Birthday dinner update:
We didn't end up getting to the brewery until 7:30. Dennis kinda didn't want to go because he wasn't feeling well either, but I had been wanting to go so bad that I wasn't gonna let a cold stop us. Well, apparently it was Civil War Days and the place was completely PACKED! I new it was going to be a bit crowded, but it was crazy crowded. So after several people cut in front of us, I was able to ask the waitress how long the wait was. Turns out it was going to be at leas an HOUR before we could get a table!!! I (and Dennis) was very upset at hearing this news and practically stormed out of there fighting the tears as I went. Because we were in a different town, we didn't know of any other restaurants and were not in the mood to go searching for one....so we did the next best thing (or rather closest option).....we went to Denny's which was about 2 blocks away. So there we were having my 29th birthday dinner in Denny's. On the one had it was pretty sad, but then again, I was also really happy to be getting food within 30 minutes. It was actually pretty good. Dennis had a make your own Grand Slam and I had a chicken ranch sandwich thingy. It hit the spot and the food put us in better moods. Then one the way home (around 9pm) Dennis suggested we do our grocery shopping right then so we (or rather I) wouldn't have to do it tomorrow. I agreed apprehensively because we had neither a shopping list or a dinner list planned. We did the best we could so hopefully I won't have to pick up any last minute items this week. Really, it was kinda nice shopping so late because it was super quite and there was hardly anyone there! And when we got home, I had a message from my dad from Buck Camp (Sterling Mountain) wishing me a happy birthday......it was a nice way to end a crazy evening.
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