We headed over to Redding to stay with J, K, and B-man and arrived around 6pm to a kitchen counter piled high with baby gifts and birthday presents. J, K, and B-man showed up about a half an hour later with In N Out burgers and fries which I devoured within seconds!.....I only had about 5 fries, but I seriously wanted the whole bag of them! Brady is getting so tall and can do and say so many more things! Dennis had a blast chasing him around the house and through his dinosaur tunnel.

Saturday, September 13th
Today was the day of my shower. My sister and mom threw it for me and around 20 family members were able to come. It was so awesome and my sister made me cupcakes (my favorite) and a diaper cake! Everything was so awesome and I received the cutest little girl clothes ever! Our girl will be dressed so cute!.....at least for the next 6-9 months! I even got boots that look like mini Uggs! Plus, my dad and step-mom gave us the stroller we'd been drooling over for the last several months.....a BOB stroller in chocolate and light blue!!!! It's absolutely fabulous!
So how many squares did it take to go around my belly?.....10! And most everyone went WAY over!....except Kelly and 2 others!
My diaper cake! It took only 84 diapers to make it!
My mom, sister, Hunter and me....in front of my brother's newly planted lawn!
Today was the day of my shower. My sister and mom threw it for me and around 20 family members were able to come. It was so awesome and my sister made me cupcakes (my favorite) and a diaper cake! Everything was so awesome and I received the cutest little girl clothes ever! Our girl will be dressed so cute!.....at least for the next 6-9 months! I even got boots that look like mini Uggs! Plus, my dad and step-mom gave us the stroller we'd been drooling over for the last several months.....a BOB stroller in chocolate and light blue!!!! It's absolutely fabulous!

Monday, September 15th
When I arrived at school, it felt like I had been gone for a month! Apparently, there were several meetings held Thursday afternoon or Friday about STAR testing, our GROW program, and my schedule. I felt completely clueless as to what was happening and I didn't like it one bit. It made me realize what it's going to feel like when I come back from maternity leave....completely out of the loop! Then I found out early that morning that at our afternoon staff meeting they were going to have a "surprise" baby shower for me and the music teacher....with cake and goodies to boot! It was a surprise for the music teacher but because the principal didn't have a chance to grab the agenda out of my box, I was aware that the first item on the agenda was the joint baby shower! It was still a wonderful surprise though! The staff gave Dennis and I a gift card to Target, Diane (the other K teacher) gave us super cute cupcake onesies, the cook made an adorable quilt, and Kris.....well Kris went a bit overboard with onesies, a blanket, pants, and picture frames. It was all so nice of them!
Tuesday, September 16th
So remember the GATE application I was working on last school year and how much a pain it was? Well, today the principal tracked me down in Kindergarten to let me know that we got a THREE year approval!!!!! It's the most we've ever gotten! Normally, we get 1-2 years so this was HUGE!!!! I'm so happy!!!! I guess all that work paid off!
As if a surprise baby shower wasn't enough, the staff threw me and the librarian a surprise birthday lunch!....with cake too! People brought really good food too! Barb brought an awesome (and spicy) black bean soup, Diane brought egg salad and crackers, Deb brought homemade applesauce, Teresa (I think) brought watermelon, and Will brought pasta salad. I helped myself to EVERYTHING (carbs or no carbs!) and I had 1 1/2 pieces of cake too!!!! Take that blood sugar! Surprisingly, an hour later, my sugars were within a normal range which completely blew my mind! Wouldn't it be awesome if that could happen everyday! Now that's some wishful thinking!
I'm really happy there was cake today because I'm definitely not having one on my actual birthday (Saturday) because it'll just sit in the fridge and taunt me.....cake is mean like that you know. Anyway, the party was also really awesome because in the 4 years I've been at the school, this is the first time it was remembered and celebrated by more than just a few! It was just really awesome and I want to thank everyone involved!!!
When I arrived at school, it felt like I had been gone for a month! Apparently, there were several meetings held Thursday afternoon or Friday about STAR testing, our GROW program, and my schedule. I felt completely clueless as to what was happening and I didn't like it one bit. It made me realize what it's going to feel like when I come back from maternity leave....completely out of the loop! Then I found out early that morning that at our afternoon staff meeting they were going to have a "surprise" baby shower for me and the music teacher....with cake and goodies to boot! It was a surprise for the music teacher but because the principal didn't have a chance to grab the agenda out of my box, I was aware that the first item on the agenda was the joint baby shower! It was still a wonderful surprise though! The staff gave Dennis and I a gift card to Target, Diane (the other K teacher) gave us super cute cupcake onesies, the cook made an adorable quilt, and Kris.....well Kris went a bit overboard with onesies, a blanket, pants, and picture frames. It was all so nice of them!
Tuesday, September 16th
So remember the GATE application I was working on last school year and how much a pain it was? Well, today the principal tracked me down in Kindergarten to let me know that we got a THREE year approval!!!!! It's the most we've ever gotten! Normally, we get 1-2 years so this was HUGE!!!! I'm so happy!!!! I guess all that work paid off!
As if a surprise baby shower wasn't enough, the staff threw me and the librarian a surprise birthday lunch!....with cake too! People brought really good food too! Barb brought an awesome (and spicy) black bean soup, Diane brought egg salad and crackers, Deb brought homemade applesauce, Teresa (I think) brought watermelon, and Will brought pasta salad. I helped myself to EVERYTHING (carbs or no carbs!) and I had 1 1/2 pieces of cake too!!!! Take that blood sugar! Surprisingly, an hour later, my sugars were within a normal range which completely blew my mind! Wouldn't it be awesome if that could happen everyday! Now that's some wishful thinking!
I'm really happy there was cake today because I'm definitely not having one on my actual birthday (Saturday) because it'll just sit in the fridge and taunt me.....cake is mean like that you know. Anyway, the party was also really awesome because in the 4 years I've been at the school, this is the first time it was remembered and celebrated by more than just a few! It was just really awesome and I want to thank everyone involved!!!
*sniffles* I wish I could have beeeen there! Wah!... You look fabulous and babyriffic! And I would have been SO jealous of that stroller! Oh hell... I AM jealous! Even though Sean's outgrown them. LOL
Awesome awesome!
And how wonderful that you said "screw it!" and ate all your shower(s) food! I too experienced oddly regular numbers when I just ate normally... within reason. Potatoes were my only demon food. LOL Woohoo for cake!!!! :D
It was a great day!! I can't belive all the stuff you got. It was really nice to see you and forget about school for awhile. Hope to see u before the baby is born. That stroller is pretty awesome, I knew she was getting it for a long time!!!
I promise I'll post pics on Friday sometime. If I dont talk to you HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY!
Love ya,
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