Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day....Almost

Several schools around the county were closed because of all the snow this weekend. In fact, apparently we are supposed to get more tonight! Super crazy isn't it! On my way to school this morning, it was snowing and hailing so hard that I could barely see out my window. Plus, the road was completely white in several spots on the could hardly see the lines! The kids (and teachers) were all jazzed about the recent weather events of the weekend.

This week at school is kinda chaotic.....I just love that word! Not necessarily the sound of it, it's more the spelling. Anyway, today and tomorrow (in the morning) some support staff and myself will be DIBELing students. It's a tedious process and after a while you feel like a robot giving the same instructions to around 50 or so kids....I might be exaggerating on that number a bit....but it certainly feels like a lot. Goodness, I have a lot of tangents tonight. Back to my my morning is shot for tomorrow, Wednesday is normal (woo hoo), and Thursday, I won't be in until noon!.....which leaves Friday......the day I sleep in!!!!! Okay, I sleep in on other days too, but it feels better when I do it on Fridays.

Till tomorrow!

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