The drive was very nice. No snow on the road but there was quite a bit of snow on the hillside....very pretty. I miss the snow. I don't realize how much I miss it until I see it again. Nancy put a pic of her old house on her blog (you should check it out) and it has LOTS AND LOTS of snow all around pretty.
Tomorrow will bring lots of adventure for Dennis and I, as we will be watching the Brady Man!!! He's so sweet and such a happy baby!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Phone is Working Now
Yup, we've been without a phone for a couple days now. Something with a bad wire or something. The guy came out today and fixed it....although (before he did anything), he was almost positive it would end up being a problem inside our house.....but he was oh so wrong. I think the wire went bad with our last wind storm we had.
We head over to see J, K, and B-Man tomorrow! We're pretty excited about it. Brady's walking now, so it's gonna be pretty cool to see that. J and K have to work on Monday so we get to babysit the B-Man! We'll be coming back on Tuesday....and that is when I will finish my little project. I am about 98% finished! Woo hoo!
We head over to see J, K, and B-Man tomorrow! We're pretty excited about it. Brady's walking now, so it's gonna be pretty cool to see that. J and K have to work on Monday so we get to babysit the B-Man! We'll be coming back on Tuesday....and that is when I will finish my little project. I am about 98% finished! Woo hoo!
Friday, December 28, 2007
I need more time!
I'm working on a project that should have been finished last month!!!! And with me going over to Y-town for4 days has put me way beyond schedule. I'm maybe only 10% finished....15% if you squint your eyes. Another draw back to visiting for so hands are soooooo dry! I'm totally use to the humidity here and over there it is dry, dry, DRY! And the problem I have with lotion is that when you go to wash your hands afterwards, they get all slimy...ewwww!
Happy, happy, Friday!!!
Happy, happy, Friday!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Home Sweet Home
I got home around 1pm and was napping shortly there after. It snowed most of the way and when it wasn't snowing it was raining. It was kinda sketchy going over the pass because my windshield washer lines were frozen!!! I couldn't spray off any of the mud and grime that got on my windshield and it was getting pretty hard to I improvised! I slowed way down and rolled down my window just enough to get my arm out. Then I poured water from my water bottle on my worked pretty well......However, as I found out later, if you drive too fast the water doesn't go down the windshield, it comes back in the car. I stopped at the next gas station to fix the problem...which didn't work. I then drove another 45 minutes and stopped at McD's for breakfast and to kink the lines to break up any ice......and.....viola'! It worked!!! Although, I think I only needed to use them maybe once from then on. Oh well, at least I fixed them.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!!
I hope y'all are having a very merry Christmas! It's been great seeing all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. There will be one more addition to our family in June. My cousin and his wife announced today that they are having a baby! My nana was soooo excited!.....She was just beside her self. After spending Christmas morining at my nana's, I made several merry ho-ho phone calls and visited my friend and when to my mom's house. I also made a trip out to see my older brother. He came down with the flu yesterday morning so he steered clear of human contact so he would spred his germs. He was feeling much better today....almost back to normal. My baby brother has also been in town since early December. We've had fun just hanging out and picking on one another. I got a really great picture of us....I'll have to post it when I get back home.
Well I wish everyone had a very merry Christmas. Till next time......hasta pasta!
Well I wish everyone had a very merry Christmas. Till next time......hasta pasta!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
That is what my wonderful husband got me for Christmas! It is the new clothing line from Sarah Jessica Parker!!!! And I love, love, LOVE her! You can only get buy it at the handful of Steve & Barry stores in the US......but he found some on eBay!!!!! I told him I wanted to be surprised for Christmas and he did it! I had no clue that's what he got me.....besides I had only mentioned it once after watching an episode of Project Runway (which the challenge was to make an outfit for her clothing line). He picked out the greatest things!!!!!! He's so sweet!!!! I love you honey!!!!
I'm off tomorrow. I leave about 7am. I'm not sure how the blogging will go because I don't know if I will have access to the internet. So in case I can't blog, I wish everyone a very happy holiday!!!
I'm off tomorrow. I leave about 7am. I'm not sure how the blogging will go because I don't know if I will have access to the internet. So in case I can't blog, I wish everyone a very happy holiday!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Monday I leave to visit family so I have been making sure Dennis has everything he needs while he's home and I have everything I need. A complication has arose for Christmas Eve afternoon, so I'm hoping I can work through it. Frustrating, it is....but I guess it'll just make me a stronger person. However, bigger than that, Dennis will not be coming with me because he has to work the day before and after Christmas. We were planning on both going over for Christmas, but because of a change came up, he was only able to get Thanksgiving off. So, I will be making him a Christmas dinner tomorrow and we'll be exchanging our gifts then too! I got him some really cool stuff....He's just so sweet and loving I just can't help myself!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Collateral Damage
After dropping off a friend at her house, I was almost collateral damage in a slow speed chase. As I was approaching a traffic light, I noticed a car parked all wonky and a guy talking to a cop. Then the guy ran into his car and took off, which just happened to be right behind me. So, to avoid being hit by the guy or possibly the cop, I moved to the left as much as I could without entering the intersection. Then the guy went around me followed closely by the cop. Since I turned down the same street, I watched as the guy served in and out of traffic and then I think he turned and got blocked in by the cop car. It was all very exciting and made my adrenaline pump like crazy. I was on the phone with Dennis when the whole thing went down and in the middle of our conversation I said "Oh sh**! I gotta go!" and then hung up the phone. I imagine he was pretty freaked out by that so I called him back when I was in the store to let him know what happened. I always wondered what I would do if I had a chance to block someone from running.....and now I guess I know. You never know how crazy these people are or what they are capable of......and if that person is running from the cops, you know they're not all there to begin with!
Otherwise, my day was lovely!......And I hope your day was too!
Otherwise, my day was lovely!......And I hope your day was too!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Amish Bread
I'm on my second round of Amish Bread. You know, that bread starter thing that was very popular in the 80's?.....Well, it's back....kind of. Dennis got it from someone at work and I just put the second batch in the oven. Although, I'm having trouble giving the starter to people. I asked Nancy but it was like I was asking her to do quite right. She then proceeded to tell me that she did it in the 80's and had so much starter lying around and couldn't bring herself to just throw it away. Needless to say, she didn't want to go through that again. I can't blame her make bread every 10 days! I'm a little concerned because I'll have to make it again on the 30th, but we won't be here....hmmmm....I need to figure that one out......Or I guess I could give it all away?
As I hoped, I was productive was Big Kitty, although she was taken against her will. She got her manicure today (worth every penny) and went with me while I ran errands. I don't think she exactly liked it. However, when she was a kitten, I would zip her up in my jacket and take her EVERYWHERE with me. She didn't seem to mind then. But now in her old age she's gotten cranky (that's one of Nancy's words....I would have like to use "blasted," but it just didn't sound right).
Just remember, only 254 minutes till Friday!
As I hoped, I was productive was Big Kitty, although she was taken against her will. She got her manicure today (worth every penny) and went with me while I ran errands. I don't think she exactly liked it. However, when she was a kitten, I would zip her up in my jacket and take her EVERYWHERE with me. She didn't seem to mind then. But now in her old age she's gotten cranky (that's one of Nancy's words....I would have like to use "blasted," but it just didn't sound right).
Just remember, only 254 minutes till Friday!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Relaxing Day
Today I did nothing. Absolutely nothing......and it felt great! I watched Ratatouille and loved it! The rats are so realistic in their movement and I just love the detail in their hair and whiskers. Tomorrow I will make up for least I'll try. Big Kitty needs to get a manicure and I have to get her in by noon. I still need to get Dennis a Christmas present. I have some ideas so I'm not too concerned about what to get.
I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.....I know I did!
I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.....I know I did!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Last Bunco
Tonight I attended my last Bunco game. It was a nice evening and we got to give gifts to our secret pals. Everyone gave very nice gifts.....Next year they want to do a White Elephant exchange...that's gonna be way cool. However, I will not be attending Bunco next year. I'm gonna put myself on the sub list instead. I loved playing, but committing the time was difficult for me as I think I only went to 6 or so games throughout the year.
As you may know, today was my last day of work before vacation. I got quite a few things done and have a list of things I need to do when I get back. A few of my friends at work gave me very lovely gifts.....Thank you very much!!!!........and Nancy made me cry with hers. It was very, very sweet and I love it!....Thank you Nancy!
Tomorrow, I tie up loose Christmas ribbon....not literally, but you know what I mean. Wish me luck!
As you may know, today was my last day of work before vacation. I got quite a few things done and have a list of things I need to do when I get back. A few of my friends at work gave me very lovely gifts.....Thank you very much!!!!........and Nancy made me cry with hers. It was very, very sweet and I love it!....Thank you Nancy!
Tomorrow, I tie up loose Christmas ribbon....not literally, but you know what I mean. Wish me luck!
Monday, December 17, 2007
What A Day!
My cookie platter was a hit and was gone within hours. I finished and scored all the GATE tests today! Woo hoo! All I have to do is write notification letters and send them out. I probably won't start on that until after break. Since tomorrow is my last day before break, I'm planning to DIBEL all my students....I should be able to accomplish this (I hope).
Things kinda went awry after lunch. Remember how we were going to hitch a ride to the GATE Academy with a school south of us?....Well, because of a miscommunication at their school, we no longer have a bus. Therefore, it's back to parent drivers and getting all the paper work in on time to be approved. This includes myself. All I'm waiting on is a fax from my insurance company, which is proving to be a rather difficult task as I can't get a hold of my insurance guy. This whole situation has left me agitated and stressed out! On a high note though, I was able to ship all the Christmas packages I needed to AND get some stamps. The UPS store was packed, but all the customers in there were pretty nice and smiley. Thankfully, by checking that to do off my list really lifted my spirits. Good thing because of what came next....
I got a late start on dinner because of the errand, but because we were having tacos I wasn't worried. I buy spices that I use often from Costco....they're cheaper and I don't have to replenish them often. Anyway, I reached for my taco seasoning and noticed as I was shaking it (to loosen it up) it was pretty loose already. So, I began to shake it vigorously onto my hamburger. I began to notice a wonderful smell and realized that I wasn't pouring taco seasoning onto the meat, it was cinnamon! I contemplated removing the tainted meat, but it was all over and I would end up throwing away most of I added at least twice as much taco seasoning to cover up the oh so very cinnamony taste. Thank goodness my red onion was really strong because it helped mask the taste pretty well. I think I will be double and triple checking my spices before adding them to anything!
Thanks for reading!
Things kinda went awry after lunch. Remember how we were going to hitch a ride to the GATE Academy with a school south of us?....Well, because of a miscommunication at their school, we no longer have a bus. Therefore, it's back to parent drivers and getting all the paper work in on time to be approved. This includes myself. All I'm waiting on is a fax from my insurance company, which is proving to be a rather difficult task as I can't get a hold of my insurance guy. This whole situation has left me agitated and stressed out! On a high note though, I was able to ship all the Christmas packages I needed to AND get some stamps. The UPS store was packed, but all the customers in there were pretty nice and smiley. Thankfully, by checking that to do off my list really lifted my spirits. Good thing because of what came next....
I got a late start on dinner because of the errand, but because we were having tacos I wasn't worried. I buy spices that I use often from Costco....they're cheaper and I don't have to replenish them often. Anyway, I reached for my taco seasoning and noticed as I was shaking it (to loosen it up) it was pretty loose already. So, I began to shake it vigorously onto my hamburger. I began to notice a wonderful smell and realized that I wasn't pouring taco seasoning onto the meat, it was cinnamon! I contemplated removing the tainted meat, but it was all over and I would end up throwing away most of I added at least twice as much taco seasoning to cover up the oh so very cinnamony taste. Thank goodness my red onion was really strong because it helped mask the taste pretty well. I think I will be double and triple checking my spices before adding them to anything!
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
All Ready
Cookie packages are all ready to go out. I've even got a platter arranged to take to school tomorrow. I think next year I will have to double some recipes....i.e. Fudge Crinkles, Thumbprints, and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Thanks to Dennis the kitchen looks somewhat back to normal. He has been doing the dishes almost as fast as I dirty them. Thanks honey! Plus, he folded all the laundry while I took an unplanned nap on the couch. I was just so warm and cozy I couldn't resist.....although my arm wasn't too happy.....I cut off the circulation to it and it was fast asleep.
I'm really excited because we bought Ratatouille today! Not sure when we're going to watch it with all the Christmas movies I have planned out, but it'll be first in line when the holidays are over.
Happy Sunday!
I'm really excited because we bought Ratatouille today! Not sure when we're going to watch it with all the Christmas movies I have planned out, but it'll be first in line when the holidays are over.
Happy Sunday!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Brady's Walking!
Yes, you heard it correctly!....BRADY'S WALKING!!!! Jonathan and Kelly sent us a video this evening of his first few steps! It's totally adorable! And he's only 9 months! We can't wait to go visit them again!
Potter and Pizza was fabulous! It was pretty good, but they always have to take out so many of the small things that make the books really great. Now I want to watch all the other Potters and read the book again.
The cookies are all made!!! I started baking at 8am and finished around 4pm. I didn't do all that by myself.....that would be crazy. I employed the help of my friend to roll the balls and decorate sugar cookies. Dennis did the dishes and was my official taste tester. I made 7 different kinds and should have the packages all made within the next few days. Last year I used cookie tins, but this year I thought I would try the holiday glad ware. They're bigger than the tins, cheaper, and I think people could use them again more easily.
Happy Baking!
Potter and Pizza was fabulous! It was pretty good, but they always have to take out so many of the small things that make the books really great. Now I want to watch all the other Potters and read the book again.
The cookies are all made!!! I started baking at 8am and finished around 4pm. I didn't do all that by myself.....that would be crazy. I employed the help of my friend to roll the balls and decorate sugar cookies. Dennis did the dishes and was my official taste tester. I made 7 different kinds and should have the packages all made within the next few days. Last year I used cookie tins, but this year I thought I would try the holiday glad ware. They're bigger than the tins, cheaper, and I think people could use them again more easily.
Happy Baking!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Better Late Than Never
Well I didn't finish making all my cookie doughs as early as I wanted, but I did get them done. However, I did get all my other Christmas shopping done today! Woo hoo (cough, cough)....That was for Nancy :)
No Potter tonight :( However, we are going to watch it with some of our friends tomorrow.....if that falls through, I think I might go crazy! Just kidding :) It's gonna be an alliteration night!....Potter and Pizza!
No Elf yet. I was hoping tonight since Potter was canceled, but we've discovered Fight Club on TV and that is throwing a wrench in my plan.....cuz it's one freaking awesome movie!
No Potter tonight :( However, we are going to watch it with some of our friends tomorrow.....if that falls through, I think I might go crazy! Just kidding :) It's gonna be an alliteration night!....Potter and Pizza!
No Elf yet. I was hoping tonight since Potter was canceled, but we've discovered Fight Club on TV and that is throwing a wrench in my plan.....cuz it's one freaking awesome movie!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
100th Post!!!
I can't believe this is my 100th post already!!!!.....although I do have to admit that I am a blabber mouth. I don't think I've ever kept up anything for this long before (unless you count showering, brushing my teeth, or taking out my contacts each night). It's all kinda exciting!!!
Tomorrow begins the prep work for the cookies. I hope by tomorrow evening (before Potter) that I will have made all the doughs I need to make. However, I could not find two basic ingredients at the store today....Hershey syrup in a can and Hershey Kisses....kinda weird that their both Hershey products isn't it? I'll have to pick them up sometime tomorrow or maybe Dennis might grab them for me. We'll see.
I may also brave the Post Office tomorrow. I desperately need stamps. Plus, I have to mail off some gifts too. I don't think it should be too bad since it's still pretty early.
Well, wish me luck tomorrow on my adventure. By days end I'll be covered with flour and a smile!
Tomorrow begins the prep work for the cookies. I hope by tomorrow evening (before Potter) that I will have made all the doughs I need to make. However, I could not find two basic ingredients at the store today....Hershey syrup in a can and Hershey Kisses....kinda weird that their both Hershey products isn't it? I'll have to pick them up sometime tomorrow or maybe Dennis might grab them for me. We'll see.
I may also brave the Post Office tomorrow. I desperately need stamps. Plus, I have to mail off some gifts too. I don't think it should be too bad since it's still pretty early.
Well, wish me luck tomorrow on my adventure. By days end I'll be covered with flour and a smile!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ingredient List
Tonights goal is to complete a list of ingredients I need to make all my Christmas cookies. This way, I can go shopping on my way home from work tomorrow and sleep in on Friday morning. It doesn't seem like I've slept in in ages....although I know that's not true.
Potter mania swept through the school today as the latest movie was released on DVD yesterday. Specifically, my third graders REALLY wanted to talk about it. Dennis and I bought it of course but we are waiting (sniff, sniff) till Friday to watch it since it's about 3 hours long. So I'm hoping to fill the void by watching Elf instead....although I've met some resistance with this suggestion.
I have to apologize in advance to all my co-workers (specifically to Nancy and Barb as they sit the closest to me). I will be having leftover pesto tomorrow for lunch and this batch is REALLY garlic-y. :)
Happy Wacky Wednesday!
Only 3 more days till I make Christmas cookies!
Potter mania swept through the school today as the latest movie was released on DVD yesterday. Specifically, my third graders REALLY wanted to talk about it. Dennis and I bought it of course but we are waiting (sniff, sniff) till Friday to watch it since it's about 3 hours long. So I'm hoping to fill the void by watching Elf instead....although I've met some resistance with this suggestion.
I have to apologize in advance to all my co-workers (specifically to Nancy and Barb as they sit the closest to me). I will be having leftover pesto tomorrow for lunch and this batch is REALLY garlic-y. :)
Happy Wacky Wednesday!
Only 3 more days till I make Christmas cookies!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Party
We had our staff Christmas party today and it was fun, fun, fun. Good food, good people, and good conversation. Another fried egg dinner to say the least! Off to watch a movie!!!!
Happy Day!
Happy Day!
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Bus for Us!
Today I got word that we have a bus to go to the GATE Academy! Turns out that a school south of us is volunteering to pick us up on their way to the Academy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm so relieved I won't have the responsibility of driving other people's children whom I'm not related to. I just couldn't bear it if something happened to one of them on the way up there.
So my husband is being ultra cute tonight. He's pretty cute normally, but tonight he's just over the top!.....and I love it!!! Plus, I'm making Amish bread which smells REALLY good and he's begging to have some of it. However, it's not finished baking yet and it has to cool down A LOT before you cut into it......I'm not sure I can resist his adorableness for long and cut into it before it's ready.
Only 5 more days until I make cookies!
So my husband is being ultra cute tonight. He's pretty cute normally, but tonight he's just over the top!.....and I love it!!! Plus, I'm making Amish bread which smells REALLY good and he's begging to have some of it. However, it's not finished baking yet and it has to cool down A LOT before you cut into it......I'm not sure I can resist his adorableness for long and cut into it before it's ready.
Only 5 more days until I make cookies!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
So Pretty

My mom went back home this morning. We had a wonderful visit and I miss her already. Last night we watched the fight together. She must have been exhausted from the crazy day because she kept dozing off even threw my yelps and pleadings during the fight. I won't spoil it for those who are trying to hold out till it shows up on regular HBO this weekend.....but it was pretty cool! Let's just say I almost cried.
I'm definitely not ready for work tomorrow. I woke up really early every day so I haven't been able to get any of the catch up sleep I usually get on the weekends. Oh well....I just need to tough it'll make me a stronger person right?
Only 16 days left to make cookies! Next weekend looks like a great time to accomplish this!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Shopping Shopping Shopping
From 10am till 5pm that is what we down time either unless you count eating lunch...but I don''s just like refueling your car. I was able to cross 5 people of my list today which was nice. The only place that was SUPER crowded was the mall. In one of the stores I bought only 1 item and I got 2 really awesome things for free with my purchase! After the mall is when the fun really began. We had 45 minutes to pick up a pizza (uncooked) from WinCo and head home before we would be cut off by the parade and before the Mayweather vs. Hatton fight began.....Well, things didn't go according to our plan:
1. Time = 5:40
2. They said the pizza would be ready in 10 minutes
3. They lost our pizza order tag.
4. 30 minutes later, we got our pizza
5. Time = 6:10....and the parade started at 6:00
6. Get about a mile from home and we get turned around
7. A new route = A new detour
8. Nancy calls and gives me the tractor parade route.
9. Follow car that appears to know where they are going.....They don't
10. End up lost on a dead end street.
11. Wind up seeing a beautifully decorated house....It had snowflakes and was mainly blue and white lights
12. Find our way back to the main street just past the detour
13. Hit another blocked off street.....the one I need to turn on to get home.
14. Then suddenly!.......The tractor parade!!!!
15. Turned off the car and watched the parade with the pizza dough rising from the heat in the car
16. Made our way home with the help of some very nice vehicles who let us cross major traffic to turn left
Result: We were able to grab dinner, watch the parade (which I really wanted to do), and make it home in time for the fight....Actually, the main fight hasn't even started yet because there is 3 fights before it. And the moral of the story is......Everything happens for a reason.......It all worked out in the end you see!
Only 17 days left to make Christmas cookies!
1. Time = 5:40
2. They said the pizza would be ready in 10 minutes
3. They lost our pizza order tag.
4. 30 minutes later, we got our pizza
5. Time = 6:10....and the parade started at 6:00
6. Get about a mile from home and we get turned around
7. A new route = A new detour
8. Nancy calls and gives me the tractor parade route.
9. Follow car that appears to know where they are going.....They don't
10. End up lost on a dead end street.
11. Wind up seeing a beautifully decorated house....It had snowflakes and was mainly blue and white lights
12. Find our way back to the main street just past the detour
13. Hit another blocked off street.....the one I need to turn on to get home.
14. Then suddenly!.......The tractor parade!!!!
15. Turned off the car and watched the parade with the pizza dough rising from the heat in the car
16. Made our way home with the help of some very nice vehicles who let us cross major traffic to turn left
Result: We were able to grab dinner, watch the parade (which I really wanted to do), and make it home in time for the fight....Actually, the main fight hasn't even started yet because there is 3 fights before it. And the moral of the story is......Everything happens for a reason.......It all worked out in the end you see!
Only 17 days left to make Christmas cookies!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Jenny!
It's my friend Jenny's birthday today! We went through middle and high school together and had some great times! Now she has a beautiful family and I wish her all the best on her special day!
More wind and rain
That was most likely the cause of the power outage today while I was at the doctor office. Funny thing friend had power at her office and she was right across the street!
My mom got into town about 12:30 today and it was go, go, go. I gave her a quick tour of our house then headed straight down to my school to do a little shopping at the local shops. I didn't find much except some little things for Dennis and some REALLY cute silver heels at Girlie Girl. Then we headed home, walked her dog, and headed to dinner. The meal was fabulous as I was starving! Dessert followed along with a headache from too much sugar. The evening ended with a wonderful little film called The Devil Wears Prada. Tomorrow we head to the craft fair! Woo hoo!
Only 18 days left to make Christmas cookies!
My mom got into town about 12:30 today and it was go, go, go. I gave her a quick tour of our house then headed straight down to my school to do a little shopping at the local shops. I didn't find much except some little things for Dennis and some REALLY cute silver heels at Girlie Girl. Then we headed home, walked her dog, and headed to dinner. The meal was fabulous as I was starving! Dessert followed along with a headache from too much sugar. The evening ended with a wonderful little film called The Devil Wears Prada. Tomorrow we head to the craft fair! Woo hoo!
Only 18 days left to make Christmas cookies!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My mommy is coming to town tomorrow! This is the first time she'll see our new digs. It's a pretty good weekend to come over because there's a lot to do. Tomorrow will be spent showing her around my school and shopping down there as well. Saturday we are going to a craft fair (which I'm totally stoked about) and on Saturday night there is a trucker parade. I've never seen it before but I've heard it's really awesome. Saturday was also going to be the day we watch the Mayweather vs Hatton fight on PPV, but we've decided to wait a week and watch it at no extra charge the following Saturday. I just really hope we don't hear anything about it from now until then.
As you can see it's way past my normal posting time so I must be going to bed......And Nancy, I suggest you not read my last sentence to avoid additional stress.....but it keeps me on track :) .....Your tree is lovely by the way!
Only 19 shopping days left!
As you can see it's way past my normal posting time so I must be going to bed......And Nancy, I suggest you not read my last sentence to avoid additional stress.....but it keeps me on track :) .....Your tree is lovely by the way!
Only 19 shopping days left!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Not Feeling Well
I'm not feeling so well today. I'm super tired and normally I can snap out of it by afternoon, but it was getting worse. Therefore, I started to just not feel well and left school early. I slept for about 2 hours when I got home and felt a little better. I really hope I'm not coming down with a cold or worse. Thankfully, Dennis has been reminding me to take vitamin C and H2O.
Only 20 shopping days left!
Only 20 shopping days left!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Crazy Wind
We have crazy wind and rain here today. Unfortunately, we still had power at school so we all had to go to work. Some schools south of us were lucky enough not to have power and were able to sleep in in a warm and cozy bed.
I tell you, who ever discovered cous-cous is a genius! I absolutely love it! And until a few months ago, I had never eaten it before. We went over to a friends outs at the end of the summer and they made it for us. It had toasted pine nuts, tomatoes, bell pepper, shredded carrot, and sliced green onions in it......and I totally fell in love with the dish! We had it several more times within the next month. However, I've had to start serving chicken with it because Dennis says the cous-cous itself is not enough for we get a Costco chicken and call it good!
Anyone craving for a taste of their childhood?......Well, my suggestion is to make some Rice Krispie Treats! I made some last night and I forgot how good they are!!!.....Plus, they remind me of when I was a little kid and what a special treat it was to have them......Find them a little too crunchy the next day? Just nuke 'em for 10 seconds in the microwave....that's what Dennis taught me tonight. They get just gooey enough without falling apart! Mmmmmm.
Only 21 more shopping days left!
I tell you, who ever discovered cous-cous is a genius! I absolutely love it! And until a few months ago, I had never eaten it before. We went over to a friends outs at the end of the summer and they made it for us. It had toasted pine nuts, tomatoes, bell pepper, shredded carrot, and sliced green onions in it......and I totally fell in love with the dish! We had it several more times within the next month. However, I've had to start serving chicken with it because Dennis says the cous-cous itself is not enough for we get a Costco chicken and call it good!
Anyone craving for a taste of their childhood?......Well, my suggestion is to make some Rice Krispie Treats! I made some last night and I forgot how good they are!!!.....Plus, they remind me of when I was a little kid and what a special treat it was to have them......Find them a little too crunchy the next day? Just nuke 'em for 10 seconds in the microwave....that's what Dennis taught me tonight. They get just gooey enough without falling apart! Mmmmmm.
Only 21 more shopping days left!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Dropped Pancake
That's what happens when you get Pam cooking spray on the floor. The funny this is, is that I had already slipped on that spot BEFORE I dropped the pancake....and thought to myself "I better be careful, that would suck if I got a pancake on the floor or fell on my a**".....and look what happened. Luckily, I had enough ready made mix to cover my slippage.
Our weather has turned cold, windy, and rainy. It's great but all I want to do is nothing. I did however get the ornaments on the Christmas tree. We also picked up a wreath from Costco and it's beginning to smell all Christmasy in here. I've got to start thinking about my Christmas cookies soon.....another project I'm not completely prepared to begin yet.
Only 22 more shopping days!
Our weather has turned cold, windy, and rainy. It's great but all I want to do is nothing. I did however get the ornaments on the Christmas tree. We also picked up a wreath from Costco and it's beginning to smell all Christmasy in here. I've got to start thinking about my Christmas cookies soon.....another project I'm not completely prepared to begin yet.
Only 22 more shopping days!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Definitely human this morning. No headache whatsoever.....thank goodness! I think the amount of sleep I had played a huge role in that.
Dennis, the wonderful husband he is, steam cleaned the carpets today and they look wonderful! Then he played basketball while I negotiated my way through Winco grocery shopping. I thought it would have been extra crazy today since it's the first of the month, but it wasn't. I think it was because they had over half the parking lot blocked off because they were painting new lines. I got lucky and found a parking spot pretty easily. Afterwards, we went over to Dennis's co-workers house for an early pizza dinner. They have several rats for pets and I do have to say they are pretty cute. One of them fell asleep on their lap and it was pretty adorable.
Well, my dad and step-mom should be arriving in Hawaii shortly. For the past several years they have been going there during the first part of December. A few years from now, we may all go on a trip together.....their thinking of a cruise....It would be one huge family vacation!!!!.....I really hope we end up doing'll be so much fun!!!
Back on the mainland, Dennis and I will be looking at more Christmas lights to add to our fence. I hope we get one of those lighted snowmen or something.....I just love those! I also really need to put the ornaments ON our Christmas tree. It's not totally naked though....I put the lights on it when I first put it up but I just haven't gotten to the rest of it yet. Beaumont Livingston is pretty upset with me because I have moved all the presents closer to the truck so he can't lay on them anymore. He'll get over it soon....I hope.
Happy 1st day of December! Only 23 more shopping days till Christmas!!!!
Dennis, the wonderful husband he is, steam cleaned the carpets today and they look wonderful! Then he played basketball while I negotiated my way through Winco grocery shopping. I thought it would have been extra crazy today since it's the first of the month, but it wasn't. I think it was because they had over half the parking lot blocked off because they were painting new lines. I got lucky and found a parking spot pretty easily. Afterwards, we went over to Dennis's co-workers house for an early pizza dinner. They have several rats for pets and I do have to say they are pretty cute. One of them fell asleep on their lap and it was pretty adorable.
Well, my dad and step-mom should be arriving in Hawaii shortly. For the past several years they have been going there during the first part of December. A few years from now, we may all go on a trip together.....their thinking of a cruise....It would be one huge family vacation!!!!.....I really hope we end up doing'll be so much fun!!!
Back on the mainland, Dennis and I will be looking at more Christmas lights to add to our fence. I hope we get one of those lighted snowmen or something.....I just love those! I also really need to put the ornaments ON our Christmas tree. It's not totally naked though....I put the lights on it when I first put it up but I just haven't gotten to the rest of it yet. Beaumont Livingston is pretty upset with me because I have moved all the presents closer to the truck so he can't lay on them anymore. He'll get over it soon....I hope.
Happy 1st day of December! Only 23 more shopping days till Christmas!!!!
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