Sunday, September 23, 2007

Back home

We got back home around noon today, began our typical Sunday routine, and headed to a local craft fair in hippie central. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. It was a beautiful day and there was great music playing. My husband's co-worker had an African food booth (as he is from Ghana) and it was sooooo good. He served fried plantains, a peanut stew, and a tomato based sauce all over white rice. The flavors were so good and different from what we are use to. After we ate, we walked around getting a head start on Christmas presents. I saw one of my fellow teachers selling her wares in a booth. She was totally hippied out, a huge difference from her day to day teaching garb. I bought some really cute earrings from her and I think I may buy some more.....we'll see.

Now that the weather has changed and today is the first day of fall...I'm FREEZING!!!! Our house was 62 degrees when we got home. My brother-in-law called our house a meat's pretty cold actually. So I just turned on the heat a few minutes ago up to 68 degrees. Now that we have doubled our square footage with our new house, our heating bill will be crazy expensive. Although, in our old place we just had a wall heater so it was only really warm in front of it. In our new house, we have central heating so EVERY room is's such an odd and wonderful sensation compared to what we were use to.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Nancy caused a ruckus on Saturday by posting a belated birthday message to me. Thank you again Nancy for the was laugh out loud funny!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

A ruckus? I never cause a ruckus!! Hee Hee!