Friday, December 26, 2008

First Trip

It was a 6 hour trip that usually takes about 4 1/2 hours.....and she slept most of the way. Our first stop was about 3 hours into the trip. Dennis and I were both starving and so was Caitlin. I didn't realize how long it would take to feed us and change a diaper....about an hour! Then back in the carseat and away we went. She cried for about 10 minutes and then fell asleep....which was a great thing because it was pretty stressful driving over the super snowy pass. Chains weren't required but the snow plow hadn't gone through yet so it made the road very slick. It was so pretty driving over the pass though....I really do miss the snow. The scariest part of the drive was going up my dad's driveway. Everyone was shocked that we made it up the hill!....they all had to use 4 wheel drive. In fact, if we hadn't hit a small dry spot we wouldn't have made it! We were slipping and slidding all over the road.....thankfully, Caitlin slept through the whole thing! Quite an eventful first trip I'd say!

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