Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Joy of Saturdays!

I so love Saturdays! Yes, I know I said I love Fridays too, but Saturdays just have a different feel altogether. For instance, you can sleep in as late as you can't do that on Fridays now can you. However there is a downside to sleeping in late. It doesn't affect most people because sleeping in to them is 8 or 9am. They have the rest of the day to just chill. Well, sleeping in for me means not getting up till at least 10am. I've been known to sleep in till 1 or 2pm. When you sleep that late, half the day is gone and by the time you get up, take a shower, and go grocery shopping, it's time to think about fixing dinner. I didn't sleep that late today, but it was close. The last time I remember checking the time was at 8:50am. I thought, I can sleep another 30-60 minutes and then all get problem. The next thing I know the phone is ringing. So I get up and clear my throat (so as it doesn't sound like I just woke up) and pick up the phone. Thank goodness it was just my mother! She asks what I'm doing and I tell her I just woke up. Then I look at my watch and it says 11am! I slept another 2 hours and it only felt like 10 minutes!!!!!.....My sleep habits will absolutely be screwed up when my husband and I have kids! So I guess I better get all my sleeping in out of the way now.

The point is, as much as I love sleeping in I also hate wasting so much of the day. But I guess I could look at it as though I am actually doing something I love anyway so what's the problem? It's all about the positive spin. The crazy thing is that my husband can go to sleep 2-3 hours after me and get up 2-3 hours before me!

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

You are one impressive sleeper! I can make it to about 10 or 11, but that is my limit.... unless, of course, I've had too many cocktails the night before!!