These are the last hours of my 20's. Tomorrow I move to a new 30's. I am spending it eating freshly popped kettle corn (not microwave) on the couch with Dennis. We were going to watch a PPV movie, but found out that our receiver is broken and will need to be replaced. It's not going to happen though. In order to replace it, we would loose everything we have recorded on it. It's too high of a price to pay to be able to watch Dish on Demand it'll stay broken.
As it is a beginning of a new decade for me, it is also the beginning of new adventures for Caitlin. She started off the morning by helping daddy put away the dishes in the dishwasher. Then we went the North Country Fair and farmer's market. Caitlin enjoyed two different bands play along with all the people watching. She had her first ice cream cone (thanks to daddy) and she ended up grabbing a fist full of it....twice! Thank goodness we were outside! Tonight she tried halibut for the first time and loved it! Dennis also made her her first fort out of the couch cushions. It was so cute watching her bring toys from the outside world into her to come soon.
Bye bye 20's! I will miss you.
Hehe. I'm still in that 20's box. I swear that kid keeps getting bigger bigger when you post pictures!!
Happy Birthday from the Taylor's of Redding. We love you even though you are old. Love, US
My 30's were the happiest years of my life so far! Enjoy them!
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