When it rains, it pours! This morning I woke up with pink eye (at least that's what I think it is). Plus, I'm still feeling crappy and ended up going home a bit early today. Tomorrow I am using my last "no tell" day as a sick day and going to the doctor. The secretary recommended a doctor's office that is pretty easy to get into so I called at lunch today and I'll be seeing them tomorrow at 9am. With a "real" doctor, I won't have to even think about going to Urgent Care anymore....woo hoo! The other possibility with my eye is that my cold/flu virus has spread to my eye....super gross! Hopefully, they'll fix me up tomorrow!
Oh, and since my husband is soooooo wonderful, he brought home a big jug of orange juice tonight....the funny thing is, that was the one thing I forgot to ask him to bring home earlier.....but he just sensed that I needed it (even though I'm not normally a juice drinker)! How awesome and wonderful is that!!!!
Good ol' hubbs... sometimes they CAN read our minds, they just don't want us to know it :-)
I hope you get well soon..... (especially since I NEED you at the Literacy night!) Actually, if you're not up to it, we'll be OK, but things are always more fun with Cindyanna there!
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