Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ibprohpen to the rescue!

I don't know what I would do if Ibprophen didn't make my sore throat tolerable. I was sure I was going to feel much better today, but I really don't! And instead of resting (like my sister said I should have done) I made 20 jars of baby food!.....and stuffed manicotti with TWO different sauces! Oh, and thanks to the tip from my cousin Bryn, I gave Caitlin cheese for the first time today......and she really liked it!!!! It's a little scary watching her eat it because I'm so afraid she's going to choke or something. I'm pretty sure that feeling won't go away for quite some time. Anyway, I made quite the variety of baby food today. Here's a list (because I LOVE making lists):

Carrots and Yams
Carrots and Apples
Carrots, Apples, and Yams
Zucchini and Acorn Squash
Acorn Squash and Apples

I really need to make some green food to counteract all the orange! But most green food needs to be strained (green beans, peas) and I really don't get a long with my strainer these days.

Alright, I must get ready for bed. I HAVE to start feeling better tomorrow, right?


Crystal said...

Wow...your a super mom! I never even tried to make my own baby food. Unless you count mashed potatos haha. Go Cindy Go!

Jenai said...

Eeeee! (happy squeal) I adored making baby food... and have about 4 or 5 baby food cookbooks (I'm sure there are a couple I could give you, and the other couple you could borrow, if ya want?). Warning though... avocados are packed with fiber (same with yams)... ;)

Anyway!... I discovered the weirdest combination that they swore babies love (and Sean did)... Avocado Banana. Yup, gross... and I didn't have the courage to taste and confirm the grossiosity of it. But... babies like it! Weird weird weird.

I steamed the green beans until nice and tender, then just pureed them... no straining. For the most part Sean really liked those. Same with broccoli. Steamed, then pureed the heck out of it. I often mixed trickier veggies with baby cereal to smooth it out). He loooooved the broccoli done that way.

I'm trying to remember the other greens... Hmmm... Oh yes, zucchini, but I believe you mentioned that. Peas were indeed tricky with the skins, and even the strainer was a pain. I skipped those. ;)

Whoooooohooooo! I love love love makin' baby food! :D Go you!