That's all Caitlin had to endure at her 9 month check up! She gained 1lb 11oz and now weighs 15lbs 11oz which puts her in the 5th percentile for weight. As for height, she is 26 inches long which falls within the 10th percentile. I think she may be a little thing :) The doctor was impressed with what and how much she eats. She told us to take advantage of it while it lasts! Caitlin has also started "talking." It sounds like she's either saying "bottle" or "bye-bye." Really, it's just a variation of "ba ba." So far she can say the following sounds: k, b, f, v, and sometimes I think I hear L. Dennis and I are both stressing the m and d sounds in hopes that she'll say "ma ma" or "da da." In due time, in due time.
A few days ago we started working on reducing the night time feedings. We changed up her bedtime routine so that I feed her before putting her in the bath and then down for bed. So far it has worked flawlessly. I'm not sure what middle of the night feeding we're working on next, but it'll definitely have to happen during a weekend. Maybe Dennis and I will make a movie marathon out of it. That way we won't have a hard time falling asleep each time we let her cry it out. Hmmmm.
Well, it's off to my Bejeweled Blitz addiction. I played for almost 3 hours the other day!
1 comment:
Did she eat her bandaid?
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