Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Such a big girl!

I had to remove Caitlin's play gym toys today because she keeps on rolling over and gets tangled up. Every time I tried to put her on her back, she just started to roll over again. She's becoming so squirrelly it just cracks me up. I put her to bed one way and she's turned completely sideways when I get her up the next morning!

Oh, it turns out that the girl at daycare had an allergic reaction to something and not chicken pox!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nancy Bergenske said...

1. C looks adorable rolling over... especially with the orange socks!
2. The coconut cupckes were de- lish! Thanks!
3. I am glad it wasn't chicken pox, either.... has she been immunized for that, btw?
4. I think you are FABULOUS at your job, and I completely value the work you do there. And, I know many others feel the same way I do.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaawwwwww! I can NOT believe she is old enough to do that!!! Is it possible? And those cheeks, way too adorable!!! I wanna squeeze her through the computer!!!