Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Car!

We bought a new car! I bought it over the phone yesterday on my lunch break and they trailer-ed it over here today at 1pm! We bought a 2010 Honda Fit. We have been officially looking for one since the beginning of September and no one seemed to have one. Then yesterday, someone wanted to buy Dennis's car which prompted another search by me.....and then everything just fell into place! The unfortunate this is that we had to sell Dennis's beautiful Acura. It's only a 2 door so it's not very practical. We thought it may work out, but it's pretty hard to get Caitlin in and out of and I have to sit in the back to be the most comfortable. I wish it would have worked out because it was such an awesome car and Dennis really loved it. But, I do absolutely LOVE my new Fit and Dennis likes it too (which is a good thing since he hadn't driven one until we bought ours today!).

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

It's super perky, just like you!! :-)