Happy birthday to my baby brother!!!...although, most people wouldn't consider 28 years old a baby anymore, but he will always be my baby brother in my eyes! Unfortunately he has a cold right now and has to work on homework.....so I hope he gets well soon and enjoys his cheesecake!

Happy (day after) Valentine's Day! I made pulled pork sandwiches (a first for me) and they were awesome. Since I didn't have a working KitchenAid, we had ice cream for dessert. Then we hung out and watched Smart People. But the sweet thing is....Dennis got me a KitchenAid today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have big plans for it tonight...first biscuits, for biscuits and gravy, then cookies for Dennis!!!!!

Aren't they sweet! And if you look closely, you can see Caitlin sucking her thumb!!!! Daddy has been helping her with this lately.....and it's completely adorable!!!!!
Pulled pork is big 'round these parts :-)
I would love to have a KitchenAid...maybe one day.
Hope all is well.
So glad you got a new Kitchen aid.. don't forget to run it 6 minutes a week! And, C is adorable sucking her thumb... it's totally worth it despite the later expense of braces!
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