a few minutes ago and I'm desperately hoping it works. Beaumont Livingston feels sad I have a headache. He's on my lap consoling me right now. He's so sweet and warm...and purry.

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

So glad the GATE thing went well... Sorry about the headache though... What are you doing tomorrow?