Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4 Ounces!

Today Caitlin drank a record breaking 4 ounces!!! Shocking, I know! I hope she does the same tomorrow too. She has a doctor appointment on Thursday for a weight check so I hope she starts to eat well at daycare this week.

As for me, it was a rather blah day. Yes, I had a wonderful night of sleep thanks to Caitlin only getting up twice, but work felt like work today. Not sure why and I hope tomorrow isn't the same. So now I'm enjoying by Ben and Jerry's Triple Caramel Chunk while I listen to Dennis give Caitlin a bath.....A nice way to end a rather blah day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Family Visit

Take the picture already! We're outta here!

Aunt Cindy, Brady, and Uncle Dennis....why so sad B-man?

Uncle Dennis, Aunt Cindy, and Miss Maddie

Aren't they adorable. Kelly discovered she had duplicate outfits, so we had to use it as a photo op of course!

We arrived back home from visiting family. It was a whirlwind trip! We left around 6:30am yesterday morning and got back into town today a little after 5pm. We headed to my dad's house first and then over to my sister's for a belated birthday party. We had BBQ pork ribs, pasta salad, and pie......super yummy! Then we left to go see J, K, B-man, and Miss Maddie. It's always so fun when we get the kids together. This morning we went to Turtle Bay for the first time. J and K have a membership and the B-man LOVES to go there often. It was a lot of fun and we had a blast showing Caitlin all the cool things. Dennis's dad and Kathleen met us there too. They haven't seen Caitlin for a while, so they were excited to see her. One of the best unexpected delights at Turtle Bay was the art exhibit. There were beautiful oil paintings and pieces by Jackson Pollack. We got to watch the giantnormous fish get fed and checked out the awesome gecko exhibit. While the boys were getting us some much needed coffee, we watched the B-man squeal with delight as he chased butterflies in the park. I don't remember the last time I'd seen so many butterflies at once! I think Caitlin had a good time during our visit. I have to say, she does travel pretty well. She didn't sleep as much as last time. Instead, she played with her favorite blue elephant and sucked her thumb.

Cousin Hunter

Auntie Brenda and Caitlin

Grandma Dea and Caitlin

Me, Caitlin, Grandma Chi-Sai, and Papa

I hope your weekend was as good as ours!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Open House

Caitlin made her first official appearance tonight at Open House. Normally, absolutely no one stops by my room. I just sit at my kidney shaped table anxiously awaiting the arrival of well........anyone. But no one so much as pops their head in. Tonight was a whole other story. Parents and students alike were all too excited to stop in and see cute little Caitlin Marie. Most of the time she was a happy little camper.....then she cried and fell asleep. Many of the kids walking by my room stopped and said "Hey, there's Mrs. Taylor's baby!" and not "Oh, there's Mrs. Taylor".....it was all about Caitlin.....and why shouldn't it be :) I should have taken a picture of her in her outfit, but silly me forgot and now she's sleeping soundly. I hope she'll sleep better than she has the last two nights.....it's like she's a newborn again. Brenda (my sister) thinks that she's probably going through a growth spurt since she's like a little barracuda every time she gets up to eat. Silly baby.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mean Mommy

Mean mommy made Caitlin cry.....and daddy made it all better. Tonight when I was feeding Caitlin her cereal, she grabbed the spoon and started chewing on it. Well, I decided to take it away from her (to give her more cereal of course) and she did not like that one bit! She started crying and crying and she stayed that way for a good 15 minutes or so until daddy came home and gave her a spoon. She pretty much calmed right down and I was able to snap the picture above. I guess mean mommy shouldn't take away the spoon next time. :)

Cookie Heaven

I'm in cookie heaven!!!!!!! A wonderful seventh grader came through for me......and delivered girl scout cookies yesterday!!!!!! It totally made my day!!!! If I stash them in the freezer or cookie jar, I'm most likely to forget about them (you know, out of sight, out of mind). Okay, it's not like I'll completely forget about them...we are talking about girl scout cookies here....but I'm more likely not to eat them every second of every day if they are behind a door or under a lid, for instance. Dennis and I share the Samoas and the Tagalongs, but the Thin Mints are all mine! It's really because Dennis doesn't like chocolate and mint together....crazy I know.

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Ben and Jerry's!!!!

I just got an email (or rather "Chunk Mail") from Ben and Jerry's announcing new flavors!!!!! One is peanut butter cookie dough! So I marched right out to our local Safeway to buy some up. Sadly, they didn't have any new flavors! I drove hopefully around the corner to the little store only to be let down once again. Instead, I settled on an ice cream sandwich for Dennis and a coffee ice cream bar for me.....good, but definitely not Ben and Jerry's.

Caitlin slept so well last night! She only woke up twice and I'm really hoping tonight will be a repeat. For the past several days we have been giving her cereal and it seems that every day she eats more and more of it. Tonight she actually made sucking sounds while she was eating it.....super funny!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Brenda!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister Brenda!!!! She is ALWAYS there for me no matter how many times I call and just blab and blab. I hope you have a wonderful day dude!


.....is the word of the day. Such a strange word. Such a strange bread. Was that the guy's name who invented that bread or was that an ingredient which classified it as pumpernickel? All I know is two things: 1) it's a fun word to say and 2) the name and flavor match....truly odd.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Panic

I am afraid since I was on maternity leave I missed the Girl Scout cookie season! This is just tragic! I've seen only one troop out side of a store and heard about others.....but I haven's seen anyone at my school with the little forms or anyone talking about them either!!!! So Thursday I decided to to some investigative work. I put the word out that I am in the market for some cookies. Kris (the 4th grad teacher) told me she over heard some girls talking about selling the cookies. I told her to find out more about it and then I also went to one of the girl's homeroom teacher to tell him to tell her, I NEED SOME ASAP!!!! Actually, I don't NEED them. In fact, I shouldn't even get them, but I do LOVE them. Last year when they arrived I had morning sickness and anything sweet made me sick.....therefore, I couldn't eat them! Now, I'm going through withdrawals and the Ace of Cakes episode I watched last night about giant Girl Scout cookie cakes didn't help either!!!

Oh, I finally finished reading "Secret Life of Bees" last night. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to watching the movie.....even though there is a 9 out of 10 chance I will be disappointed by it. The movie usually never lives up to the book. That is why if I really want to read the book and enjoy the movie too, I will watch the movie first and then read the book. It works pretty well I must say. Now I am reading "Wishful Drinking" by Carrie Fisher. It reads pretty quickly and is definitely a different writing style than I'm used to.....a nice change I think. I have so many other books I want to read and it just takes me forever to get through them since I had Caitlin. I would love to read "The Other Boleyn Girl" again....but it's a VERY long book. I think I'll stick to the unread books on my shelf first.

Happy Saturday

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Such a big girl!

I had to remove Caitlin's play gym toys today because she keeps on rolling over and gets tangled up. Every time I tried to put her on her back, she just started to roll over again. She's becoming so squirrelly it just cracks me up. I put her to bed one way and she's turned completely sideways when I get her up the next morning!

Oh, it turns out that the girl at daycare had an allergic reaction to something and not chicken pox!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leprechauns, Chicken Pox, Cereal, and Milk

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! I played a leprechaun in Nancy's class today. I did it last year too and it is sooooo much fun. I hide a pot of gold, mess with leprechaun traps, and sprinkle glitter everywhere! The kids love it and get even more excited when they find other little things the "leprechaun" did days later. I made coconut cupcakes for the teachers today and they were very yummy!!!!

Chicken Pox
Yesterday Caitlin was exposed to chicken pox. It may take up to two weeks for her to develop symptoms, but thankfully, I don't think she came in direct contact with the girl....so I think we're should be okay.

What a big girl! Last night we gave Caitlin cereal for the first time!....and she didn't hate it! Since she hasn't been taking a bottle at daycare the doc said we probably should start her on cereal early so that she at least eats something during the day. So last night we decided to give it a try. We'll probably give her a little bit every night and then if she's still not taking the bottle after her doctor appointment on April 2, we'll switch her to cereal while she's at daycare.

She drank an incredible 2 ounces today!!!! Here's hoping for tomorrow!

Crib update:
Last night went much better than the night before for everyone. I only had to get up with her 3 or 4 times rather than every hour or two. She did sleep with us at one point only because her little hands were so cold. We keep the house pretty warm and even turned it up a degree since we moved her to her crib, but her little hands get so cold during the night. I'm not sure how to remedy that yet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Caitlin's Crib

Last night Caitlin slept in her crib for the first time....and of course I slept in the bed next to her crib. We both didn't get that much sleep. I got a maximum of a 2 hour stretch this morning while she pulled a whopping 3 hours! I'm hoping tonight will go a little better. I'm sleeping in my room tonight so I won't stay up all night listening to her to make sure she's still breathing. I really hope it works because we both need a good night sleep! :) Well, it's off to brush my teeth and take out my contacts and then my favorite part......bed! Tootles!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


The reality of loosing my job finally hit me today as Dennis and I were coming home from Target and I began to cry. The thought of having to clean out my classroom and for someone else to use it instead (for whatever reason) makes me sick to my stomach. I really love my job and I worked so hard to get it. I've invested so much of my time in that school district and now it could all be meaningless. I don't know what I'm going to do. Sure we'll have to sell the house, but that's not what upsets me. It's that fact that I feel like my position at school is not valued and that the teachers and students will be fine without me....without my services. Which makes me wonder if I'm making a difference at all.....if I am really good at my job. It makes me so sad.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sick Family

Aren't we so sad? I think Caitlin is the saddest. To tell the truth, it was so hard for me to not smile....I barely got this pout out. Thankfully, we are all feeling much better now. Caitlin tried sleeping in her bassinet again last night and it went pretty well.....and now she's taking a nap in her crib...woo hoo! Dennis got a new game this weekend, "Resident Evil 5," and he's trying to beat it this weekend. He was up until 4am playing it and has been in the theater room since 10am.....with occasional visits to the bathroom and a tiny break to eat lunch. Caitlin and I would watch him play, but I just can't stand zombies so I stay in the living room and catch up on my DVR shows. It's a win win for everybody!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Patient of the Day

That's right! Caitlin Marie was patient of the day! It was time to get shots again and she didn't even cry! She didn't even make a sad face when it happened! I thought the nurse was taking a long time to give it to her and when I turned my head to look she was already done! What a sweet baby girl!!...and still sick to boot! We have to go back in 3 weeks to do another weight check. She weighed 12lbs 2oz (3 less than earlier this week) and measured 23 1/2 inches. Even though she lost weight and refuses to take a bottle during the day, she still is measuring within the normal range. The doc did say that if she continues to refuse the bottle, we should start her on cereal earlier than 6 months....and only at daycare. The rest of the time she would breastfeed. And soon she could start drinking from a sippy cup if we wanted to try that route as well. Isn't she just so funny!

Today I got my pink slip at work. It really is a bummer but I knew it was coming. I know at least 20% of my job will be cut and now there is a good chance that the other 60% will be too. I won't know anything more until May which kinda really sucks. So far I'm okay mentally. It'll probably hit me within the next day or so.....no wonder they give them at the end of the week!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Should I?

I wasn't planning on teaching summer school this year, but after talking about it today, I just might. Financially, it would be a decent idea even taking the cost of daycare into consideration....but I did tell daycare Caitlin wouldn't be there during the summer so there is a chance her spot is taken during that time....something I have to check into. Plus, Nancy wants to teach summer school this year which would make it super fun and we would be able to collaborate which I would love....she has awesome ideas! The one hang up I thought about was a theme. Normally I have a theme picked out a year in advance, but since I didn't think I was going to teach I had nadda. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks!!! The theme would be "Memories." As I was leafing through some papers, I came across a project I've been wanting to do with my GATE class. It's a memory book that takes quite a bit of time to do, but I just don't have the time per week to work on it with GATE and that's when I thought it would be a perfect project for summer school. It can be tailored for all three grade spans, plus the junior high could read "The Giver" which is all about that. It's brilliant!!!!!!! Now I'm kinda jazzed about summer school.....so should I just go for it and teach it again?....or do I really want to deal with all prep work again? I guess I just have to mull it around for a while.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sinus Infection

Poor Dennis has a sinus infection! Last night he went to urgent care because he was still feeling horrible and couldn't get rid of his fever. The doc gave him antibiotics, so hopefully he will start to feel better soon. In the meantime, it's nothing but rest for him.....doctor's orders! :) I also to Caitlin to the doctor yesterday. She still has a horrible cough and is incredibly stuffed up. The doc said she could have this cold for up to 2 weeks! Oh my! The only way she can stay sleeping without coughing every 5 minutes is by sleeping with us. Needless to say, I haven't had very much sleep and my neck is a bit out of whack. Tonight she doesn't sound so phlegmy (don't you just love that word) but her voice is pretty darn horse. Poor baby girl.

Daycare is going pretty darn well. Today she actual ate an ounce of milk!....it was just dripped into her mouth, but still it's a step forward! Woo hoo! I'm hoping she'll realize that good things really can come from a bottle.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Little Thumbsucker Part 2

Caitlin's little thumb sucking habit has paid off! Since she's been sick, she's been crying more than usual but thanks to her new little habit, she is able to calm herself down. All we have to do is stick her little thumb in her mouth and she's good to go!!! In fact, she's no longer sleeping swaddled because she wants to suck her thumb. She used to wake up when she found it but now it puts her back to sleep! Woo hoo!!!

Oh and BTW, I've come down with a cold now too...I'm hoping I don't get as bad as Caitlin or Dennis....keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

She did it!

So this morning at approximately 7:30am Caitlin rolled over from her back to her tummy!!!! I knew she was going to do it soon! She was working really hard at it and it was so funny. Her arm was the biggest obstacle to over come....she had to get a bit of momentum going in order to get it unstuck from under her. I'll get a video of it as soon as possible.

Today was the day we were going to head over to Redding to celebrate Brady's birthday. Unfortunately, Dennis woke up with a 101.4 fever!!! It's not surprising since he went to bed last night feeling a little "funny."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

4 Months Old Today!!!

Wow!!! Four months old today! Time has just flown by. Caitlin is really trying hard to roll from her back to her tummy....it might be any day now!!! :) When I got home today, Dennis had already taken her 4 month picture and made me a very sweet card (pictured below).....and yes, it did make me cry. Her nose is draining today and hopefully she'll sleep better tonight. We had another rough night but Dennis and I took turns so we each got chunks of sleep throughout the night which was nice.
Well, I'm off to make dinner while our little darling is sleeping! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Soda Thief

The soda thief is back!!! Remember back in July when someone drank my soda??? Well, today I discovered a soda missing from my stash in the bottom drawer of the staff fridge.....aarrggghh!!! So up went a sign that read:

"If you did not bring it, DO NOT eat or drink it"
next to the sign that reads:
"Food Only"

I'm not sure what the second sign is all about, but it doesn't sound good. Anyway, what kind of person takes something from a fridge that does not belong to them??? I just don't get it. I need to get one of those cameras that hunters use to get pictures of wild animals roaming about their property....then I will discover who this soda thief is!!! :)

P.S. Caitlin is doing better today. Saturday night was the hardest because she would wake up screaming due to her fever or just plain not feeling well. She's been fever free today but still is suffering from a stuffy nose and dry cough.....poor baby girl!