Hormones are stupid. They make you crazy and irrational. My poor husband got the brunt of them today. When they decide over throw your system (like today) a normal conversation ends in frustration and this case tears (mine, not sad ones, frustrated ones). It was mostly because I knew Dennis and I were having a rational conversation, but because of the stupid hormones, I became irrational. I just can't think or respond normally when they take over.......and that makes me even more upset which sends me into a downward spiral. But enough of female craziness.
Hopefully, weather dependent, Dennis and I are going to head over to see J, K, and B on Saturday. Our 6th wedding anniversary is also that day and on Sunday we're going to have a mini Super Bowl Party there too. I'm really, REALLY hoping the weather and road are good (a.k.a - not closed due to snow). My brother (who teaches metal and wood shop back home) got a snow day today. They are used to getting quite a bit of snow, so there must have been a LOT! We only get flood days....which hasn't happened since 2002 (that I know of).
Ahhhhh, must go......I since the blasted hormones are on the rise again!!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Honey!
My sweet, sweet husband turns 29 today!!! He got a Playstation 3 this last weekend, but I really wanted him to open something on his birthday. So, I got him some drawing paper with a pencil kit thingy and watercolor paper with watercolor pencils. Plus, I had been working on embroidering an outline of Mario from Super Mario Galaxy (it's a Wii game silly) on a hankerchief. I had recreated a drawing that Dennis did on our white board a couple months ago. It turned out really cute and he loved it. So, with his new drawing paper, he's going to sketch out some other drawings from the Mario world for me to embroider. And since he really didn't want a cake or pie, I decided to get him a HUGE truffle from our favorite chocolate shop. Then I chiseled out a hole in the top just big enough to fit a candle. I should have taken a picture because it was really cute. For his birthday dinner I made chicken curry.....one of his new favorites (the recipe is actually only about a year old). Now (while I watched Jon and Kate Plus 8), he's playing his new video game in the theater room. Our friends got him a game for his new PS3 that he'd been eying every time we went to Target.
Well honey, I hope you had a really great day. I love you so very much! And I look forward to celebrating many, many of your birthdays to come!!!
Your Wife
Well honey, I hope you had a really great day. I love you so very much! And I look forward to celebrating many, many of your birthdays to come!!!
Your Wife
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My Husband.....The Man
So Dennis walked into a very cold house this evening. The house was about 56 degrees and dropping. Freezing, he realized that the pilot light was out on our heater. Pretty easy fix, huh? Wrong. Turns out he needed to get a new part and thankfully the hardware store had it in stock. Then the pilot light wouldn't stay light. So he decided to put the cover on (thinking it might be too drafty) and viola'!!!.....it stayed lit! Isn't my husband wonderful!!! How'd I get so lucky?....I actually have a response to that but it's not blog appropriate :P And instead of feeding my wonderful husband the same old leftovers from two nights ago, I went out and got hamburgers and fries from our local burger joint (and not those gut bombs from the fast food place either, these are fabulous). I guess WW will just have to take a day off today.
See ya later alligator.
After while crocodile.
Surely soon baboon.
See ya later alligator.
After while crocodile.
Surely soon baboon.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Snow Day....Almost
Several schools around the county were closed because of all the snow this weekend. In fact, apparently we are supposed to get more tonight! Super crazy isn't it! On my way to school this morning, it was snowing and hailing so hard that I could barely see out my window. Plus, the road was completely white in several spots on the freeway.....you could hardly see the lines! The kids (and teachers) were all jazzed about the recent weather events of the weekend.
This week at school is kinda chaotic.....I just love that word! Not necessarily the sound of it, it's more the spelling. Anyway, today and tomorrow (in the morning) some support staff and myself will be DIBELing students. It's a tedious process and after a while you feel like a robot giving the same instructions to around 50 or so kids....I might be exaggerating on that number a bit....but it certainly feels like a lot. Goodness, I have a lot of tangents tonight. Back to my whining.....so my morning is shot for tomorrow, Wednesday is normal (woo hoo), and Thursday, I won't be in until noon!.....which leaves Friday......the day I sleep in!!!!! Okay, I sleep in on other days too, but it feels better when I do it on Fridays.
Till tomorrow!
This week at school is kinda chaotic.....I just love that word! Not necessarily the sound of it, it's more the spelling. Anyway, today and tomorrow (in the morning) some support staff and myself will be DIBELing students. It's a tedious process and after a while you feel like a robot giving the same instructions to around 50 or so kids....I might be exaggerating on that number a bit....but it certainly feels like a lot. Goodness, I have a lot of tangents tonight. Back to my whining.....so my morning is shot for tomorrow, Wednesday is normal (woo hoo), and Thursday, I won't be in until noon!.....which leaves Friday......the day I sleep in!!!!! Okay, I sleep in on other days too, but it feels better when I do it on Fridays.
Till tomorrow!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
It's Sticking!
Okay, so a few hours after I posted, it started snowing again really hard........and began sticking!!! So Dennis and I headed out to the beach to see how things were out there. Odd as it was, about 2 miles into town the snow had turned into rain. By the time we got to the beach it was only thick rain and the waves were pretty mellow. Then we passed this magical point on the way home where it was like we hit a wall of snow.....it was seriously like we were heading into a wall of snow. So, as promised, I have pictures:
It snowed here today!!!!! I'm so excited I can barely type!!!! It had been raining really hard while we were out at Target and the Co-op. But then when we came out of Costco, we noticed the rain drops were looking rather thick and not hitting the windshield normally. So I looked ahead a bit and realized those weren't raindrops......it was SNOW!!!!!!! Living on the coast we do not get snow......thus my excitement. After we came home, the flakes got bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to my camera (which was after I called my sister, dad, and mom with the news) the flakes had turned back into raindrops. :( If it starts snowing again, I will try my darnedest to post a picture.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
OMG! I've missed 2 days of blogging!!! I just kinda got carried away with not doing anything the past 2 days, that I didn't have the energy to type. Thursday was a crazy day at work....not like hectic crazy, just maze crazy. My Title 1/ELD/GATE/GROW schedule has not been working out at all and I haven't been able to see the students that I should be seeing. Frustrated and having no ideas, I searched for help from Barb and my principal. Between them, we figured out a plan that should work. Therefore, my schedule had to be changed again. I think it will work though.....Just like Zicam, if you believe in it, it will work!
Friday we had several of Dennis's coworkers from his department over for lunch. It was pretty fun and we had plenty of room for all the people. It really made me want to have a party here...although, Dennis and I are not really the partying type. The lunch caused my WW plan to take a slide down hill. I've been trying to maintain, but darn it......when there's pizza in the house it's hard to resist!!!
Last night (another reason for not posting) Dennis and I watched 3 movies in a row!!! Yes, I did say THREE! We watched, "The Nanny Diaries," "Halloween," (the latest one, I can't remember what the specific title was) and "The Wedding Singer" because I needed a happy movie after the previous one. We didn't get to bed until after 2am and I didn't get up until Nancy called me at 11am. I really didn't mind because I definitely needed to get my (pardon my french) ass out of bed! :)
Friday we had several of Dennis's coworkers from his department over for lunch. It was pretty fun and we had plenty of room for all the people. It really made me want to have a party here...although, Dennis and I are not really the partying type. The lunch caused my WW plan to take a slide down hill. I've been trying to maintain, but darn it......when there's pizza in the house it's hard to resist!!!
Last night (another reason for not posting) Dennis and I watched 3 movies in a row!!! Yes, I did say THREE! We watched, "The Nanny Diaries," "Halloween," (the latest one, I can't remember what the specific title was) and "The Wedding Singer" because I needed a happy movie after the previous one. We didn't get to bed until after 2am and I didn't get up until Nancy called me at 11am. I really didn't mind because I definitely needed to get my (pardon my french) ass out of bed! :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Road Construction Update
To my surprise and delight, we now have our 2 lanes back on the northbound freeway!!!!! It's been under constructions since the end of June! I'm hoping that the southbound lanes will be clear by tomorrow. I think it's wishful thinking though.
Day 3 of WW:
I didn't have as much energy towards the end of today as I did yesterday. In fact, I was down right moody (a.k.a. bitchy) when I got home from work. We went to Target soon after and didn't get back home until close to 6. My plan was to have leftovers but it really didn't sound that great....so thanks to my lovely husband, he suggested veggie burgers. Good choice because it's like I was eating real food. The only down side was I was super full afterwards. After all, it seems all I've been eating is twigs and berries a cup full at a time. Now that I'm fed, I'm a much happier camper.
Day 3 of WW:
I didn't have as much energy towards the end of today as I did yesterday. In fact, I was down right moody (a.k.a. bitchy) when I got home from work. We went to Target soon after and didn't get back home until close to 6. My plan was to have leftovers but it really didn't sound that great....so thanks to my lovely husband, he suggested veggie burgers. Good choice because it's like I was eating real food. The only down side was I was super full afterwards. After all, it seems all I've been eating is twigs and berries a cup full at a time. Now that I'm fed, I'm a much happier camper.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Day 2
Today is day 2 of WW and it was a lot harder than day 1. I find night time is the hardest, especially with the oatmeal cookies lurking about. I've incorporated them into my plan, but it's not the 4 or 5 that I really want to eat. Therefore, fruit has been making several appearances today. Banana, blueberries, peaches (canned unfortunately), and cherries were all on the menu. Cherries and blueberries are the most filling because they are only worth 1 point for about a cup and they take longer to eat. I've ran out of salad so that's kinda sucky. The one I had today with oriental sesame dressing was pretty good. Last time I was on WW, I was able to get on a routine that made things a lot easier....I'm hoping I can stick it out long enough to establish another one.
Oh, my baby brother is back home and has found some new digs. It is pretty cool because I am now able to call him on his cell phone just because I feel like it. I haven't been able to do that in over 5 years!!!
Well, off to find something to drink that is decaffeinated and worth 0 points! Woo hoo!!!
Oh, my baby brother is back home and has found some new digs. It is pretty cool because I am now able to call him on his cell phone just because I feel like it. I haven't been able to do that in over 5 years!!!
Well, off to find something to drink that is decaffeinated and worth 0 points! Woo hoo!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
7pm Bedtime
Last night I ended up falling asleep at 7pm....and that was with a 45 minute nap earlier in the day. I was just so tired. We got home from the office party around 1:30am....a LOT later than I thought we would. I was the DD but still had a pretty good time. I ended up talking to a newer student teacher from my school. I wasn't quite sure it was him, and because I hadn't had anything to lower my inhibitions, I was too afraid to go over and ask if it was him.....So I sent one of Dennis's coworkers to ask for me. Turns out it was him and we ended up talking for a bit. Found out that he has 2 kids, married for 2 years (I think), and is originally from NY (Queens to be more specific).....I thought I had detected an accent of some sort. He's been over here for the last 15 years and hasn't been able to shake the accent. Thank goodness he seems normal, because the last student teacher we had down in the RSP room was kinda.......odd........to say the least.
I'm baking again today. Tonights menu is oatmeal cookies with dried cherries, cranberries, plums, and blueberries. I also decreased the butter and sugar in them.....and man they are delish! Today I also started Weight Watchers......so I apologize ahead of time if I seem cranky and ultra whiny.
Till Tuesday!
I'm baking again today. Tonights menu is oatmeal cookies with dried cherries, cranberries, plums, and blueberries. I also decreased the butter and sugar in them.....and man they are delish! Today I also started Weight Watchers......so I apologize ahead of time if I seem cranky and ultra whiny.
Till Tuesday!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Office Party
Tonight, Dennis and I are going to his office party. It should be pretty fun. It's being held at a local casino which gives us options to stay and get our groove on, or attempt to become millionaires. They held it there a few years ago and it was pretty fun. It's at 6pm and I still am not 100% sure what I'm wearing. Wish me luck!
Last night I finally broke down and made some blueberry muffins. They are quite different from what I usually make but still pretty good. Today (actually a few minutes ago) I made blueberry and chocolate chip scones. I've been without my oven for so long, I feel I need to bake and bake. The only problem is that I wind up with a whole lot of sweets that I really shouldn't eat. My stomach, thighs, and a** are starting to protest their growing size. I've been considering going on Weight Watchers again, but I have hardly any will power so after a few days I go back to my old ways. Anyway, here are some photos:
Last night I finally broke down and made some blueberry muffins. They are quite different from what I usually make but still pretty good. Today (actually a few minutes ago) I made blueberry and chocolate chip scones. I've been without my oven for so long, I feel I need to bake and bake. The only problem is that I wind up with a whole lot of sweets that I really shouldn't eat. My stomach, thighs, and a** are starting to protest their growing size. I've been considering going on Weight Watchers again, but I have hardly any will power so after a few days I go back to my old ways. Anyway, here are some photos:
Friday, January 18, 2008
Oven Sweet Oven
We got it! I actually just got out of the shower when the delivery guys knocked on the door. Talk about an inconvenient time. I had to throw on the nearest clothes and hand comb my hair so it wouldn't be too much of a rats nest. Thankfully, they did show up hour before they should have so I could go on about my day without being stuck at home. It is soooo pretty! I've already made the cinnamon rolls and I've been toying around with the idea of making blueberry muffins before bed....but I don't necessarily want to deal with the dishes it will produce. We'll see.
Ooooooo, my sister got her belly button pierced!!!! She went to Medford without children or her husband for the first time in I don't know how long. Anyway, her friend got hers done a few days before and told her the place to go.....so she did it! Woo hoo!!! I used to have a belly AND a tongue piercing. I don't miss my belly one too much, but I really miss my tongue piercing. I've thought about having it done again, but I don't necessarily want to go through the week long healing process where all I can eat are ICEE's and my tongue is twice its normal size.
Hurray! It's Friday!!!
Ooooooo, my sister got her belly button pierced!!!! She went to Medford without children or her husband for the first time in I don't know how long. Anyway, her friend got hers done a few days before and told her the place to go.....so she did it! Woo hoo!!! I used to have a belly AND a tongue piercing. I don't miss my belly one too much, but I really miss my tongue piercing. I've thought about having it done again, but I don't necessarily want to go through the week long healing process where all I can eat are ICEE's and my tongue is twice its normal size.
Hurray! It's Friday!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
4 Day Weekend
Today is my Friday for a 4 day weekend! I'm really excited but I'm also really tired. It was a long day at work and I also had to go to the dentist......and we all know how fun THAT is. So to unwind a bit, I'm watching all my stuff that I've DVR'd during the week. Because I'm such a light weight, I can't stay up past 9pm to watch anything......therefore I DVR! The best thing since......since.....um.....I can't think of anything except sliced bread...sorry. Maybe y'all can help me out by filling in the blank:
My DVR (TiVo) is the best thing since ___________.
Happy hunting!
My DVR (TiVo) is the best thing since ___________.
Happy hunting!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Presidents and Ovens
Former President Clinton made a stop in our little town today. Around 1pm Dennis drove by the fairgrounds and saw around 100 people already waiting in line. However, the doors don't open until 5:30 and there is only room for 400 people in that particular building. Upon seeing the crowd, Dennis called me to come home early to wait for our new oven while he waited in line. He left home around 3:30ish and then around 4:00 I heard his car pull into the drive. Apparently, when he arrived, there were around 1,000 people already waiting around and absolutely no way would he have been able to get in......so, he came back home. I guess we'll just have to read about it in the paper then.
Today was the day we were SUPPOSED to have our oven delivered....but our oven never got on the truck! According to THEIR computer, our oven is supposed to be delivered on Thursday.....but my freaking physical receipt (notice the tone in my voice) says TODAY!!! So to make a long story short, we won't get it till Friday. Come on people, get it together. I'm trying to have soft cheeks (hehehe) but I'm going through oven withdrawals really BAD!!!!!
Here's hoping I make it till then......
Former President Clinton made a stop in our little town today. Around 1pm Dennis drove by the fairgrounds and saw around 100 people already waiting in line. However, the doors don't open until 5:30 and there is only room for 400 people in that particular building. Upon seeing the crowd, Dennis called me to come home early to wait for our new oven while he waited in line. He left home around 3:30ish and then around 4:00 I heard his car pull into the drive. Apparently, when he arrived, there were around 1,000 people already waiting around and absolutely no way would he have been able to get in......so, he came back home. I guess we'll just have to read about it in the paper then.
Today was the day we were SUPPOSED to have our oven delivered....but our oven never got on the truck! According to THEIR computer, our oven is supposed to be delivered on Thursday.....but my freaking physical receipt (notice the tone in my voice) says TODAY!!! So to make a long story short, we won't get it till Friday. Come on people, get it together. I'm trying to have soft cheeks (hehehe) but I'm going through oven withdrawals really BAD!!!!!
Here's hoping I make it till then......
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Told Ya So
I told you so...Tuesday did not live up to Monday's peppiness. I was very disappointed.....I had hoped I would be wrong. Therefore, I had to work really hard not to let my kids know how tired I really was. Which means I end up being oober peppy and a little wacky. I got the weird eye from a couple of my students too, so I think they knew something was up. Plus I put way too much creamer in my coffee and I didn't have time to fix it before my students arrived.....that in itself put my whole being into a downward spiral......like I put my shoes on the wrong feet or something. So as I still feel a little "off," here is an excerpt from an odd email I wrote:
"Dairy and I have had a rocky relationship and I thought we were on good terms, but after tonight's events, I realize we will have to break up. I'll still be able to see cheddar now and then, but milkshake and I.....well, that bridge has been burned. Goodbye my sweet and indulgent friend. Goodbye. "
"Dairy and I have had a rocky relationship and I thought we were on good terms, but after tonight's events, I realize we will have to break up. I'll still be able to see cheddar now and then, but milkshake and I.....well, that bridge has been burned. Goodbye my sweet and indulgent friend. Goodbye. "
Monday, January 14, 2008
coffee, Coffee, COFFEE!!!
My lovely friend Kris brought me a mocha today! I was planning on just having my regular old coffee (which is still pretty good) but she surprised me with coffee, Coffee, COFFEE!!! It usually takes me all morning to drink a travel mug worth, but recently I've discovered something new. Since my mug is metal, I can't nuke in in the microwave. So I turn my lukewarm coffee into an iced coffee!!!!....and sometime around 10:30ish, I've drunk every last drop!!! To say the least, I was pretty caffeinated today....which is really a good thing on a Monday morning. I don't know if Tuesday can live up to today's peppiness.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
At A Loss
Today I am at a loss for words....or really things to say. It was a pretty uneventful day. Oh, except for the fox I almost ran over in the middle of town....I guess that's something that doesn't happen every day. Poor fox. I think it was injured because (since it was so close to my front tires) it was holding its little paw up to avoid running on it. Then I saw about 4 teenagers take off after it. One of them picked up something and followed the rest of the kids. I'm really hoping the foxy fox got away and those darn kids didn't hurt it.
The only other remotely exciting this is that I organized my way over crowded purse. It's a very nice feeling to look in there and not be reminded of my mother's old tool box. That's what we called her purse. It weighed at least 10 pounds.....and she had everything in there!....no matter how odd. Now, she's moved from the tool box to a little pouch she can fit in her pocket. That's what I call downsizing!
Well, as I can't find much to write about on this Sunday evening, I will leave you to your family, tv, or hamster (if your in to that). :)
The only other remotely exciting this is that I organized my way over crowded purse. It's a very nice feeling to look in there and not be reminded of my mother's old tool box. That's what we called her purse. It weighed at least 10 pounds.....and she had everything in there!....no matter how odd. Now, she's moved from the tool box to a little pouch she can fit in her pocket. That's what I call downsizing!
Well, as I can't find much to write about on this Sunday evening, I will leave you to your family, tv, or hamster (if your in to that). :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Kelly!
So we ordered our oven today!!!! I'm really SUPER excited and desperately wanting to bake something right now. We were able to upgrade and get the 27 inch stove which is totally fabulous! It should be delivered on Wednesday it feels like an eternity away! As soon as Dennis installs it, I plan on baking the cinnamon rolls Dennis has been waiting for and some oatmeal cookies! Mmmmmm.
Happy Saturday and Happy Birthday Kelly!!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Ahhh, Sleeping In
Very very nice to sleep in today. I think Big Kitty and Beaumont enjoyed it too. Dennis and I visited our friends and their new baby, Caleb. He's so adorable and looks so different from when we saw him in the hospital. He has the cutest little nose. A co-worker of Dennis's stopped by too with her 15 month old daughter. I got to play and read with her which was really neat. She's just a doll!
Because Dennis got home from work a little early today, we were able to go window shopping for a new oven. Our old oven (although I don't consider 2 years old very old) shorted out or something and burned a hole in the coil. I thought there was a fire in the oven and kinda freaked out when I saw a super bright yellow-white light. Luckily, our dinner got warm enough to eat. Unfortunately, Dennis has been going through withdrawls from not having any baked goods. We had bought cinnamon rolls the day before and Dennis was so looking forward to them, but then the disaster struck and he's been without. Tomorrow might be the day that we buy a new oven. We could replace the part for around $125, but we've been thinking about getting a better and bigger oven any way. I think this whole thing is a sign that we need a new one. However, if Sears isn't having their 0% interest for 12 month thing, it's a no go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Happy Friday!
Because Dennis got home from work a little early today, we were able to go window shopping for a new oven. Our old oven (although I don't consider 2 years old very old) shorted out or something and burned a hole in the coil. I thought there was a fire in the oven and kinda freaked out when I saw a super bright yellow-white light. Luckily, our dinner got warm enough to eat. Unfortunately, Dennis has been going through withdrawls from not having any baked goods. We had bought cinnamon rolls the day before and Dennis was so looking forward to them, but then the disaster struck and he's been without. Tomorrow might be the day that we buy a new oven. We could replace the part for around $125, but we've been thinking about getting a better and bigger oven any way. I think this whole thing is a sign that we need a new one. However, if Sears isn't having their 0% interest for 12 month thing, it's a no go. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Woo Hoo
GATE Academy has come and gone! It really was a fabulous day though. I had my two wonderful parent helpers AND it didn't rain!!!!! We were 10 minutes late because of a late student, but we were able to find seats no problem. The students seemed to really like their classes and driving them up there wasn't nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Next year I told the kids we may stop for ice cream on the way home (if there's time of course). We couldn't do it this time because it wasn't on the permission form....bummer.
Today was also the day my baby brother got out of the Army!!!! He should be back home from Colorado within the next week or so.
My head is killing me...well, not literally, but it really hurts. When I got home I only had a slight headache. I thought, well I'm hungry so I'll eat some cherries before dinner and it'll be all good. Not so true. I took advil a few minutes ago and I'm desperately hoping it works. Beaumont Livingston feels sad I have a headache. He's on my lap consoling me right now. He's so sweet and warm...and purry.
Until tomorrow....
Today was also the day my baby brother got out of the Army!!!! He should be back home from Colorado within the next week or so.
My head is killing me...well, not literally, but it really hurts. When I got home I only had a slight headache. I thought, well I'm hungry so I'll eat some cherries before dinner and it'll be all good. Not so true. I took advil a few minutes ago and I'm desperately hoping it works. Beaumont Livingston feels sad I have a headache. He's on my lap consoling me right now. He's so sweet and warm...and purry.
Until tomorrow....
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My New Addiction
I've become totally addicted to rice cakes....the mini ones. It all stemmed from not feeling well when we were visiting the Brady man. Kelly had rice cakes (which sounded good) and didn't make me queasier. So when we got back I bought a bag....and now I'm addicted. I really love crunchy food and they have great mouth feel. Plus, they taste great. I'm working on a caramel bag at home and I have a whole wheat brown sugar bag at work. YUM-O!!!!
Tomorrow is the GATE Academy!!!!! I have everything all ready and in a box ready to go as soon as you enter my classroom. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, but I hope it holds off until after lunch....I don't think it'll happen though. Therefore, we have the pleasure of eating lunch with 500-700 students in a gym!!!! Does anyone have earplugs I can borrow? I have 13 students going and 2 wonderful, WONDERFUL parents that are driving kids up there and just generally helping supervise the students. Last year I didn't have any parents go, so I'm very appreciative of their help.
Wish me luck (and no rain) tomorrow!!!
Tomorrow is the GATE Academy!!!!! I have everything all ready and in a box ready to go as soon as you enter my classroom. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, but I hope it holds off until after lunch....I don't think it'll happen though. Therefore, we have the pleasure of eating lunch with 500-700 students in a gym!!!! Does anyone have earplugs I can borrow? I have 13 students going and 2 wonderful, WONDERFUL parents that are driving kids up there and just generally helping supervise the students. Last year I didn't have any parents go, so I'm very appreciative of their help.
Wish me luck (and no rain) tomorrow!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sweet Baby Boy

This sweet 7lb 12oz baby boy entered the world at 7:06am today. He's very cute and has the most adorable little sideburns. His parents were quite exhausted after the 20 hour labor (not all active though). Even more amazing, his mom didn't even have an epidural. Now that's a strong woman! We had a great visit with them at the hospital and enjoyed listening to his baby noises and watching his little baby movements. Super adorable!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Soon our friends will become parents. Sometime tonight or in the wee hours of the morning a precious baby boy will be born. Will he have her hair or his? Her nose or his? These are the questions that float in and out of the minds of family and friends. But no matter who he looks like, he will be loved more than he knows. It is a wonderful gift when a baby enters the world and Dennis and I couldn't be happier for them. We wish them the best!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go
Yup, tomorrow I go back to work after an almost 3 week hiatus. I had hoped I would be a little more excited and "welcoming" (thank you Nancy for the inspiration for this word) toward going back to work, but I'm not. I think it's because I'm very nervous, concerned, and stressed about the GATE Academy which is this Thursday. I believe things will get a lot better once that has passed.
Remember how I hadn't read anything all break? Well, last night I picked up a book I've been wanting to read for a long time. I had started "A Portrait in Sepia" but I kept eying "The Constant Princess" sitting on my shelf. So, I put down "A Portrait in Sepia" and picked up the other. I'll get back to APS when I finish TCP.
Well, it's time to get ready for bed. I've packed my lunch and laid out my clothes. It's going to be a huge shock to my system to get up at 6:20 rather than 10:30 which I've been getting use to. Today I really wanted to get up early but 11:15 was the earliest I could peel my eyelids open. I guess it was the last hoorah.
I hope y'all have a great Monday. Also, check out Nancy's blog before heading offline.....very inspirational and motivating.
Remember how I hadn't read anything all break? Well, last night I picked up a book I've been wanting to read for a long time. I had started "A Portrait in Sepia" but I kept eying "The Constant Princess" sitting on my shelf. So, I put down "A Portrait in Sepia" and picked up the other. I'll get back to APS when I finish TCP.
Well, it's time to get ready for bed. I've packed my lunch and laid out my clothes. It's going to be a huge shock to my system to get up at 6:20 rather than 10:30 which I've been getting use to. Today I really wanted to get up early but 11:15 was the earliest I could peel my eyelids open. I guess it was the last hoorah.
I hope y'all have a great Monday. Also, check out Nancy's blog before heading offline.....very inspirational and motivating.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Yesterday I got to thinking. What have I really accomplished over the holiday vacation? Nothing....well, almost nothing. I visited family and friends, but yet I didn't read a single book. To my enjoyment I slept in everyday, but did not finish my crochet project. I did however finally finish the quilt (that I should have finished a month ago) and yet my kitchen floors went unmopped. So finally today, the last weekend before work, I organized parts of my kitchen. When we moved to our new house I kinda just put things here and there....in the vicinity of where their permanent home would be. However, everything just stayed put......but today things found their permanent home!!!.....thanks to my lazy vacay and my new Magic Bullet Blender!!! I already have a blender (rarely used because it's a pain to clean) in a bottom cupboard that is easy to reach. So I put the Magic Bullet up higher (a stepladder is needed as I am vertically challenged). I thought that was all fine and dandy until I used the Magic Bullet......and I LOVE it!!!! Therefore, the blender and the bullet swapped places. I got out all my storage containers and took inventory. I then opened my lid drawer. Yes, I have a lid drawer. It's the coolest thing ever! I've always wanted one ever since I was a little girl and saw my Aunt Donna's lid drawer. This way I can stack all my plastic containers together and save room in my cupboards. Anyway, I made sure every lid had a container and vice versa. Then I threw away (yes, you read that correctly) all the old and couple less containers. This is huge for me as I have inherited my mother's "I need to save everything because I may need it some day" syndrome. But in the garbage they went! Finally, I rearranged the things in the cupboard so they can be reached a little easier and put things I don't use very often in higher, unused cupboards.
Now I feel like I have accomplished something. Oooooo, I also updated my Menu. I have a menu posted on a cork board in the kitchen. It has all the meals listed that we like....breakfast stuff, soups, sandwiches, Italian, Mexican, BBQ, and other dishes. This way when we make our dinner and grocery list for the week, I have everything right in front of me and I don't have to rack my brain. It also prevents us from getting in a food rut. Then all the meals for the week go on the white board and all I have to do when I get home is look at it and cook what it says. I have been using it for about 8 years or so and it is fabulous! It also prevents spending way too much in the grocery store on food you don't eat and isle 7 arguments with my husband. Before the system, Dennis and I could NOT go grocery shopping because it would end up in an argument every time. Part of the problem was that we would go shopping when we were hungry and when I am hungry I am a major (pardon my French) Bitch. So, we implemented the system, I ate before we left, and viola'!....no more arguments!
Well, now that THAT tangent is over, I feel organized and calm.
Happy Saturday!
Now I feel like I have accomplished something. Oooooo, I also updated my Menu. I have a menu posted on a cork board in the kitchen. It has all the meals listed that we like....breakfast stuff, soups, sandwiches, Italian, Mexican, BBQ, and other dishes. This way when we make our dinner and grocery list for the week, I have everything right in front of me and I don't have to rack my brain. It also prevents us from getting in a food rut. Then all the meals for the week go on the white board and all I have to do when I get home is look at it and cook what it says. I have been using it for about 8 years or so and it is fabulous! It also prevents spending way too much in the grocery store on food you don't eat and isle 7 arguments with my husband. Before the system, Dennis and I could NOT go grocery shopping because it would end up in an argument every time. Part of the problem was that we would go shopping when we were hungry and when I am hungry I am a major (pardon my French) Bitch. So, we implemented the system, I ate before we left, and viola'!....no more arguments!
Well, now that THAT tangent is over, I feel organized and calm.
Happy Saturday!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Parking Ticket
I so tried to avoid this today, but it just didn't work out. I arrived at lunch early to do some window shopping, which is great because I found the gift I was looking for. Afterwards (and needed to kill about 15 minutes), I went back to my car to call Nancy to see where upon her travels she was. Before heading to the restaurant, I decided to put more money in the meter because I wasn't sure how long lunch would be. The meter only goes up to 2 hours and I had a little over an hour left. So, I put in a dime (1 hour worth), turned the knob and nothing happened. I repeated the action with no such luck in increasing the time. Frustrated (and without a nickel), I decided to just go to lunch and pray that I make it back in time to avoid a ticket. Well...it didn't work out quite like that. I ended up getting a ticket 9 minutes after my time had expired and I showed up (frantic) about 5 minutes later. Bummer, bummer, bummer. I should have set my phone alarm or something to have reminded myself to leave in time. It's just frustrating because I had tried TWICE to put in more time and it didn't work. I really think it was because the dime would have put the meter over the 2 hour limit. Oh well, I will pay the $20 fine and next time I will set my phone alarm.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year's
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
No More Tree :(
Yes, I took it and all the other Christmas decorations down today. The house seems so empty and sparkle free. It'll all be okay in a week or two when I get use to it. Tomorrow I will try to organize. First my closet and then the kitchen. I really want to watch some chick flicks, but I'm not so sure if it'll happen. I must also remember to buy some chicken tomorrow too. I'm gonna make fajitas on Friday and chicken is a must have for that. But until then, I'm going to eat a piece of chocolate, turn off the TV, and head into the theater room to watch a movie with Dennis.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
I wish everyone good luck on their New Year's Resolution. I have stopped making them as I seem to either forget what I resolved to do or don't follow through with them. But I wish everyone else luck and best wishes!!!
Yesterday with Brady went very well. We took him to the park and Dennis went down the slide with him and then pushed him in the swing (which he absolutely loved). Unfortunately, he got a fever around 4pm and was a very unhappy camper. Poor guy. Teething on top of being sick has to be the worst. We are so sad for him and hope he will feel better really soon.
We got home a little after noon today and I fell asleep about 1pm and didn't get up till 5pm. Dennis was the only one to make it past midnight last night. We all feel asleep way early either because we were exhausted or didn't feel well. I was both as I hadn't been feeling well that day. Sad because we had Chu's Too for dinner (our favorite Chinese). I ate mostly rice with a few bits of chicken.
Happy New Year to All!
Yesterday with Brady went very well. We took him to the park and Dennis went down the slide with him and then pushed him in the swing (which he absolutely loved). Unfortunately, he got a fever around 4pm and was a very unhappy camper. Poor guy. Teething on top of being sick has to be the worst. We are so sad for him and hope he will feel better really soon.
We got home a little after noon today and I fell asleep about 1pm and didn't get up till 5pm. Dennis was the only one to make it past midnight last night. We all feel asleep way early either because we were exhausted or didn't feel well. I was both as I hadn't been feeling well that day. Sad because we had Chu's Too for dinner (our favorite Chinese). I ate mostly rice with a few bits of chicken.
Happy New Year to All!
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