Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hello Again

Yes, that is a really funny movie, and like that movie I have come back to a way. A new life that I'm still trying to figure out these days. Many things have happened since my post BACK IN 2012!!!! Ridiculous, I know, to stay away for so long. However, I hope to be back more frequently these days. One major life change is the fact that I am going through a divorce. Long story short: there is someone who suits my ex better than me. Now, don't go getting all teary-eyed on me! I was born to kick ass and take names! Yes, it was heartbreaking, but shockingly, I am happy. I am learning to find my independence and I am traveling when ever I damn well please!!!! I went to Garth Brooks again!!!! And, I will be going to a 3 DAY country music fest in July. I am also going to VEGAS BABY, VEGAS!!! The kids are seeming to handle everything smoothly and I do miss their snuggles when I don't have them. Now, prepare yourself....I have joined Planet Fitness. I know, I know, I absolutely HATE exercising. I figured though, it's a better thing to do with my time when I don't have the children than sit at home with my thoughts....scary I know. Plus, I need to work off the extra whiskey calories anyway! Last thing before I leave you for the evening, and this is the most wonderful and exciting, I have started my own cupcake business called Swirls!!!!! As of now, I do events and orders. I hope to eventually have a cupcake truck!!! I launched last weekend and discovered I made WAY too many cupcakes. My next event is February 28 and I'm drastically scaling back. Also, my amazing and wonderfully amazing friend, Jenai May, decided to create my website!!!!! Thank you Jenai!!!!! It is a must see!!!! And this is where I leave you for tonight, as I will be back.

1 comment:

Rebekka Taylor said...
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