Friday, January 4, 2008

Parking Ticket

I so tried to avoid this today, but it just didn't work out. I arrived at lunch early to do some window shopping, which is great because I found the gift I was looking for. Afterwards (and needed to kill about 15 minutes), I went back to my car to call Nancy to see where upon her travels she was. Before heading to the restaurant, I decided to put more money in the meter because I wasn't sure how long lunch would be. The meter only goes up to 2 hours and I had a little over an hour left. So, I put in a dime (1 hour worth), turned the knob and nothing happened. I repeated the action with no such luck in increasing the time. Frustrated (and without a nickel), I decided to just go to lunch and pray that I make it back in time to avoid a ticket. didn't work out quite like that. I ended up getting a ticket 9 minutes after my time had expired and I showed up (frantic) about 5 minutes later. Bummer, bummer, bummer. I should have set my phone alarm or something to have reminded myself to leave in time. It's just frustrating because I had tried TWICE to put in more time and it didn't work. I really think it was because the dime would have put the meter over the 2 hour limit. Oh well, I will pay the $20 fine and next time I will set my phone alarm.


1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

What a bummer! I didn't even know there were still places where you had to pay to park! Yikes! :)

Have a fun Friday!!