I believe this is the first Black Friday Dennis and I have not gone out shopping. It's kinda weird but a little nice on the other hand because we didn't have to deal with the crazy people or the incredibly long lines! Instead, Dennis and I are going to get out the Christmas decorations. He's gonna start on the outside lights and I think I'm gonna put up the tree. We usually watch a holiday themed movie while we do this, but I'm not sure which one to watch. There are so many great ones out there......especially The Family Stone and Love Actually.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
I believe this is the first Black Friday Dennis and I have not gone out shopping. It's kinda weird but a little nice on the other hand because we didn't have to deal with the crazy people or the incredibly long lines! Instead, Dennis and I are going to get out the Christmas decorations. He's gonna start on the outside lights and I think I'm gonna put up the tree. We usually watch a holiday themed movie while we do this, but I'm not sure which one to watch. There are so many great ones out there......especially The Family Stone and Love Actually.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Dennis and I are especially thankful this year. We have incredible family and friends and an adorable and beautiful baby girl. Unfortunately, J, K, and B-man were unable to make it out so it was just the three of us this year. Plus, it was the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner in this house. It was also the first time in several years that we haven't had T-dinner with J, K, and B-man which was a little weird. But since we have Caitlin, it was kinda nice having just the three of us for her first Thanksgiving.
Oh and yesterday I was able to finish everything except the yams. The cinnamon rolls turned out really good and I'm trying not to think about having one as a bedtime snack......a 3am snack possibly....that I can rationalize.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Plan

Ooooo, my sister got a TWO pound guinea pig today!!! She brought it home for Hunter and when I called, he was holding it for the first time.....he totally loves her and his dog Speedy is rather jealous I guess. Oh, and her name is Bubbles....such a perfect name for a guinea pig!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
No Good TV
Friday, November 21, 2008
Lost Button

Fever update:
Yesterday my fever came back both morning and night (pretty much when the advil would ware off) but was not accompanied by any other symptoms...thank goodness! So far today, I have been fever free and I'm hoping to stay that way.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today I woke up feeling "funny." It was like I needed to stretch a lot and my body was a bit fuzzy. That got me thinking....the last time I felt like that I got sick. Trying not to freak out, I took my temperature thinking for sure it would be just fine....well, I was wrong. It came up at 100.1 and I kinda started to freak out as I was downing some Advil to ward off a higher temp......then I called my sister. She confirmed that a "bug" has been circulating and to keep hydrated and keep breastfeeding so Caitlin can get the antibodies to what ever I have. I really hope she doesn't get sick...that'll be just so awful!
Here's hoping I get better soon!!!
Here's hoping I get better soon!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
This weekend J, K +1, and B-man came over for a visit. It was great to see them and B-man is getting to be such a big boy now. He seemed somewhat interested in Caitlin and was definitely trying to be a helpful older cousin....that'll come in handy when his little sister arrives late next month! They only stayed for one day :( but they are going to come out again for Thanksgiving which will be a lot of fun. Well, I gotta go feed little Caitlin for now. TTFN.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Target and Mervyns
Today was Caitlin's first shopping day. I was a bit nervous but she just slept through the whole thing like it was no big deal. It's one thing when you drive yourself around, but when you have precious cargo in the car, you think and drive a bit differently. I was planning on using a Snugly pack but didn't because it was so bulky on me and I couldn't fasten one of the buckles in the back. So then I had to figure out how I was going to carry her about AND shop. Target was an easy solution...I could just put her carseat in a shopping cart. But Mervyns was a bit more challenging. I could carry her, but I didn't want anyone bumping into me or anything....and then there was the whole trying to deal with my purse and payment with one hand. So I decided to use the BOB stroller at Mervyns.....and boy oh boy was that nice. That stroller can manuver around super easy...plus you can hang hangers from the handle! Soon we'll be getting a couple of baby slings from our sister-in-law, so that will increase our transportation options.
Happy Thursday!
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Caitlin went to her first doctor appointment today. It was quite chaotic. We had never been to that office before and when we walked in we were immediately overwhelmed by a blasting TV and a waiting room filled will screaming children....not to mention it was about 100 degrees in the waiting room! Anyway, Caitlin weighed 6lbs 10oz....only 1 ounce shy of her birth weight! We go back in three weeks, so it will be interesting to see how much she weighs then.
As I said on my last post, we gave Caitlin her first bath on Sunday. She was so good through the whole thing and I'm hoping she'll end up liking her baths. And as promised, here are some pictures:

As I said on my last post, we gave Caitlin her first bath on Sunday. She was so good through the whole thing and I'm hoping she'll end up liking her baths. And as promised, here are some pictures:

Monday, November 10, 2008
Going Well
We are so enjoying our new bundle of joy! She hardly cries and when she does, it is adorably sweet. We gave her her first sponge bath yesterday and she didn't mind it too much. I'll post pics as soon as I can get around to uploading them. Dennis and I are adjusting pretty well to our new sleep schedule and are establishing a good routine so far. She is definitely daddy's little girl and I LOVE watching them bond. We are just so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Caitlin Marie
Here she is! After being induced Monday night, she was born Tuesday, November 4th at 7:20pm. She weighed 6lbs 11oz and is 19.25 inches long. It was an absolutely wonderful labor and delivery. There were a few complications right as I delivered, but she is happy and healthy now. We were discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and have been relaxing at home in our own bed!!! I will post more pictures soon!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Accidental Nap
Today I had a 3 hour accidental nap. I just meant to lay down for a bit, but because of all the pillows I have to use to support my body I was SUPER comfortable and fell right to sleep. Thankfully for Dennis I woke up around 6:15 (because the heater came on and I was getting really hot).....and thankfully the dinner planned for tonight was leftovers. So sleepy eyed and barely coherent, I was able to fix Dennis a pretty good looking dinner of tri-tip, mashed sweet potatoes, and salad. For dessert (and after I woke up a bit) I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies....which he is enjoying now and hopefully won't eat too many and make himself sick. Although, I'm pretty sure he will because I haven't made him cookies in I don't know how long! Poor guy!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween!
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