Today I declare day 1 of weaning Caitlin. I decided I needed a scope and sequence for this undertaking as I work better with a plan versus fly by the seat of my pants. After much thought, and help from friends, family, and books, I have a plan....or at least a vision of a plan. I will begin this adventure (as I did tonight) by omitting all nursing during the day and replace it with sippy cups of breastmilk. I chose these feedings to begin with because I think Caitlin will miss these and notice the lack of these the least. It actually worked tonight too!!! She was all ready to nurse and was trying very hard to position herself better. Instead of giving into her adorable self, I gave her a sippy cup of milk and she gulped it up no problem! Then I thought for sure she'd still want to nurse after that, but she didn't even try! The whole thing didn't even phase her! Another detail of my plan includes rocking her back to sleep when she wakes up for the first time around 11pm. This, I'm not too sure of. I tried it last night and it worked pretty well, so we'll see how it goes tonight. I'm not in too big of a hurry to start eliminating night time feedings since I'm just starting to replace her day time nursing.
This all means that my breast pump and I will becoming even closer than before....oh joy! However, I have already given Caitlin combo bottles of breastmilk and formula and she doesn't seem to mind a, if my pump and I can't continue a loving and caring relationship, I know Caitlin will be just fine with formula and I'm not a bad mom because of it. :)
Wish us luck!