Caitlin's grandma Virginia gave Dennis one of his old sleepers just before she passed the other evening we decided to put it on her and take a few photos. It was a very sweet and precious moment. It's funny to think that Dennis use to wear that and it must have been one of Virginia's favorites for her to keep it for so long. We wish she could be here to share in our joy.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Caitlin's grandma Virginia gave Dennis one of his old sleepers just before she passed the other evening we decided to put it on her and take a few photos. It was a very sweet and precious moment. It's funny to think that Dennis use to wear that and it must have been one of Virginia's favorites for her to keep it for so long. We wish she could be here to share in our joy.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Dennis!....and Nana too!
Today Dennis is entering his 30's!!!....and it's his first birthday as a father! We don't really have anything planned....he's not a big party person. We'll probably just grab some dinner and watch a movie of his choice. Most likely it will be a horror movie since those are his favorite....I'm not that fond of them, but it's his birthday and I will watch what he wants, happily!
Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband who I love with all my heart and being.
Happy Birthday to my sweet Nana who is loved by all the instant they meet her.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What am I going to do?!
My baking world has been turned upside down!!!! My KitchenAid mixer is broken!!!.....It's leaking motor fluid!!!...and the nearest repair center is in San Jose!!! When I called Dennis to tell him yesterday he asked if I was crying and I told him no, but I sure wanted to!!! I don't know what I'm going to do!! Dennis took a look at it last night and after tightening some screws it's still leaking!!! After researching the problem online, it turns out this is a common problem. I think one of Dennis's friends is going to take a look at it and if he can't fix it, I guess we're gonna have to get a new one. Really, I don't think I could live without one!!! Yes, I may be a little melodramatic about it, but it's me we're talking about would be unnatural if I wasn't :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Cupcake Goodness
I have been quite busy these last few days experimenting with cupcakes. My friend may have me make cupcakes for her wedding in August so of course we had to test some ideas out. Just an FYI, black frosting watch out! One of the cake flavors is lemon and boy oh boy did they turn out lemony! I replaced most of the water with a cup of fresh lemon juice and the zest of one lemon....and WOW you could really taste the lemon. Plus, with all that extra acid added it messed with the leavening agent so the cupcakes didn't rise like they should have...another reason to adjust the next batch. I also made champagne cupcakes for the first time. I have to say they were my favorite....especially with the mocha frosting! Anyway, last night my friend and her fiance' tasted all the samples and checked out the design possibilities. And by making and decorating all the cupcakes I realize I desperately need to take a cake decorating class. I would love to learn how to make edible flowers and I really need to work on my relationship with fondant.....I thought we were on good terms, but after yesterday morning, we had a bit of a falling out.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Where's Caitlin? These are the Disney characters (all 13 of them) Dennis brought home from Chicago. I thought it would be funny to surround her with them. It was more challenging than I thought it would be. She kept knocking over Minnie Mouse!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sipper or Guzzler?
What kind of water drinker are you? Do you find yourself reaching for a glass or water bottle all day long? Nursing it like a fine wine? Or do you guzzle down your water barely making it out of the kitchen with some still in your glass? I find myself in the latter category. Something about water that has been sitting out for a while, well, just kinda creeps me out. Yes, I know this is VERY bizarre, but it does. It can totally appear I don't drink water at all, but that's only because I'm not a sipper, I'm a complete guzzler. I stand at the sink and drink the whole cup pretty much as fast as I can.....just think of a beer guzzling contest and that's pretty much how I do it. Now soda on the other hand....I can do both, but typically you can find me nursing a single can all day. It doesn't bother me at all when it gets a bit warm or flat.....but just simply freaks me out. There, now that I have that off my chest I feel much, much better :)
P.S. -- Caitlin slept for SEVEN straight hours last night!!!! And yes, I did check her numerous times to see if she was breathing. The books all say she might start sleeping in longer stretches, but I didn't think it would happen this soon and be that long!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
So much to blog about and so little time! Dennis came home on Thursday afternoon and we were all very excited. Caitlin wore a cute purple dress with brown polka dots to meet him at the airport....she was so adorable!!! He came back with a big box full of Disney characters from the 2nd largest mall in North America.....I'm sure he would have brought back more stuffed animals if he could. Then the next day we headed over to visit J, K, B-man, and Maddie....the first time Caitlin and Maddie would meet! It was a full house of kids and it was absolutely fabulous! We just need one more child so every adult has one :) Caitlin also got to meet her other Grandpa (Dennis's dad) for the first time. I was concerned how Caitlin would do during the night. I was afraid it would be the one night in weeks she would stay up crying and then wake Brady and Maddie up too....however, ALL kids slept really well. In fact, Caitlin slept for 5 hours one night and then 4 1/2 the other night. She's been doing that lately....sleeping for at least 4 hours on the first's been pretty nice. Maddie was really chill the whole time we were there too. I don't think she cried for more than a total of 5 minutes the entire time we were there! It was very sweet to see them laying next to each other.....and then holding hands! Brady was really good with both of them and kissed them every so gently on their foreheads! So precious!!! We headed out on Sunday morning and spent the rest of the day lounging around the house. But the big excitement happened on Monday morning.....Caitlin rolled over for the first time!!!!!!! Dennis took her in the livingroom for tummy time and to let me sleep in a bit. Then I heard him cheering her on and congratulating her. I was a bit puzzled by all the excitement until he came in to tell me what had happened. We all immediately came back into the livingroom and put her on her tummy to see if she would do it again.....and she did....twice!!!! We got it on our video camera and I'm working (or rather she's working) on getting in on my regular camera. I will post it as soon as I have it. Our little girl is growing up so fast!!!! Soon she'll be walking before we know it!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Apologies
Apparently I'm completely lame! For the past two years now I have wished Kelly happy birthday on the 13th....which is NOT her birthday. Her birthday is actually on the 12th and I never changed it on my calendar!!! So I apologize Kelly for being so lame :)
Oooo, today I took Caitlin to visit daycare. It went great and I know she'll have a great time there. Plus, I extremely comfortable with my provider which will make going back to work a bit easier. I am however starting to get a bit anxious about not being with her all day, but I'm trying to put it out of my mind.
Dennis is coming home tomorrow afternoon!!!!! We are SOOOOOO excited!!! Every I have put the phone up to Caitlin's ear so Dennis can say hello, she smiles or coo''s so darn cute!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Kelly!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Why me?!
Yesterday afternoon Caitlin, Nancy, and I went to get my haircut. I have been wanting to do it for a while but it has been a bit difficult finding the time. Anyway, I went to a new place and ended up getting a really SLOW chick. Nancy helped me find a picture and I had told her I always part my hair the same way, I wanted it short and textured, and I never flat iron it...ever. Well, she was VERY conservative on the short part and I didn't realize how conservative until she was practically finished. I didn't say anything because it took her forever to cut what she had and I thought it would get shorter when she textured didn't to say the least. Then, the most frustrating part, she cut my hair with it parted in the middle and I always part it on the side so when I got home and parted it normally it is UNEVEN!!! I immediately picked up the scissors and snipped a small amount off and realized I was heading down a road that shouldn't be I sent a text to Nancy and she immediately replied "don't fix it yourself!".....which was the best thing she could have sent because it was a second reminder that I should put the scissors down...ASAP!!! I should go back and have her fix it but if she didn't get it right the first time, I don't trust her to fix it this I think I'm gonna go somewhere else in a few weeks. You can't really tell it's uneven because it's tucked behind my ears.....thank goodness! It seems like every time I get my hair cut I don't like it. Why that is, I have no idea. I think I need help! This just proves, yet again, that my hair and I just don't get along. :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
So Dennis leaves for Chicago tomorrow morning and we are all not wanting the morning to arrive. He will be gone until Thursday afternoon, so it'll be just Caitlin and I till then. Normally when he goes somewhere (usually for only 24 hours) I stay up as late as my eyelids will let me so it'll make falling asleep much easier....but now that we have Caitlin, I don't think that would be such a wise thing to do. Dennis is going to take his laptop so we will be able to video chat while he's over there....that will make things a bit easier I think. I already miss him and he hasn't even left yet! He is definitely not looking forward to this trip either, but I hope with the video chatting it will make things a little more tolerable.
Friday, January 9, 2009

Lately I have been addicted to these pretzels....which I find really odd because I typically don't eat pretzels. But I guess this addictions proves you really shouldn't go grocery shopping when your hungry. A few weeks ago I went shopping while hungry (yes, I should have known better) and I just mingled down the chip look not touch (as my mother would put it)....but then I spotted these pretzels and oh boy did they sound good. Not only would it satisfy my crunchy craving they would also be a bit tangy....and apparently I had been craving that too. The ones I got are nibblers, but they have ones called pieces that I might try next....Listen to me! I've gone loony!
This is the beautiful sling that my sister-in-law made for me. Caitlin's not so sure about it....but I think that's because she's so little. I know it'll become priceless once she can sit up and we'll have so much fun in it!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Poor Caitlin

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
First Shots
We took Caitlin in for her first shots today :( .....and we both cried. I couldn't even watch the nurse give them to her! Then when we got into the car, I saw that she had tears running down her cheek!!! Poor baby girl! Now that we're home (and she nursed) we are all doing a lot better. She's all wrapped up now and drifting off into dreamland. I'm hoping she'll do well tonight and not need any Tylenol. She weighed 10lbs 13oz and is 22 inches long.......she's within the 50th percentile for everything! Thankfully, we wont have to go in again for shots until March. Oh, and her baby acne is practically gone!!!! Woo hoo!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
First nap.....
Yesterday Caitlin took her first nap in her crib!!!! I think it was more stressful for me than her since she slept for 3 hours!!!! I didn't get up that morning thinking that was going to be the day, but I desperately needed to do some organization around the house and her crib is in a central location. So I set up the monitor and put her in there. The monitor worked great! I could hear her every breath, but that didn't stop me from checking in on her about a million times! Today I have regressed....she is napping in the living room.....and tomorrow.....well, we'll just have to see about that.
P.S. - She loves the vacuum! As soon as I turned it on she stopped fussing around and was totally chill the whole time in the front pack!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
2 Months
I can't believe our baby is 2 months old today! The time has really flown by!!! She is smiling more and more each day. We've also discovered that she just loves the fish in the bedroom. We can set her in her bassinet (which is next to the fish tank) and she just smiles and kicks her little feet while watching them. Caitlin has also developed a pretty good sleep schedule, but was thrown off last night when we let her fall asleep early. This lead us to wake up at 4:30am and not get back to sleep until 8:30. On the bright side, we got our grocery shopping done at 6:30am!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Sleepy Baby
Caitlin has been practically sleeping since 9:30am!!!! She was in deep sleep when we had to leave for Nancy's house (Barb's party) which woke her up. Then she fell back asleep a half hour after we arrived....slept for about an hour....ate....and has been sleeping on and off since 4pm! We've successfully kept her awake for the last hour now.....we are going to be in for one long night I think. I'm wondering if she's coming down with something? However, when she's awake she's just fine.....super happy in fact. She's such a funny little girl.
The party was really fun. We sat at Nancy's beautiful new dining room table and had appitizers while we chatted about this and that. The twice baked baby red potatoes I made turned out really well and were devoured up......there were a few cupcakes left, but Nancy took them to a party tonight. She was in charge of dessert and since there were enough left over, it saved her a trip to the grocery store and the hassle of making a dessert after Barb's party. Oh, and how did those cupcakes taste?......(cover your eyes Dad and Aunt Donna)......fucking amazing!!!! I'd never made buttercream frosting before and boy oh boy did it go well with the chocolate cupcakes.....and the butterfly wings were awesome too! I can't wait to make more cupcakes!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hello, Cupcake
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