Thursday, October 9, 2008

Your kidding me!

We had an OB appointment today which was pretty routine. Baby is doing just fine. She's just the right size and her heartbeat is nice and strong. The shocking part of the appointment came right at the beginning when I was weighed. Ten days ago (during my last appointment) I had gained 6oz from the previous week. Today I thought I may have gained a bit more because I have been eating more simple carbohydrates because my blood sugar levels have gotten really low several times during the last week and a half. Well I was not prepared for what the scale was about to show me.......I had gained 3 1/2lbs in 10 days!!!!!! I was shocked!....utterly shocked!!! Dennis said my face turned red and my mouth just dropped open. The nurse (whom I adore) found our reaction amusing and laughed along with us. She told us not to worry at all and that she's seen the same thing happen lots of times before. Still in complete disbelief and suffering from nervous laughter, I said that my blood pressure was probably going to be high too.....and sure enough it was! So when the doctor came in and commented on my higher than usual blood pressure, Dennis and I just could help but then we had to explain ourselves and to which the doctor replied "well, you were due to gain some weight anyway"....that made me feel a teeny tiny bit better. Let's just say I'll be holding off on those lime pops and apple pie!

1 comment:

Jenai said...

LOL... Blame it on water gain at this time of the pregnancy... *nods*... water gain. ;)

That's a hilarious story. And to make you feel (hopefully!) better, I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks on our honeymoon. Hehehehe