Dennis made his second trip to urgent care tonight. He went in early yesterday morning and was diagnosed with strep throat. Last night he spiked a 104.1 fever. I was pretty worried because neither Advil or Tylenol would bring it down. Finally, after a cool shower, it came down with the help of an additional dose of Advil. We thought we were in the clear when he woke up fever free this morning, but his fever came back. Even scarier, was his uvula (the dangley thing in the back of his throat) was swollen to the size of a small cherry making it difficult for him to breath, let alone sleep! I've never seen him this sick!
So, he just called and the doctor said that he may just have a virus, but he needs to keep taking the antibiotics anyway. The doc also is giving him some medicine to reduce the swelling. He should be home soon. I just hate that I am not there with him. But it's better for Caitlin that she's at home and not exposed to hospital air.....let alone urgent care air.
Tomorrow is the second to last day of summer school. We've planned a BBQ at the local park and it looks like it's gonna be cold and damp......just like it has been for the past 4 years. Bummer. I can't wait for summer school to be over. It's gotten much better since my first few days, but I'm ready to have a bit of a vacation.
Cold and Damp? Is that what we call it when all the children are covered with little water droplets as they play? I am definitely bringing my winter coat! And maybe gloves! I hope Dennis feels better soon.
Sorry you guys have been sick! We just got back. Where did you go camping?
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