Thursday, December 27, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I got home around 1pm and was napping shortly there after. It snowed most of the way and when it wasn't snowing it was raining. It was kinda sketchy going over the pass because my windshield washer lines were frozen!!! I couldn't spray off any of the mud and grime that got on my windshield and it was getting pretty hard to I improvised! I slowed way down and rolled down my window just enough to get my arm out. Then I poured water from my water bottle on my worked pretty well......However, as I found out later, if you drive too fast the water doesn't go down the windshield, it comes back in the car. I stopped at the next gas station to fix the problem...which didn't work. I then drove another 45 minutes and stopped at McD's for breakfast and to kink the lines to break up any ice......and.....viola'! It worked!!! Although, I think I only needed to use them maybe once from then on. Oh well, at least I fixed them.

Here are a few pictures from the holiday!

Spirit Fingers!!! Crazy Aunt Cindy made them do it.

Me and my baby brother! I really like this one.

My super cute nephew Hunter. He was trying everything to not have his picture taken, but then I snapped this!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

Hey, were you a cheerleader? I think those are called "jazz hands"... and no, I was never a dancer, but K was!

Welcome home!