Saturday, October 25, 2008

Belly Pics!

Wonderful Nancy came over this morning and took some photos of my belly. There are some pretty cute ones and some pretty goofy ones.....specifically the ones of me in the middle of a laugh or sentence. It was really, really fun and I will post some long as we don't have the baby that is.

Which brings me to another story....

Yesterday during our routine NST at the hospital, they discovered protein in my pee. Well, combine that will kegs and highish blood pressure they sent off for a round of blood tests which should I was beginning to develop signs of preeclampsia. So after almost 6 hours in the hospital, they sent me home to collect my pee for 24 hours (which is all so hilarious and strange at the same time). They had me do this to check my protein levels and if they were too high, then they were going to induce me today. As you can tell (because I'm blogging today) my levels were okay and they didn't have to induce.....but all day we were thinking that this could be our last day as a couple and soon we'd be a family! My doctor has now ordered me to do 2 NST's a week and I'm cutting down the number of days I work per week from 4 to 2. They advised me to stop working all together but if she doesn't come for another 3 weeks, that's a lot of time off before hand which will reduce my time off after she's born. Truthfully, I don't see me actually making it to my due date......we're kinda hoping for a Halloween delivery.....wouldn't that be so super awesome! I just heard watermelon can cause you to go into labor.....hmmmm.....

1 comment:

shan said...

Thank-god your okay. I surely thought that I was goin to get a call today that they induced your labor. There are other ways to induce labor besides watermelon. Just watch the Friends episode THE ONE WHERE RACHEL IS LATE there are plenty of ideas in that episode!! Keep my updated!!