Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wine and Tears

Don't they go hand and hand anyway? It's like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? We could go round and round about both arguments all night long. Both help you get to the center of what's going on and the tears are just plain cathartic! Yes, this is a little pep talk I am giving myself. I only half agree now. I will fully agree when this moment passes. Some of you may fall into the same category that I do, the ones who hate crying. We put it off for as long as possible until when need some sort of trigger or push (wine) to help us pass that thresh hold to let it all out into the open. This week has been a bit bumpy. First, some of you may or may not know that I've been officially diagnosed with OCD for the last 4 years. I have been on meds for it and for anxiety and such. Well, I am happy to say, I am off all meds for the first time in 4 years! Shocking what reducing the stress in one's life can do!!!! Anyway, because of this, I'm learning to handle my non-medicated self. This has left me with the "crying feelings" more frequently. It could also have to do with letting my Uniform go as well (still a good decision I hope, he's a wonderful man). Moving along, the "crying feelings" have been coming up more frequently this week with the loss of control...i.e.-having to do PE (outside...scares the living daylights out of me!, but I'm switching with another teacher so I get to stay inside), general misgivings about work from others, REPORT CARDS, and today was the zinger when I had to leave a meeting because it was too hostile....after just a few minutes! Thus, this leads me to the wine....which leads to the tears. They are really just best friends that can't stay apart ya know! Tomorrow will be better. Starting the day off with a workout and then prepping for a Swirls event for Friday. Going to kick ass as usual...tomorrow. Tonight, I'll stick with wine and tears for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your honesty and focus on such positive things in your life right now! I love you girl and I'm always right here for ya!