Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank you Grama Dea!

Caitlin received her first birthday present today! It was an aquarium with lights and sounds for her crib. I'm thinking this will come in handy when we start working with her on sleeping through the night! Caitlin loved opening up the present and did a pretty darn good job of ripping the paper! She helped her daddy take it out of the box and was extremely eager to play with it. When we attached it to her crib, she was bouncing up and down on her mattress! Oh, and I think the days of army crawling are going to be over very soon. Caitlin pretty much crawled on all fours all evening. Now she's going to be even faster than she was before!

1 comment:

Nancy Bergenske said...

What a cute present! I bet she'll love it.... Can't believe how fast she is growing up!