Monday, March 2, 2009

Soda Thief

The soda thief is back!!! Remember back in July when someone drank my soda??? Well, today I discovered a soda missing from my stash in the bottom drawer of the staff fridge.....aarrggghh!!! So up went a sign that read:

"If you did not bring it, DO NOT eat or drink it"
next to the sign that reads:
"Food Only"

I'm not sure what the second sign is all about, but it doesn't sound good. Anyway, what kind of person takes something from a fridge that does not belong to them??? I just don't get it. I need to get one of those cameras that hunters use to get pictures of wild animals roaming about their property....then I will discover who this soda thief is!!! :)

P.S. Caitlin is doing better today. Saturday night was the hardest because she would wake up screaming due to her fever or just plain not feeling well. She's been fever free today but still is suffering from a stuffy nose and dry cough.....poor baby girl!


Jenai said...

Poor little gunky sweetie pie... And poor you!... darned soda thief! They'll pay.... *cackle* ;)

Nancy Bergenske said...

Yeah, that "Food Only" sign is weird. Some people suggested it was my cooler type lunch pail that it was referring to... I totally didn't get it. Just because my lunch pail is big, doesn't mean it doesn't contain food, but then, I don't get a lot of what goes on around there!