The day is almost done and it's all very exciting. Caitlin and I may head into my work tomorrow so she can say hello to everybody. Tomorrow is May Day and the Kindergarten classes usually make bouquets for people at the school and then deliver them. It's one of my favorite days and since I don't work tomorrow, it would be the first time that I've missed it.....yet another reason to visit tomorrow. Ooooo, tomorrow I also go in for a massage! I'm hoping they'll release some of the tension in my neck so I can sleep and change lanes more comfortably.
Oh, before I go, I have a bizarre question. What is the one word you misspell the most? Mine is "definite".....I always spell it definate every single time! You think I'd learn from my mistake already.....but I guess not!
It's either occur or ocassionally. Oops... just spelled the latter wrong. Ocasionally. Nope. Occasionally... THERE! LOL
Happy May Day!!! And I hope your neck gets better.
#1 I am worrying that you did not get a basket of May Day flowers...
#2 If it's a typo error, my most misspelled word is students (studnets). If it's just the one I tend to misspell, I guess surprise (suprise).
Have a great weekend!
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