Caitlin wanted to thank Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Kelly for the jean package! Although, I think Aunt Kelly had a little more involvement since I'd oooood and ahhhhd over those jeans when we went on our shopping spree together :) Thank you very much you two are always so thoughtful!
Today, as a staff, we went over our new language arts program with two representatives from the company. Although it would have been nice if it happened earlier, many things were demystified and clarified. The bummer thing is that I couldn't find one of the teacher's editions to work on over the weekend. Oh well, I'll just have even more homework the first day of school. And I felt like having a panic attack at school today. I found out that this is my year to be evaluated again. I absolutely hate the process and get so super stressed and nervous about the whole thing! I know it's silly, but it just freaks me out! I think this year I'm going to ask my principal to sit to the side of me where I can't see him.....that might help a bit.....argh!!!!!
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