Friday, September 26, 2008


I know I should have something to blog about after not blogging for several days, but I'm drawing a blank. I think pregnancy brain is taking a hold of me. Oh, but we did have a dinner party tonight for the presidential debate and my new dose of diabetes meds are working rather fact, I had pasta, potato, and pie and my sugar was within normal limits an hour later!!!!! Woo hoo! I would hope that this trend continues, but as I have seen in the past, it usually only does that for one day and then gets really high again.....It's all so confusing and I just don't get it sometimes! But like the doctor reassuringly said, only a couple weeks to go!

1 comment:

Jenai said...

Hem hem hem... a COUPLE weeks??? I thought you were due in November? Eeeeeee.... I must know! :D