Monday, November 17, 2008


This weekend J, K +1, and B-man came over for a visit. It was great to see them and B-man is getting to be such a big boy now. He seemed somewhat interested in Caitlin and was definitely trying to be a helpful older cousin....that'll come in handy when his little sister arrives late next month! They only stayed for one day :( but they are going to come out again for Thanksgiving which will be a lot of fun. Well, I gotta go feed little Caitlin for now. TTFN.

Don't you just love his hat!

Baby yawns are the cutest!

Awe, sweet baby girl.


Nancy Bergenske said...

So glad you had fun.... I actually have your mail. Will call soon to deliver it. :-)

Jenai said...

Aaaah! What a precious perfect beautiful little girl.

I'm finishing up your package, and will be mailing it later this week... (I'm so slow!) :)
