Friday, September 18, 2009

Uh, did today really happen?

I still look forward to my Fridays (even though I don't have them off anymore) because I get to stay in the same room all day with the same group of kids. However, it kinda back fired today and I felt I was trapped in with them! We had beautiful, super sunny weather and they must have all had a bowl full of sugar and a triple shot espresso for breakfast! I think we only got 1 page of math done even though we had worked on in for 45 minutes! It was a whirl of a day with crazy behavior and then at the end of the school day I wondered if I had imagined in all. Thank goodness my sister sent me flowers (in the shape of a cupcake!) and balloons around lunch time....which completely made my day. I think it was that delivery which got me through the day. Thanks Brenda!

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