Caitlin went to her first doctor appointment today. It was quite chaotic. We had never been to that office before and when we walked in we were immediately overwhelmed by a blasting TV and a waiting room filled will screaming children....not to mention it was about 100 degrees in the waiting room! Anyway, Caitlin weighed 6lbs 10oz....only 1 ounce shy of her birth weight! We go back in three weeks, so it will be interesting to see how much she weighs then.
As I said on my last post, we gave Caitlin her first bath on Sunday. She was so good through the whole thing and I'm hoping she'll end up liking her baths. And as promised, here are some pictures:
1 comment:
She is so darn precious! Can't wait to finally see her in person. Your lives will never be the same, and you won't be able to imagine it without her. :)
1 comment:
She is so darn precious! Can't wait to finally see her in person. Your lives will never be the same, and you won't be able to imagine it without her. :)
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