Sunday, September 30, 2007
Things to look forward to....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Bad Chinese
Tonight my husband and I had dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant but it was so bad we couldn't eat it. This is the second time we've gotten bad Chinese from there. Looks like we won't be eating there again. I wish we had a Choos Too here. Their dry braised chicken is to die for!!!
So I went to talk to our neighbors who cut down Steve (our hedge). I asked them why they cut him so short and he said it was to give us more sun. Steve isn't a canopy! He grows straight up and provides much needed privacy between the US and THEM. Besides, the sun moves! So to cut Steve to provide us with more sun is ridiculous!!! So I told our neighbor we like Steve tall and next time they need not to cut him so short. I seriously hope they consider that option. They don't want an unhappy Cindy on their hands.
Oh, boxing is starting......I must go! Taylor vs. Pavlik......not sure who I'm pulling for yet.
So I went to talk to our neighbors who cut down Steve (our hedge). I asked them why they cut him so short and he said it was to give us more sun. Steve isn't a canopy! He grows straight up and provides much needed privacy between the US and THEM. Besides, the sun moves! So to cut Steve to provide us with more sun is ridiculous!!! So I told our neighbor we like Steve tall and next time they need not to cut him so short. I seriously hope they consider that option. They don't want an unhappy Cindy on their hands.
Oh, boxing is starting......I must go! Taylor vs. Pavlik......not sure who I'm pulling for yet.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Holly Yashi
Tonight I went to the Holly Yashi sale!!! My friend and I got there about 5pm and we didn't leave till after 8pm. For those of you who don't know what the Holly Yashi sale is, well, it's basically jewelry that is 50%-80% off. You can only go on Friday night if you have a ticket because it's the so called "preview sale" and they serve wine and cheese. There are so many women crowded around these tables looking for the perfect earrings or the best buy. You can tell some of them want to shove you to the side to get in, but instead wait patiently with their jaw clenched. However, there are a few who do just butt right in...they can get down right mean when fighting over jewelry. Oh, but some of the pieces are just so sparkley! I'm like a moth to a flame when it comes to things that sparkle....but I am afraid of moths (thanks to my brother) so I guess I'm more like a mosquito to a bug zapper. Anyway, I only ended up spending $70 unlike my friend who spent over $200. We were both in shock at the total and thought the lady made a mistake, but she went through it all again and it was right! We just kept laughing about it because she was in shock at what happened. She really did get some nice pieces of jewelry. One of which was my birthday present....a really pretty necklace to go with earrings I bought last year.
On another note....remember how I won on the radio yesterday? Well, today I was entered into a drawing for the races and I won that too!!!! I was so excited, although, I don't think I'll end up going. Boxing is on at the same time tomorrow night and I can't miss that!
Smokey the Bear came to school today. He completely freaked me out. I have a fear of people dressed in costumes like that. At one point today he was waiting in the hallway by my room and I couldn't bring myself to go by him and into my, I ended up going over to the main building to wait him out. Luckily, when I returned, he was no longer there. Too freaky for me!
On another note....remember how I won on the radio yesterday? Well, today I was entered into a drawing for the races and I won that too!!!! I was so excited, although, I don't think I'll end up going. Boxing is on at the same time tomorrow night and I can't miss that!
Smokey the Bear came to school today. He completely freaked me out. I have a fear of people dressed in costumes like that. At one point today he was waiting in the hallway by my room and I couldn't bring myself to go by him and into my, I ended up going over to the main building to wait him out. Luckily, when I returned, he was no longer there. Too freaky for me!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The 40 Year-Old Virgin
That was the winning trivia answer today.....and I got it!!!! I love to listen to the trivia games on the radio. Most of the times I know the answer but just can't get through. I've discovered that if I call as soon as they say they are going to play the game, then I usually always get through. However, I've been hanging up because I haven't known the answers.....until today!!!! They played a preview of a movie and I was 100% sure the answer was The 40 Year-Old Virgin and I was getting so nervous while I waited for them to answer the phone. I was the first caller and he asked the typical questions: Who is this? What are you doing this morning? and if you say school or work they always follow up with And where is that? I answered each and every question with my usual "peppiness" Nancy says I'm always full of and then the DJ asks how school is going and I say GREAT! He said something about how chipper I was and that he would have to check back in in February to see if I was still feeling the same way.....little does he know....that's always how I sound. So after I got off the phone I run into school at tell the Kindergarten and both 1st grade teachers to turn on their radios......Why I do this to myself I have no idea.....but of course everyone is laughing at how "chipper" or "peppy" I sound. I just got carried away in all the excitement. After all it's my first time winning a prize on the radio!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Salad Shmalad
Just like the beginning of summer brings realizations of how much weight was gained during the year, Fall also brings those realizations. Thus, I went to Costco on Monday and bought the 1 pound container of salad. Now, instead of enjoying the carb and calorie loaded leftovers from the night before, I have to suffer through a SALAD for lunch. I try to accessorize as much as possible. A little tomato here, a little avocado there, several nutty nuts, and viola'.....a nicely dressed salad. But really that's all it is....nicely dressed. You end up being hungry about an hour later and scarf down a leftover cupcake, thanking God you had a birthday in your room that day....or so I've been told because that's so obviously something I have never done. Therefore, I've been trying to do some healthful snacking before and after lunch to avoid the cupcake incident as mentioned above. Thank goodness for those 100 calorie packs. I carry at LEAST 2 packages on me at all times....I need choices after all. But these things have saved me let's say around 3pm when my stomach takes control and starts doing the talking for me. I've just recently discovered the Alpha Bit cookie ones.....I like to alphabetize them...........and then..........
spell things.
Thanks for reading!!!
spell things.
Thanks for reading!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Over the Hedge
In our backyard, we have a hedge that separates US from THEM....we'll call it "Steve." Today Steve is getting a haircut and like my haircut, it is way WAY too short. Several feet of Steve is currently being whacked off and it appears that he will stand just a bit over 5 feet. So instead of admiring Steve (a beautiful wall of greenery), we will be privileged to look at the house behind us and a dilapidated apartment building several hundred feet off. Lovely. I feel so naked without our hedge.....and they've only gotten as far as our next door neighbors house! Hopefully, Steve grows quickly.
I must warn you now....I have a story to tell.....
Every morning I see a group of 4th graders for reading intervention. The group I had today responds well with humor, so to keep things lively and moving along I like to make jokes and be a little silly with them. So....I asked one of my students to tell me the time. She looks up and says that it is 9:15. I know this is incorrect because I only see them from 8:30 to 9:00 and I knew 45 minutes hadn't passed already. So I asked her again to check the time. She responds by telling me it is 8:15. At this point the rest of my students are cracking up because she is obviously not fully awake and in school mode yet...she of course realizes this too and starts laughing. Then I ask her if she needs some of my coffee to wake up. She says no because she doesn't drink it, so I praise her for making a good choice.....A few minutes pass by and I got really excited at something (I can't remember what) but that same girl says to me "Now Mrs. Taylor, I think you've had a little too much coffee!" This made me start laughing so hard I had to end class. This is one of the reasons I love teaching. Kids say the funniest things!
I must warn you now....I have a story to tell.....
Every morning I see a group of 4th graders for reading intervention. The group I had today responds well with humor, so to keep things lively and moving along I like to make jokes and be a little silly with them. So....I asked one of my students to tell me the time. She looks up and says that it is 9:15. I know this is incorrect because I only see them from 8:30 to 9:00 and I knew 45 minutes hadn't passed already. So I asked her again to check the time. She responds by telling me it is 8:15. At this point the rest of my students are cracking up because she is obviously not fully awake and in school mode yet...she of course realizes this too and starts laughing. Then I ask her if she needs some of my coffee to wake up. She says no because she doesn't drink it, so I praise her for making a good choice.....A few minutes pass by and I got really excited at something (I can't remember what) but that same girl says to me "Now Mrs. Taylor, I think you've had a little too much coffee!" This made me start laughing so hard I had to end class. This is one of the reasons I love teaching. Kids say the funniest things!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Premier Night
The beginning of fall brings cool weather and the changing of leaves. It also brings premiers of both old and new shows. What new shows will I watch this year? What time are they on again? For someone who likes to go to bed around 9pm, this presents a problem. Thank god for DVR!!!! I don't know what I would do with out it. This amazing little device can search for the shows I want to watch and record every new episode for me! This is perfect for someone like me who can never remember what day and time my favorite show airs. Yet, at work, I have the most confusing schedule, see around 42-47 students per day, and still remember (most of the time) where I need to be, who I'm working with, and what they are working on.....but that's besides the point. I am so spoiled with our DVR. It's so weird to think that kids growing up now, will not know a time before DVR or TiVo......or even 8 tracks. Oh, now they were cool! My mom had one in her green Oldsmobile way back when.............
.........Sorry...I got distracted by Heroes.....see ADD......however, I haven't had coffee thus there's no "H."
I hope y'all had a great Monday!!!! Gotta love 'em!
.........Sorry...I got distracted by Heroes.....see ADD......however, I haven't had coffee thus there's no "H."
I hope y'all had a great Monday!!!! Gotta love 'em!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Back home
We got back home around noon today, began our typical Sunday routine, and headed to a local craft fair in hippie central. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. It was a beautiful day and there was great music playing. My husband's co-worker had an African food booth (as he is from Ghana) and it was sooooo good. He served fried plantains, a peanut stew, and a tomato based sauce all over white rice. The flavors were so good and different from what we are use to. After we ate, we walked around getting a head start on Christmas presents. I saw one of my fellow teachers selling her wares in a booth. She was totally hippied out, a huge difference from her day to day teaching garb. I bought some really cute earrings from her and I think I may buy some more.....we'll see.
Now that the weather has changed and today is the first day of fall...I'm FREEZING!!!! Our house was 62 degrees when we got home. My brother-in-law called our house a meat's pretty cold actually. So I just turned on the heat a few minutes ago up to 68 degrees. Now that we have doubled our square footage with our new house, our heating bill will be crazy expensive. Although, in our old place we just had a wall heater so it was only really warm in front of it. In our new house, we have central heating so EVERY room is's such an odd and wonderful sensation compared to what we were use to.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Nancy caused a ruckus on Saturday by posting a belated birthday message to me. Thank you again Nancy for the was laugh out loud funny!
Now that the weather has changed and today is the first day of fall...I'm FREEZING!!!! Our house was 62 degrees when we got home. My brother-in-law called our house a meat's pretty cold actually. So I just turned on the heat a few minutes ago up to 68 degrees. Now that we have doubled our square footage with our new house, our heating bill will be crazy expensive. Although, in our old place we just had a wall heater so it was only really warm in front of it. In our new house, we have central heating so EVERY room is's such an odd and wonderful sensation compared to what we were use to.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Nancy caused a ruckus on Saturday by posting a belated birthday message to me. Thank you again Nancy for the was laugh out loud funny!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Baby brother
I have been having a great time hanging out with my brother-in-law and family this weekend. Kelly and I went shopping all day and got some really cute things. Sonic was our dinner tonight and it really sucked....if I were you, I would avoid eating there....ever! But probably the best thing about today was I got a call from my baby brother. I guess he's not such a baby since he is 26. Anyway, he is in the Army and stationed in Iraq. This is his second tour there and he should be home in 45 days. I haven't talked to him since February, I think. He sounded so grown up, which he said was probably the phone distorting his voice. It was more than that though....and as I was realizing this, I began to cry. I hope he didn't notice, but I was so happy he called to wish me a happy birthday. It took me about 30 minutes after we hung up to stop crying....I wasn't like sobbing or anything (I was in public after all), I was just really REALLY teary and it was difficult to talk. I so miss him and hope he stays safe while he's over there. His call really meant a lot. Thanks dude!
Well, Kelly and I are off to Target.....we're gonna get our shop on!....again.
Well, Kelly and I are off to Target.....we're gonna get our shop on!....again.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Picture day
Don't you just love picture day!!! Well, I don't. I know it may sound a little silly, but a few days before picture day I practice smiling in the mirror...this is to avoid that crazy smile or the twitchy eye or any wobbly bits. Last year the lady caught me off guard and made me laugh just as she took the picture. It was the funniest looking picture ever!!!! Anyway, so I've been practicing my smile with my head slightly turned to the right because this is my better side. My plan was to have my picture this way because I knew how to turn and smile every so slightly as to avoid exposing any wobbly bits or flabby areas. The staff picture was at 8am this morning. I arrived promptly freezing my a** off while the camera people got ready. Then, to my horror, I realized my bad side was facing the camera. I pleaded with someone to switch sides with me, but all the other shorties in the front row were too miffed at having to stand there year after year, so I was denied my plea. As unhappy as I was at this, I figured I would have my solo picture taken on my good side. Wrong again! As I walked up to the photographer I saw I would have to expose my horrid right side again. I pleaded with him if I could do something different and his response was that I could lean up against the fake tree!!!!! I am all for the environment, but I am so not a tree hugger!!! So my hopes for a decent picture went down the drain. So, so sad.
Remember my longing for a birthday party with family? Well, my husband and I drove over to visit his brother, wife, and nephew. When we arrived they had decorated the house and had cake and presents waiting!!! Thank you guys!!! My nephew also showed off his new skills of crawling. Actually his crawl is more like an inch worm's right now. Super cute!! He is oh so adorable and has to be the happiest baby I have ever seen!!! Tomorrow we'll hang out and then Kelly and I are going shopping!!!!
Remember my longing for a birthday party with family? Well, my husband and I drove over to visit his brother, wife, and nephew. When we arrived they had decorated the house and had cake and presents waiting!!! Thank you guys!!! My nephew also showed off his new skills of crawling. Actually his crawl is more like an inch worm's right now. Super cute!! He is oh so adorable and has to be the happiest baby I have ever seen!!! Tomorrow we'll hang out and then Kelly and I are going shopping!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My 28th Birthday!
Today is my 28th birthday. It is a little more difficult than I expected. A few days ago I found a neon white hair on my head....I almost cried. Now I'm officially in my late LATE 20's. Many of my students today thought I was turning 32! I almost fell off my chair! Actually, I thought it was a pretty good guess since they didn't guess anything in the teens or anywhere close to 100.
My husband gave me a wonderful card with illustrations of our cats and a bee (he draws very well). I also got balloons, flowers, and a bird feeder delivered to my classroom from my mom and sister. Thanks you guys!!!! Plus, my friend Barb gave me a mini cake (which I've always wanted) and I may or may not share it with my husband. Most likely I will though. He's too sweet not to share a sweet with. When I got home, I had all these wonderful cards from my family. I so love birthdays! It's not the gifting part that I love, it's the celebration and socialization that I love. And on that note, I am a little sad I can't be with my family in Y-town on my birthday. I haven't had a birthday nor have I been a family birthday party back home for quite some time. I truly miss them. However, I have a very loving husband who will spoil me rotten today. He just walked in the door with a beautiful flower arrangement too! I will have to go for now.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes!
My husband gave me a wonderful card with illustrations of our cats and a bee (he draws very well). I also got balloons, flowers, and a bird feeder delivered to my classroom from my mom and sister. Thanks you guys!!!! Plus, my friend Barb gave me a mini cake (which I've always wanted) and I may or may not share it with my husband. Most likely I will though. He's too sweet not to share a sweet with. When I got home, I had all these wonderful cards from my family. I so love birthdays! It's not the gifting part that I love, it's the celebration and socialization that I love. And on that note, I am a little sad I can't be with my family in Y-town on my birthday. I haven't had a birthday nor have I been a family birthday party back home for quite some time. I truly miss them. However, I have a very loving husband who will spoil me rotten today. He just walked in the door with a beautiful flower arrangement too! I will have to go for now.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I have a new tomato. His name is Fred. My friend Nancy gave him to me. She laughed and laughed at him. The other teachers did too. I felt sorry for him so I moved him from my table into my cupboard, that way no one could laugh at him anymore. Fred liked this idea. He began to show is gratitude towards the move. As I began to move him, something struck me. I saw it. Fred WAS different. He wasn't like the other tomatoes. I started to realize why all the other girl tomatoes were so fond of him and what caused the laughter.....Fred had a really big nose.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Bunco Night!
I'm so excited!!!! Tonight is Bunco!!! Our group started back in January and I have only won ONE time!!!!!! It was last month so I am hoping to continue the streak. In fact, I always wore my favorite horse shoe earrings for every game, but last month I didn't......and I WON!!! So of course tonight I can't wear them because I have a darn superstition now. I'll let you know how it turns out. Plus, it's a pizza and pajama theme....It's gonna be so cozy! Can ya tell I've had way too much caffeine today? I've used like 17 exclamation marks! Make that 18. I swear coffee gives me ADHD. I talk WAY too loud and WAY too much. As Nancy says...I'm very peppy. Although today I started with decaffeinated tea but I was soooo sleepy and I wasn't feeling very "peppy." So at recess (9:55am) I made an emergency trip to one of the 1st grade classrooms to get a cup of coffee. Thank you again Deb for help putting the "pep" in my step!
Happy day to all!
Happy day to all!
Monday, September 17, 2007
New haircut
I got a haircut today! Although it's much short than I anticipated. I think I say that every time afterwards, but today it's really true. As I was flipping through the hair books I bookmarked a few to show the lady. I told her I wanted a combination of two styles but I didn't want it as short as the picture. Well....I think it's even shorter! It's a huge difference from how my hair was before I cut it. Serves me right I guess. After all, I should have known better than to cut my hair 4 days before picture day!
Today was also the day my husband discovered a leak in our shower. We've been noticing this weird waxy stuff seeping up through the carpet for the past month or so. So today he pulled back the carpet and saw that the entire pad under the carpet and the wooden floors were soaked with water. The location of the water is just the other side of the shower wall. So it looks like the tile in the shower will have to be removed in order to fix the leak. Thank goodness we have another shower in the house!!! Plus, to add insult to injury (literally), my husband's knee is all messed up and he can barely even walk on it. Looks like I'll be making a few phone calls tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
Today was also the day my husband discovered a leak in our shower. We've been noticing this weird waxy stuff seeping up through the carpet for the past month or so. So today he pulled back the carpet and saw that the entire pad under the carpet and the wooden floors were soaked with water. The location of the water is just the other side of the shower wall. So it looks like the tile in the shower will have to be removed in order to fix the leak. Thank goodness we have another shower in the house!!! Plus, to add insult to injury (literally), my husband's knee is all messed up and he can barely even walk on it. Looks like I'll be making a few phone calls tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Ever After
So last night I watched Ever After and forgot how much I love this movie. It also reminds me of how wonderful my husband is. Every year for my birthday I get to pick ANY movie I want to watch at the theater and several years ago I chose Ever After. It's such a great movie even my husband like it. Anyway, when it came out on videocassette (yes, it was that long ago) my husband drove 30 minutes in the pouring down rain at night to surprise me with it. That may not seem all that wonderful to most people, but my husband hadn't had his license very long and did not drive much anyway. I couldn't stop smiling and hugging him when he surprised me with it later that night. So when I watch that movie it brings all those wonderful and heartfelt memories back. My husband is such a sweet and wonderful man. I am so lucky to have snatched him up when I did.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Joy of Saturdays!
I so love Saturdays! Yes, I know I said I love Fridays too, but Saturdays just have a different feel altogether. For instance, you can sleep in as late as you can't do that on Fridays now can you. However there is a downside to sleeping in late. It doesn't affect most people because sleeping in to them is 8 or 9am. They have the rest of the day to just chill. Well, sleeping in for me means not getting up till at least 10am. I've been known to sleep in till 1 or 2pm. When you sleep that late, half the day is gone and by the time you get up, take a shower, and go grocery shopping, it's time to think about fixing dinner. I didn't sleep that late today, but it was close. The last time I remember checking the time was at 8:50am. I thought, I can sleep another 30-60 minutes and then all get problem. The next thing I know the phone is ringing. So I get up and clear my throat (so as it doesn't sound like I just woke up) and pick up the phone. Thank goodness it was just my mother! She asks what I'm doing and I tell her I just woke up. Then I look at my watch and it says 11am! I slept another 2 hours and it only felt like 10 minutes!!!!!.....My sleep habits will absolutely be screwed up when my husband and I have kids! So I guess I better get all my sleeping in out of the way now.
The point is, as much as I love sleeping in I also hate wasting so much of the day. But I guess I could look at it as though I am actually doing something I love anyway so what's the problem? It's all about the positive spin. The crazy thing is that my husband can go to sleep 2-3 hours after me and get up 2-3 hours before me!
Happy Saturday!
The point is, as much as I love sleeping in I also hate wasting so much of the day. But I guess I could look at it as though I am actually doing something I love anyway so what's the problem? It's all about the positive spin. The crazy thing is that my husband can go to sleep 2-3 hours after me and get up 2-3 hours before me!
Happy Saturday!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I love Fridays!!!!
I'm so glad it's Friday!!!! I was one very long week. I can't wait till October when I go to a 4 day work week. So far today hasn't been very exciting. Just a typical day. Although, my principal was so very kind and brought in a HUGE bowl of chocolate goodies!!!
Pet Update: I think we are leaning towards getting a new cat. Actually, I'm almost positive we won't be getting a dog for a while....until we have children and they are older. So, I went to the adoption center on my way home and saw the same kitty we wanted to get last weekend. He was very sweet and his fur was nice and soft. There were a lot of other cute kitties too, especially tabby cats. I'm a sucker for a gray tabby. Still not sure what we will do, but I'll keep ya posted.
I've added my friend Nancy's blog link to the left. Check it out. Her blog entries are so heartfelt and inspiring. Plus, she puts really great pics on there too!
I hope y'all enjoyed your Friday! Thanks for reading!
Pet Update: I think we are leaning towards getting a new cat. Actually, I'm almost positive we won't be getting a dog for a while....until we have children and they are older. So, I went to the adoption center on my way home and saw the same kitty we wanted to get last weekend. He was very sweet and his fur was nice and soft. There were a lot of other cute kitties too, especially tabby cats. I'm a sucker for a gray tabby. Still not sure what we will do, but I'll keep ya posted.
I've added my friend Nancy's blog link to the left. Check it out. Her blog entries are so heartfelt and inspiring. Plus, she puts really great pics on there too!
I hope y'all enjoyed your Friday! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Back to School Night
Oh, don't ya just love back to school night? Well, for me, it's a time where I can get lots and LOTS of planning done. Because I am not a regular classroom teacher, I don't have a little shpeel to give to a classroom full of parents. Therefore, I sit in my little room all alone from 6:15-8:00 and then have to drive 30 minutes home in the dark ( I use my headlights, so don't feel too bad about that). Fortunately, I had several caring staff members and parents who popped in to say hi tonight. I even had one parent who had questions about advanced math classes and our GATE program. So in the end I felt useful. :)
Now prepare yourself.....I have another story to tell.
While I was sitting in my room, a parent came rushing in looking all around my room and in my cubbies and saying "I need a cup!" "[Amy] found a praying mantis!" "Do you have a cup?!" Keep in mind I have never seen this parent before or knew of the child he was referring to. Anyway, I said yes and proceeded to give one to him. During this time he was standing so close to me I could practically feel is breath on my shoulders (I was wearing a tank top) as I was getting the cup. Then I handed it to him and he said, "What about a lid?" What about a lid? Do I look like I am a TO-GO station? Do I have a sign on the outside of my door that says "Cup and Lid Supply Room?" I was completely appalled by this whole situation. The way he searched my room and his expectation of having a lid to go with the cup left me speechless. I literally sat in my room with my jaw ajar for the next minute or so in complete disbelief as to what just happened. So bizarre!
And so I am now home with my wonderful husband, glad the evening has ended. Thanks for reading!
Now prepare yourself.....I have another story to tell.
While I was sitting in my room, a parent came rushing in looking all around my room and in my cubbies and saying "I need a cup!" "[Amy] found a praying mantis!" "Do you have a cup?!" Keep in mind I have never seen this parent before or knew of the child he was referring to. Anyway, I said yes and proceeded to give one to him. During this time he was standing so close to me I could practically feel is breath on my shoulders (I was wearing a tank top) as I was getting the cup. Then I handed it to him and he said, "What about a lid?" What about a lid? Do I look like I am a TO-GO station? Do I have a sign on the outside of my door that says "Cup and Lid Supply Room?" I was completely appalled by this whole situation. The way he searched my room and his expectation of having a lid to go with the cup left me speechless. I literally sat in my room with my jaw ajar for the next minute or so in complete disbelief as to what just happened. So bizarre!
And so I am now home with my wonderful husband, glad the evening has ended. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today I just didn't care
Today I just didn't care
if I had a million piles of papers in my classroom.
Today I just didn't care
if I felt completely overwhelmed.
Today I just didn't care
if my lunch wasn't perfectly organized in my lunch box.
Today I just didn't care
if all my students broke their pencils on purpose.
Today I just didn't care.
Tomorrow I will organize my papers.
Tomorrow I will do things one at a time.
Tomorrow I will perfectly organize my lunch box.
Tomorrow I will reward students for unbroken pencils.
Tomorrow is always a new day and I look forward every one with great anticipation!
if I had a million piles of papers in my classroom.
Today I just didn't care
if I felt completely overwhelmed.
Today I just didn't care
if my lunch wasn't perfectly organized in my lunch box.
Today I just didn't care
if all my students broke their pencils on purpose.
Today I just didn't care.
Tomorrow I will organize my papers.
Tomorrow I will do things one at a time.
Tomorrow I will perfectly organize my lunch box.
Tomorrow I will reward students for unbroken pencils.
Tomorrow is always a new day and I look forward every one with great anticipation!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I don't touch play dough
Yes, it's true. I just don't like it....but let me clarify. I love the colors and everything you can make with it. I also like to watch other people create with it. But this is what I hate....I can't stand the smell, whether it's the play dough itself or the sent left on my hands afterwards. Furthermore, after playing with it my hands feel like I've washed them in a salt bath and just left them to dry. It's just too funky for me.....I'd rather play with's edible art!
Do you ever read or hear a word that just makes you want to yak? For my brother Bill it was saying the color "Pink" or "Tessa Nosler." If you even attempted to say either one of those words it would throw him over the edge. Well, today I discovered one of those words that I had blocked out to avoid triggering my gag reflex........meal worm. I can barely type it without gagging. On the other hand, I do have favorite words that I like to say over and over almost like I had tourette's. Take the word "noodle" for instance. It is so much fun to say. Try it out. I guarantee you just can't say it once. I also have another one, but since my parents may be reading this (Hi Dad! Hi Mom!) I just can't. So if you happen to see me out on the street (because that is oh so very likely) and you are not my parents.....I would be happy to tell you my second favorite word.
Thanks for reading. And by the way, all was well through the construction zone today!
Do you ever read or hear a word that just makes you want to yak? For my brother Bill it was saying the color "Pink" or "Tessa Nosler." If you even attempted to say either one of those words it would throw him over the edge. Well, today I discovered one of those words that I had blocked out to avoid triggering my gag reflex........meal worm. I can barely type it without gagging. On the other hand, I do have favorite words that I like to say over and over almost like I had tourette's. Take the word "noodle" for instance. It is so much fun to say. Try it out. I guarantee you just can't say it once. I also have another one, but since my parents may be reading this (Hi Dad! Hi Mom!) I just can't. So if you happen to see me out on the street (because that is oh so very likely) and you are not my parents.....I would be happy to tell you my second favorite word.
Thanks for reading. And by the way, all was well through the construction zone today!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Road Construction
If you have ever been on a road trip during the summer, you've had to endure some sort of road construction. Well, since June, I have had to drive through approximately 20 minutes of road work. It hasn't been bad. Concerning at times when I barely have enough room to drive my car through the lane without going into the median....but otherwise not a major issue. Well, today I got completely freaked out and thought I had missed some sign or merging lane or something. The entrances and exits have been temporary closed within the last few weeks. However, I have only seen my exit closed once. Anyway, I proceeded to get on the freeway....I would have my own lane for the first 1/4 mile of the freeway entrance to merge left. If the right lane was closed (as the new sign had stated) there would be the merging cones and it may be touch and go, but all would be okay. Well, I entered the freeway no problem and saw that the cones were in the same place they had always been. Then to my horror, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a line of cars behind me on the opposite side of the cones! I began to panic a bit. I am now living one of my worst fears of driving on the wrong side of a construction zone! I thought how could I have missed the merging cones to put me in that lane? I wasn't on my cell phone so I know I had absolutely no distractions. What in the world did I miss.....then I saw a car behind me enter the freeway the same way I did. They slowed down (almost to a stop) and then merged left. Aha! When in Rome...... So, I slowed down and then stopped to find a break in the traffic where I could squeeze through the cones into that lane. Luckily, someone in a van slowed way down so that I could get into that lane. THANK YOU to that person!!! Since I was in the correct lane, I began to wonder what did I miss that put me in the wrong lane. I began to scrutinize every exit and entrance I drove past......then I saw it.....or the lack there of. There were no merging cones anywhere during the next several miles of freeway. All of the cones were separating the two lanes. There were no cones to assist the exit or entrance of vehicles. And I saw several more cars go through the same thing I did. WHAT WERE THE CONSTRUCTION CREWS THINKING!!!!! Apparently they weren't. I have almost 12 years of driving experience and I have never seen or been through anything like that. I felt almost as if I was in the twilight zone. Very very strange. I hope it is fixed tomorrow.
And now that I have put you through one of my stories....I apologize. Hopefully you understood my rambling and I thank you for sticking it out till the end. :)
And now that I have put you through one of my stories....I apologize. Hopefully you understood my rambling and I thank you for sticking it out till the end. :)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Typical Sunday
Today was a pretty normal Sunday. Sleeping in late and spending way too much money on groceries. Actually, it's not that bad. It's so funny, you spend all this time making a grocery list of things you need and you end up buying stuff not on your list and happen to forget to buy the one item on your list that you need that night. Luckily for me, today wasn't that day.
I have so been craving bakery items the last few days. My cravings got the best of me this afternoon when I rolled out the Betty Crocker yellow cake mix. I truly believe cupcakes are underrated. They are the perfect size, shape, and eco friendly since you don't have a plate and fork to wash afterwards! A few years ago my cousin got married and had cupcakes instead of a wedding cake. It was so perfect! You could try all the flavors without feeling the guilt that comes with eating at least 2 pieces of regular wedding cake. They were travel friendly and I imagine budget friendly. I have to say the best cupcake I've eaten was in New York at the Magnolia Bakery. The cupcake that I've always wanted to eat was Carrie's shoe cakes in the 5th season of Sex in the City. The ones she had at her book party. They were just too cute!
Well, a new work week begins. It is also the first week of our intervention program. I really hope it goes well. It's been rough trying make everyone happy. I know you can't make everyone happy, but I sure try. Wish me luck and I wish everyone a happy week! Thanks for reading!
I have so been craving bakery items the last few days. My cravings got the best of me this afternoon when I rolled out the Betty Crocker yellow cake mix. I truly believe cupcakes are underrated. They are the perfect size, shape, and eco friendly since you don't have a plate and fork to wash afterwards! A few years ago my cousin got married and had cupcakes instead of a wedding cake. It was so perfect! You could try all the flavors without feeling the guilt that comes with eating at least 2 pieces of regular wedding cake. They were travel friendly and I imagine budget friendly. I have to say the best cupcake I've eaten was in New York at the Magnolia Bakery. The cupcake that I've always wanted to eat was Carrie's shoe cakes in the 5th season of Sex in the City. The ones she had at her book party. They were just too cute!
Well, a new work week begins. It is also the first week of our intervention program. I really hope it goes well. It's been rough trying make everyone happy. I know you can't make everyone happy, but I sure try. Wish me luck and I wish everyone a happy week! Thanks for reading!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
I'm back!
Oh, the joys of the farmers market! It's actually my fault really. I decided to sleep in, which means we didn't arrive there until 11am. Well, the later you go the busier and odder the market becomes. There's quite a combination of people milling and dancing about. My goal today was to get tomatoes and peaches.....well, I got the tomatoes, but the peaches were a no-go. They are so popular that you can barely even get in close enough to touch a peach without being pushed out of the way. I was determined to get some to make a pie, however, my husband threw me a curve ball......and stated he doesn't care for peach pie. So, I had a choice to make: Do I make a pie anyway and end up eating the whole thing and have my thighs hate me for the next few weeks.......or.......not fight the pushy hippies and make a healthy tomato salad instead? Well, I chose the more healthful alternative. However, the tomatoes we got were a different type than we got before and they end up giving you a gag reflex when you eat them.......I should have taken the hippies on and bought the darn peaches.
So, my husband and I are thinking about getting another pet. Either a cat or a dog. We went to a pet show today and saw a really cute (just what we would want) Lab puppy. We also saw an adorable tabby cat. A dog is a lot more responsibility and we wouldn't be able to go and visit our nephew quite as often as we do. But a new cat might throw our other cats into a revolution against us. I'll keep you posted....our investigation into this matter continues......
I'm off to make my grocery list. Anybody want anything?
So, my husband and I are thinking about getting another pet. Either a cat or a dog. We went to a pet show today and saw a really cute (just what we would want) Lab puppy. We also saw an adorable tabby cat. A dog is a lot more responsibility and we wouldn't be able to go and visit our nephew quite as often as we do. But a new cat might throw our other cats into a revolution against us. I'll keep you posted....our investigation into this matter continues......
I'm off to make my grocery list. Anybody want anything?
Friday, September 7, 2007
My very first blog!
This is so exciting! My very first blog! I've actually been inspired by my friend Nancy. I've realized that I like the whole blog idea after all. Those who I do not communicate with regularly, can now, through the miracle of the internet, know what the hell I'm up to....oh, crap...can I say "hell" and "crap?" You know those terms of use.....well, I didn't exactly read the whole I'm not sure how they feel about language....but I will try to keep it polite. After all, my mother and/or father might be reading this.
I will try and update Cindyland often. Although, it may just be a whole bunch of rambling. I have to really warn everyone, I cannot tell stories....I will attempt it many MANY times.....but they just fall flat. It may not be so bad since I have to write them out.....but if you know me, I seriously cannot retell a good story to anybody. I feel for my husband at times because of this lack of story-telling.
Well, I've begun my second year at school. My schedule is busier than ever, but I've learned from last year and I know at least my GATE program will benefit. I've begun a novel study of The Giver with my 6th grade GATE students. I think they are pretty excited about it. I just loved the novel and I would recommend it to anyone....especially if you are a science-fiction fan.....And yes, I'll be waiting for your review on Monday Nancy. :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for reading!!!
I will try and update Cindyland often. Although, it may just be a whole bunch of rambling. I have to really warn everyone, I cannot tell stories....I will attempt it many MANY times.....but they just fall flat. It may not be so bad since I have to write them out.....but if you know me, I seriously cannot retell a good story to anybody. I feel for my husband at times because of this lack of story-telling.
Well, I've begun my second year at school. My schedule is busier than ever, but I've learned from last year and I know at least my GATE program will benefit. I've begun a novel study of The Giver with my 6th grade GATE students. I think they are pretty excited about it. I just loved the novel and I would recommend it to anyone....especially if you are a science-fiction fan.....And yes, I'll be waiting for your review on Monday Nancy. :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for reading!!!
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