Monday, February 29, 2016
Cupcakeathon had me busy all weekend long! Quarter Craze was Friday and left me exhausted! It was a great event and Swirls did well. I'm hoping to participate in another one as soon as my schedule allows. Saturday had me restocking my supplies to prep for Redwood Acres on Sunday. Another event, but this time I just sit on my arse and people watch in between the purchases of cupcakes. This event went well too, but both left me starving because there simply isn't time to eat!....let alone pee!!!! Thus, this leads me to broccoli. I'd picked up the large bag of florets at Costco because that is what one does when they have a love affair with broccoli. And after a whole week plus without broccoli and being starved for want of cupcake money, I was so giddy to come home today and steam it up!!! I actually got butterflies in my stomach! That is when I knew, what normal person gets THAT excited over broccoli. Then I realized, I'm NOT a normal person! I kick ass and take names while saying FU, with a whiskey on the rocks in my hand! So when tomorrow comes, I will seize the day again and continue my love affair with broccoli.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Wine and Tears
Don't they go hand and hand anyway? It's like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? We could go round and round about both arguments all night long. Both help you get to the center of what's going on and the tears are just plain cathartic! Yes, this is a little pep talk I am giving myself. I only half agree now. I will fully agree when this moment passes. Some of you may fall into the same category that I do, the ones who hate crying. We put it off for as long as possible until when need some sort of trigger or push (wine) to help us pass that thresh hold to let it all out into the open. This week has been a bit bumpy. First, some of you may or may not know that I've been officially diagnosed with OCD for the last 4 years. I have been on meds for it and for anxiety and such. Well, I am happy to say, I am off all meds for the first time in 4 years! Shocking what reducing the stress in one's life can do!!!! Anyway, because of this, I'm learning to handle my non-medicated self. This has left me with the "crying feelings" more frequently. It could also have to do with letting my Uniform go as well (still a good decision I hope, he's a wonderful man). Moving along, the "crying feelings" have been coming up more frequently this week with the loss of control...i.e.-having to do PE (outside...scares the living daylights out of me!, but I'm switching with another teacher so I get to stay inside), general misgivings about work from others, REPORT CARDS, and today was the zinger when I had to leave a meeting because it was too hostile....after just a few minutes! Thus, this leads me to the wine....which leads to the tears. They are really just best friends that can't stay apart ya know! Tomorrow will be better. Starting the day off with a workout and then prepping for a Swirls event for Friday. Going to kick ass as usual...tomorrow. Tonight, I'll stick with wine and tears for now.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
I got my arse to the gym today nice and early people!!! I actually saw someone I knew who was just finishing and while I was saying hello, I realized I'm probably WAY to chipper for most people to a that time of day. It wasn't the crack of dawn or anything, but I think it was even to early for people to have their usual fake smile on, when they really just want to revert back to their sour face most likely because they haven't had enough coffee yet. Anyway, I worked out for an HOUR!!! Yes, I thought I was going to die many times, but I found a new show on Amazon Prime called Catastrophe. It is freaking hilarious! And I had to stifle my laughter several times...I mean really, I don't want to be the crazy lady laughing out loud (by herself) while she's working out! The show helps the time go by and it is not until afterward that I feel how much my butt and legs are mad at me for the work I put them through. So tomorrow morning, at the crack of dawn, I will be heading back to the gym to work out and then prepare for the first day back from vacation!!!! I checked out the showers today and they were t that bad and I didn't feel I was going to be attacked or anything, so that was a bonus! LMAO!!! Plus, I don't have to use my electricity or water! Always thinking I am! Now I'm super tired, but really thinking I should pop that bottle of sparkling peach wine that's calling my name!
Saturday, February 20, 2016
When life gives you limes....
My life gives me limes. When it does, I just make mojitos!!!! Tonight, I decided I needed to turn those limes into some mojitos....and dang, they are just so good! Part of me thinks I should have become a bartender at some point in my life. Hey, I still have a lot of life left...I can always combine it with something I love already!!!! Anyway, so what's better than freshly made mojitos? Awesome (loud) music!!!!!! Yes, so this means a (solo) dance party in my living room with the surround sound blasting!!!! You may be thinking, "Ah, how sad!", but on the contrary. This means this counts as a cardio workout! Although, Pandora was not being cooperative for awhile because she was playing some very awful (slow and sad) music...that I couldn't fast forward through! Don't worry, we're friends again. You may be asking, "What is the moral of this post?" Well, everyone always thinks life gives you lemons, but that's not true. Sometimes, it gives you limes....and you can make a very tasty alcoholic drink from them that helps your life seem just a little more palatable.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Dude Really?!?!
Yesterday I was at Verizon and the guy was trying to explain to me how I was getting a better deal by paying $122 a month (minus tax) with a new iPhone 6s and 6Gs as opposed to what I am currently paying at US Cellular for TWO lines for $126 a month (with tax) which also includes 6Gs. Odd, don't you see? Yes, I still have an iPhone 5s with USC, but STILL!!!! So, I asked the guy (or rather told him) I've NEVER had to pay for a phone for USC....EVER, and your plan is way more expensive! He said, well, your paying for roaming and being off network all the time with USC. In which I replied, no I'm not. My bill never changes. He then repeated that I would still be getting a better deal with them. Uuuuuuhhhh, DUDE!!!!! I know you work for a phone company and you have to promote them, but sometimes, just SOMETIMES, numbers DON'T LIE. Face facts man so you don't look like a complete moron! Think about the numbers!!!! Therefore, I just had to leave.....shaking my head. No Verizon for me!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
One step at a time...
I've been coming to terms with my decision about the Uniform, however slow a process that may be. But today, I really miss the way he smells. I miss his presence, his smile, and I really just want to give him a hug....and not let go for a really long time. It's just been one of those days and today made me miss him more than usual. Tomorrow I hope to return to my normal sad self that can cover anything up with my sassy self and blonde hair to boot!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Gluten Free!
As I was driving back from my hometown today, I stopped by Ashland and picked up some gluten free flours (white rice and coconut) determined to create a delicious gluten free cupcake by the end of the day. And...I think I have! I had hours really to think about it and how it should be done. What I was NOT prepared for was the actual event. Holy crap! Those flours can soak up liquid like they're living in a desert or something! Without panicking too much, I quickly added in another 1/2 cup milk, saving the first trial from a complete disaster and making vanilla cement. Trial one ended with a nicely flavored cake, but was more destined for muffin type work than cupcake. So, my brain was thinking lighter. At this point you maybe asking....Aren't you just using a gluten free recipe? Uh, no.... Like the saying goes...."Keep things simple stupid." The recipes I've come across call for adding in cornstarch and lots of different flours, not to mention gluten free versions of things. Well, (my brain said), why can't you just keep to naturally gluten free stuff, don't add weird things, and keep it simple. Not wanting to upset my brain, I agreed. Anyway, wanting to "fluffify" my cake was going to take some doing and what's fluffier than whipped egg whites??? That led to trial two cupcake that was much lighter and still tasted great. So here I'm thinking I've got it and now I'm onto trying chocolate, until my mother tells me a little secret exchange I can make in my batter that may make it EVEN FLUFFIER!!! Immediately, I knew this was it when it was in the oven! The Trial 3 cupcake using the secret ingredient in combination of the fluffed whites, had created a gluten free cake that could stand toe to toe with any regular cupcake! And now Swirls can proudly offer these amazing GF cupcakes at their next event!!!! It was really quite an evening to say the least. Time to relax and have something salty!
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Cherry Tree
So was it Lincoln or Washington that chopped down the cherry tree? This was the bet of this evening and I had JUST read a book to Caitlin and Colton about Abe Lincoln, so there was some pretty strong willed tones coming from me on the subject. However, others in the room were convinced it was Washington that chopped down the cherry tree.
Therefore, bets were made and internet could not be reached soon enough....and we were ALL wrong, so to speak. The phrase "honest Abe" has always been around, so apparently when I read the book I just made up that part up in my head about Lincoln and a cherry tree. I know it doesn't exist because I had to get the book and reread it to prove (or rather, disprove) my sassy self. Furthermore, researching Washington's side of thing also threw a wrench into the whole argument because the original author of George Washington's biography MADE IT UP!!!! But he didn't put it in until several editions later!
So who get's the money you wonder? It's a wash. The whole event never happened! But dang! I guess I need to start using some of my SFA comprehension strategies!!!! Not to mention reading some more biographies!
Saturday, February 13, 2016
And I am NOT talking sports! I finally came to the realization that I needed a more powerful (and bigger) Kitchen Aid mixer for Swirls since I have three upcoming events in the next few weeks. However, as some of you know, they don't just give these beauties away. The one I had a crush one ranged in the $450 price range. So, how can I think about spending that much on a piece of equipment? I can't....really....and I didn't. I realized I needed to sell my current mixer to help off set the cost of a new one....posted on FB and sold it in 2 hours for $100! Bing! Next, and this is the biggest SCORE.....I ended up buying the exact model I wanted from Kohls for $350 PLUS I got $70 in Kohls cash!!!!! So my cost in the end...$250!!!!! This is LESS than the Standard Kitchen Aid people!!!!! Hahahahaha! Such a freaking score!!! This is how you buy sh**!!!
Friday, February 12, 2016
Valentine's Celebrations
Every year I am faced with this beast at school. It is far worse than Halloween. Maybe it's because I have an aversion to Valentine' Day in the first place, or the fact that when you mix love cards and sugar with 20+ students, on a day close to vacation, you end up with an explosion of students that need to be put in a looney bin! So, call me a policy abiding teacher or just plain mean, but there has been, now and for as long as I can foresee, a Valentine's Day card exchange ONLY!
...with a few exceptions. I, the teacher, for loving you all these 100+ days and being ever so patient with you, will be the only one who gets candy on this day. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This worked out a little too well this year. My students got me good! And now I am left with so much chocolate I for one can't eat it all, two, I'm NOT giving it to my own children (I am not that crazy), and three, don't have the heart to throw it away (I discovered last year's stash in the Valentine's Day decorations box!). So, I suppose I will hit the gym a bit more in the next few weeks so I can enjoy that full size Butterfinger or that GIANT box of caramel filled chocolates.....Maybe next year I should ask for pencils?
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Lock this sh** down
A phrase that I thought would never come out of my mouth. And yet I'm finding more and more phrases and conversations these last few months coming out that have both shocked, delighted, and saddened me. I guess this comes with me "coming back to life." Finding new avenues to being one. I have never, before my ex, dated. So post-ex, I don't know WTF I am doing. However, I did meet a very nice man (I will refer to him as the Uniform...some will get it, other's, just go with it). It is with the Uniform that I blurted the earlier phrase, thus, embarrassing myself for ages to come. Ironically, I would never take back those words. It is usually always your gut instinct that is correct, such as when you take a test, trying to remember where you parked, etc. And even though, that is a phrase/feeling that has never come across my mind erupted like a volcano, and I could not contain it no matter the repercussions.
Well, that gut feeling I was talking about earlier? It hit awhile after I said that immortal phrase. This time, I didn't like what it was saying. It was leading me to say another, more unthinkable, phrase...."I have to let you go." This led me to have one of the worst hangovers I have ever had. I was so sad to say this to the Uniform. We'd had so many great conversations. He inspired me to begin Swirls now, instead of after I retire and helped me see how strong of a person I am. He does so many things I like and am interested in learning about. He was going to teach me how to shoot! Anyway, it was with great sadness that I had to let him go. Our timing for each other is not right, I guess you could say... Let a bird go, fly away....
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Hello Again
Yes, that is a really funny movie, and like that movie I have come back to a way. A new life that I'm still trying to figure out these days.
Many things have happened since my post BACK IN 2012!!!! Ridiculous, I know, to stay away for so long. However, I hope to be back more frequently these days. One major life change is the fact that I am going through a divorce. Long story short: there is someone who suits my ex better than me. Now, don't go getting all teary-eyed on me! I was born to kick ass and take names! Yes, it was heartbreaking, but shockingly, I am happy. I am learning to find my independence and I am traveling when ever I damn well please!!!! I went to Garth Brooks again!!!! And, I will be going to a 3 DAY country music fest in July. I am also going to VEGAS BABY, VEGAS!!! The kids are seeming to handle everything smoothly and I do miss their snuggles when I don't have them.
Now, prepare yourself....I have joined Planet Fitness. I know, I know, I absolutely HATE exercising. I figured though, it's a better thing to do with my time when I don't have the children than sit at home with my thoughts....scary I know. Plus, I need to work off the extra whiskey calories anyway!
Last thing before I leave you for the evening, and this is the most wonderful and exciting, I have started my own cupcake business called Swirls!!!!! As of now, I do events and orders. I hope to eventually have a cupcake truck!!! I launched last weekend and discovered I made WAY too many cupcakes. My next event is February 28 and I'm drastically scaling back. Also, my amazing and wonderfully amazing friend, Jenai May, decided to create my website!!!!! Thank you Jenai!!!!! It is a must see!!!!
And this is where I leave you for tonight, as I will be back.
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