Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Finally Here!

The Other Boleyn Girl has made it to our tiny town!!!! I'm so excited, but am afraid I will be disappointed as I most always am if I read the book before the movie. To avoid this I've realized if I know a movie is going to be made I will watch that FIRST then read the book. This way I avoid any disappointment.

Open house went well. I didn't have any "cup" incidents but I did have some accidental visitors. They were looking for the sample Math textbooks that were looking to adopt for next year. I did also have some students wonder in to say hello and one who wanted me to buy some coffee for a fund raiser for the eighth grade trip. Oooh, this Thursday was also the day we finished The GATE Gazette! I'm so proud of my students and so so happy we finished on time! I need to try to figure out a way to get it on my blog. I may need to talk to Nancy about this.....I think she may know.

Well, off to buy some trees!

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