Sunday, April 26, 2009


For the first time tonight I made and ate (yes, I did say ate) meatloaf! I've never had it or made it before because of my estranged relationship with meat. I'm what you would call a selectatarian. I select which meat I eat and don't eat. Usually it's a very small amount and if it is served on a bun or something, it must have at least a 50/50 bread to meat ratio....otherwise, I'm not eatin' it. However, when I was pregnant with Caitlin meat is something I would crave.....and I would eat the heck out of it! I would eat more than Dennis and Jonathan combined! Since then my relationship with meat has improved and I have been willing and able to eat more of it. Before this recent meatloaf adventure, I devoured several leftovers of spaghetti with a homemade meat sauce, and before that I unearthed the wonderful world of BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. To say "I've come a long way" is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to me and meat eating. My family just stares at me in disbelief (imagine deer in headlights) when I ask for another helping of ribs...they want to know where I hid the real Cindy. Anyway, I must thank Nancy for her meatloaf was delicious...and for further developing my relationship with meat.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

That is so funny...I am slowly working my way back to eating meat. I was almost a complete vegi head for years, but am working up to it. I also craved meat when I was pregnant with my first and have been working on trying things again. Right now I am working on chicken...slow process. Nice to know I'm not the only one.