This is my current obsession. I have never really liked lime before, but now I crave it. I would love to drink gallons and gallons of limeade, but since that wouldn't really mesh well with my sugars I have chosen these as an alternative. Oh, and Thursday evening the docs switched me to insulin and I now give my self two shots a day.....thankfully without passing out! :)
Thursday I left school early because I wasn't feeling well and after we made a trip to L&D, we saw that I was having a few minor and irregular contractions. They said from here on out it is normal to have 4-6 contractions an hour until the day she's born. I hope that doesn't happen, but at least I know it'll be normal and we don't have to rush into L&D. Nancy said she had contractions for a solid month before her daughter was born! Yikes! On Friday we had another ultrasound and our little one is doing just fine. She's weighing in at around 5lbs 11oz.......the same weight I was when I was born!
My mother came over to visit this weekend and I packed the days full of events. We were non-stop the minute she arrived. I think the only down time we had was while I was sleeping this morning! We went to the farmer's market, baby shopping at Target and the mall, and the annual Halloween crafts fair. Then today at 1pm, my mentor teacher (Barb) threw me a wonderful baby shower!!!! Everyone from work was there plus New York Dyani. As soon as NYD emails me the pics, I will post some. We received so many ADORABLE outfits that it will be really difficult decided what she'll wear everyday! I just want to thank everyone who came and Dennis and I really appreciate all your generosity and support! And a special thank you to Barb for throwing such a beautiful shower in your beautiful home....thank you!
It was a fun shower, and all the gifts were delightful! It was fun to watch you squeal!! Also, you still look small enough for more baby growth, and you do not have cankles!
Your shower was a delight. Lots of darling outfits and lots of pink!! Happy for you and Dennis!
4 contractions an hour until she's born??? No no no... that's just not nice! Well, let's just hope/pray that she's born full term, but not LATE! ;)
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