Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Math Adoption

We went to the county office of education to further research math programs to adopt for next year. I didn't really need to go since I'm not a classroom teacher.....yet......but I wanted to know what they were thinking and what program(s) I would be assisting with next year. Ideally, we are supposed to adopt a K-6 program, but the needs and wants of primary is totally different from the middle grades. So basically primary wants one and middle grades wants another. The whole process really sucks and is stressful.....but then again I'm looking at it more from an outsider point of view.

Anyway, Dennis and I are going to watch No Country for Old Men. It should be pretty good.

Buh, bye!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

Off the topic, but necessary.... bring a baby picture! :)