Friday, April 10, 2009

Mikey Likes It!

Or rather, Caitlin likes it....cereal that is. She ate two servings of it plus 3oz of milk at daycare on Thursday! And how did she sleep you ask? Like a log...okay more like a log that wakes up twice during the night...but I'll take it!!!

Today began my Spring break. I have all next week off and I'm super excited! I'm gonna catch up on all my DVR shows, possibly host a playdate for Caitlin, and take her to the library for the first time.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. We're going to head over to see J, K, B-man, and Miss Maddie tomorrow morning. The last time we went over, B-man opened the door and the first thing he said was "Caitlin!" It was super adorable! We'll see what he says this time around :)

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