Tonight Caitlin, Dennis, and I spent about 2 hours getting a new cell phone plan and phone....and according to Dennis's research since we got home, I picked the phone with the shortest talk time and quite a few complaints. I can deal with some of the complaints, but if you know me and know my talking habits, a short talk time will not fly. Nevertheless, I'm giving it a try. I have 30 days to make my final decision. So far I really like it, but I've only talked on it once.
Caitlin did pretty well and thank goodness I had a jar of baby food in her diaper bag! Although, I can't say much about her overall behavior because while I was inside the store, Dennis was feeding and occupying Caitlin in the car......for an hour and a half!!!! least!!!! When I finally reappeared, everyone was all smiles and Dennis was covered in oatmeal.....which he didn't mind a bit (and I think he actually liked it). So now, Dennis and I both have a phone. I got the new one and he got my old one. Here's hoping my new one works out!
I have a love/hate relationship with buying cell phones and you never get out of there in less than 2 hours, its impossible. LOL
I found a blog page you might like (if you haven't seen it already, that is) its:
Happy weekend, you disgustingly cheerful girl!! :-)
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